Jinx Breaker
It was her mother that suggested a
change of fortune through marriage
Her mother had a friend, they were
members of the same fraternity
He was a very rich man and he was
already married to three wives
He built a house for each of his wives
and each wife raised their own children
independent of the others
The entire family meet in his mansion
only three times a year
On his birthday, on New Year's day and
on their annual family reunion with
other members of the extended family
which he hosts
His business ran into some trouble
He ran to her mother for help
Her mother did everything in her power
to help him survive that lean season
After he had successfully navigated that
dry season, he returned to her mother
to say Thank you
Her mother told him what she wanted
"I want you to marry my daughter and
set her up as you did your other
He couldn't say no
Even though he really didn't want to
marry a woman who was already married
It was a code of their fraternity
"If you save me during my lean season,
I will rescue you during your dry season"
Their father was a pastor
Their mother was a witch of sorts,
a power broker within their community
that many attributed her power and
influence to witchcraft and other forms
of spiritual manipulation
Her father and mother parted ways after
fifteen years of marriage
In that fifteen years, their mother was
an ideal pastor's wife for fourteen
When their mother's mother was about
to die
She sent a message to their mother
Their mother hurried home to be with
her mother for the last three days of her life
After the death and burial of their mother's
Their mother refused to return to Lagos
She didn't really
give a reason
It was generally believed that she had
inherited her late mother's powers and had
been initiated into her late mother's cult
She abandoned their father and her five
children in Lagos
Two years after she abandoned them,
she remarried a very influential chief in t
heir town and was immediately made a
chief in the town
She rose to prominence just like that and
started hobnobbing with royalty and
Their father was not exactly poor but
none of the children could ignore the rise
of their mother from obscurity into the
It was after her rise that she reached out
to the children and tried to form a sort of
bond with them again
Their father warned all of them at the time
in a subtle way that their mother was not
the same Sunday School teacher they
grew up with but he didn't come out to
tell them plainly
that their mother had become a Yeye Orisha
The priestess of a deity and someone held
in high regard by the traditional and
mundane leaders of the society
She was already a born again Christian at
the time
She sensed the change
Their other siblings sensed it too and they
all kept
their mother at a distance but her older
sister didn't really understand why they
shouldn't relate with their mother
Their mother was beautiful and rich and
full of good gifts
They all grew and got married
Her sister had a boy, followed by a set
of twins
Her marriage was seven years when
their mother sent a message to her to
leave Lagos and see her at their town
Her sister traveled to their town
immediately and never returned
She met their mother
Their mother introduced her to her new
rich husband who had a house and cars
waiting for her and she just moved in
with him
Her husband was left with three children
He began to make frantic calls and efforts
to get his wife back
Everybody told him it was not ordinary
He went to meet with spiritualists and
He was advised to leave things be
He was told his wife had
been initiated into a cult as the successor
of her mother and if he probed too much
he might die
That was the end of the marriage
Her sister's husband accepted his fate
and decided to raise the children alone
When their father sent for him, he told
him it was a repeat of what
happened to him and advised her sister's
ex-husband to do everything in his power
to take the children out of the country so
that their mother would not end up
initiating them as she had been initiated
It seemed the initiation process had a
pattern they had figured out and it was
best to be proactive than to expect the
children to know better by themselves
Her sister's ex-husband was an
He was working with a textile company
at the time
He was not exactly poor but he was not
rich either
He began to save heavily towards
relocating himself and his children abroad
He had a son and two daughters
His primary concern was for his daughters
He seriously didn't want them to be pulled
into any cult
While he saved, he prayed and ensured that
the children attend church services
He was also constantly on the lookout for
powerful and anointed men of God who could
intervene for him and his children against the
forces of witchcraft
He planned to remarry but every attempt failed
His wife's father told him he had tried very
hard to remarry too but somehow all the
ladies he met took to their heels
after a few weeks with him
His wife's father said he had assumed it was
because he was a poor pastor saddled with
five children
What woman would want to marry such a
huge liability but this was not the case
with her sister's ex
He was thirty-seven years old (His wife
was thirty five when she left)
He was still young and gainfully employed
enough to attract a good partner and he
did but none of them stayed with him for
more than two weeks
After the second week, they just sort of
disappeared without giving him any form
of explanation whatsoever
He knew it was not ordinary, but he was
powerless to do anything about it
Just like their father, their sister's husband
remained single despite all his efforts at
getting a new mother for the children
He also went to court to file for divorce
but he got three visitors the day after he
approached a lawyer to proceed with the
divorce who warned him to
desist from dissolving the union if he
hoped to live long enough to see his
children become adults
The visitors didn't come together
They didn't even know each other
One was a senior colleague at his office,
the other was the pastor of the church
he was attending at that time and
the third was his mother
They all suddenly saw something or felt
something would go seriously wrong if
he continued with the process
His ex's father also went through the
same process
It felt as if he was caged
The last straw was the traveling thing
When he got enough money, they
started the process
He didnt tell anybody, not even his
father in law and other relatives because
he had learned that whatever information
he ventured forth always turned things
against him
They got a visa to travel to the UK
By that time he was sure they had
broken through
He told his children the good news
His first daughter sent a mail to their
mother on a Tuesday morning to say
They left the house very early on
Thursday for the airport
When they got to the check-in counter,
they were pulled aside
Checks and calls of all sorts started
it was eventually concluded that their
visa was fake because it was not
scanning on their system
He showed them the ticket, the embassy
appointment proof and so on
They denied them the right to board
That was the moment he realized there
was no escaping the reach of his wife and
her fetish influence
Three days after they were sent home
from the airport, he drove to his ex's
younger sister's house and asked her if
she could help him mind the children
for the day
The children were aged nine, seven and
five at the time
He said he had sold off many of his
belongings because they were traveling
They had stayed in a hotel for two days
trying to resolve the visa issue but when
he realized it won't be resolved he
needed to rent another house and make
new arrangements
That was why he brought them to her
She took them in and wished him
good luck
Later in the evening, when he returned
to her flat to pick up the children, she
offered him dinner
Right in the middle of his meal he started
to cry
He had suffered from a series of setbacks
that couldn't be explained
He was hoping to travel abroad and
escape the wicked clutch of his ex-wife
He had not resigned from his job
(Thank God!) but he had logged off
mentally and had his heart set on a new
He simply couldn't believe the level of
misfortune that had visited him since
her sister left
She asked him if he would like to
become a born again believer who is
filled with the Holy Ghost
He was raised as a nominal Christian
and had been told many unflattering
things about the Holy Spirit
She told him she was born again from
secondary school and that was why
she was the only one her mother's
powers do not work on in anyway
She explained to him how she was the
only one to have been happily married
and seemed to have her life worked
out unlike her siblings who were all
Her mother's sibling were the same
way since her mother joined the cult
Only the member of the cult prospered
in both generations apart from her
She was the one everyone runs to and
that was basically why she was the
one he thought of too when he
needed help
It made sense to him
It was as if there were two dominant
forces in that family
His ex/her mother and her
He fell on his knees and
asked her to lead him to Christ
The three children did the same
She led them to Christ and got them
filled with the Holy Ghost
They prayed in the spirit until well
past midnight
Almost five hours of unrestrained and
undirected worship in the spirit
The next morning, he left her
house rejoicing
The following Monday, he got promoted
at work to the position of financial
controller for the group of companies
Six months later he met Monisola, a
young widow
She was a banker who worked directly
with him when he was an accountant
They never saw each other that way
He married her in January 2020
His ex-wife had refused to have anything
to do with him and the children since
they received the baptism of the Holy
Monisola delivered a baby boy on the
1st of April, 2021
The season of celebration was ushered
back in by the power of the Holy Spirit
PS: Dont be a powerless Christian
You have a legal Union with God through
Jesus when you gave your life to him
You also have a vital union with God
through the Holy Spirit
The vital union is a must for you to walk
in victory
The Holy Spirit is your helper
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