The day she started teething
Her mother noticed something very unusual
She quickly called her father
"Please come and see what I am seeing"
Her father opened her mouth and shook his head
"What manner of child was this?"
Her father carried her to the elders of their compound,
"What can we do to stop this growth?"
The elders observed the child critically
The two upper front teeth were clearly visible
The natural pattern of teething for every child is for the two front teeth to break out from the lower gums
But in her case the two front teeth broke out from the upper gum
This made the child a powerful child by tradition
According to legend, anything the child said would come to pass!
The most damning aspect of it, was that such children did not live long
Her mother begged the elders to help her
This was her sixth child and the only one that had survived the 30 day mark
All her previous pregnancies had resulted in stillbirths
The elders weighed their options
It was rare to find a child who would grow the upper teeth first
It was equally true that some of the children grew up to be normal children
But there were one or two instances in which such children wrecked untold havoc on communities and families
If such a child pronounces a curse, regardless of its target, such a curse came to pass immediately
Such a child was feared even by witches, herbalists and wizards because there was no remedy to whatever they proclaim.
Even the child cannot take back a curse once it has been proclaimed
The only way to know if the potency of the two front teeth of every child was to wait until the child started losing his or her milk teeth
If the two front teeth went the way of the other milk teeth, the teeth was not a problem but if the teeth refused to fall out with the other milk teeth, it was the real one!
Angry mothers had been known to coach and incite such children into pronouncing curses on kings and kingdoms to devastating effect
To be on the safe side, such a child must be put to death!
Her mother begged
Her father begged
Tears flowed!
The elders gave them an option
Take this child far away from us
"Cross as many rivers as you could, relocate!"
They were given a month to move away from the community
They had no option!
One of the elders visited them that evening
He counselled them not to tell anybody in the community they would be relocating to that the child had grown two upper teeth first
They were also counselled not to go to any herbalist, shaman or spiritualist to seek an antidote to the power of the child because more often than not, the herbalist would covet the two front teeth and could kill the child to get it
The teeth were an essential and rare ingredients required to make some potent charms
They left very early the next day
They resolved to stay somewhere far away from friends and relatives until all the child’s teeth had grown, so that people wouldn’t notice that the child had grown the two upper teeth first!
Their plan worked
They stayed in a foreign land for twenty five years
The husband worked as a labourer in a farm while the wife worked as a petty trader
When the child was eight years old and began to lose her milk teeth, the two front teeth remained solid!
Her parents paid attention after that, urging her never to curse or swear
As soon as the child graduated from high school, she told her parent she would like to a tailor
She was immediately enrolled as an apprentice to a successful tailor in their town
She learnt a lot from the ladies around her and her mistress
She learnt about love and how it could make or break a woman
She had kept away the opposite sex for many years, but it was time to test the ropes
Her first boyfriend was a baker
He was a nice guy who was really interested in her development, but he had tribal marks and spoke in a very funny way.
She was not proud of him
Often times, she would visit him at the bakery in the night when people wouldn’t see them together! She never paid him a visit unless she was broke and in need of some quick cash
After some months, she left him, "if one would eat a frog, it is better to eat the one with eggs"
She met another guy, a carpenter! He had a stable income, dressed well and spoke in a more refined way. But he was a womanizer!
Almost all the ladies selling carpentry materials, tailors, bread hawkers, cleaners and so on shamelessly parade themselves as his girlfriend.
He slept with whomsever he wanted, whenever he wanted!
She couldn’t join that long queue
Then she met and fell in love for the first time!
He was a student!
He just finished his OND and he had a bright future!
He was undergoing his Industrial Training at an engineering firm.
They met one day at the bus stop.
It was late in the night
A bus came, but it was filled up and had space for only one more passenger
He offered to wait for the next bus
She asked if he would prefer to sit and carry her on his laps
He agreed
It was a pleasant ride for her
They alighted at the same bus stop
He showed him his house and walked her home
The next day she was at his house early in the morning, waiting by the gate
There wasn’t much talk, there oughtn’t be, it was natural!
He was very serious minded and hardworking
They had been together for five months when she noticed that another girl was somehow lurking in the shadows
She asked him who the girl was
He told her the girl was just a neighbor
She told him the girl looked at her somehow whenever she visited
He laughed it off!
A week later, she met the girl on her way to his house
The girl hissed at her, called her "an husband snatcher”.
The girl: Don’t think you are anything to him anymore, he came to toast me! I am the item on the menu now! You are his past and I am his present! Get that into your head”
The lady was very confrontational and saucy
She decided not to make a scene, but she was highly embarrassed and hurt
She met him at home and asked him if there was anything between him and the girl
He denied it
She asked him again “Did you “toast” that girl? (Meaning, did he ask her out)
He denied it again
She looked straight into his eyes and pronounced a curse
“If you sleep with another lady apart from me, you will never make it in life”
She forgot that in one of their lovey-dovey moments, she had spilled her guts like Samson! She had told him the circumstances surrounding her birth and why her parents had to live so far from friends and family members
He couldn’t believe she cursed him!
Then she took the curse a notch higher!
"If you had ever toasted that girl or slept with her. May it never be well with you!"
He got angry!
“Why were you cursing me? Are we married? Are you my wife? I am not longer interested in the relationship! Take back that curse.”
She laughed!
“I will not take the curse back! What I have said, I have said!”
He slapped her
She slapped him back
It became a scuffle
They were in his tiny room
A student’s typical room
His stove and kitchen cupboard on one side
His clothes and shoes on another
Books scattered here and there
She was stubborn
He was mad
He got hold of a knife
They struggled for it
The knife cut her in the hand
Yet she fought on, cursing him more and more under her breathe
The knife cut her in the leg
She bit him
He stabbed her in the heart!
She died!
The neighbors called the police
He was arrested
Ps: This even happened in Ondo in 2017
Was it her curse that came to pass so effectively in the young man's life?
Nobody knows!
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