Know The Word
Except and unless you know what the Word is,
you won’t know what to expect from it or
what to use it for.
You can’t have a general concept of the Word.
You can’t afford to live on assumptions;
most people live on assumptions because they were
brought up to think in a general way.
*What is the Word?*
The Word is that message from God that reveals
or communicates His works, will, thoughts,
plans purposes and pursuits, to bring men
into, or promote fellowship with Him in love.
It’s His message of truth with the content
and power to build His image into the life
of the hearers; its content is the embodiment
of Christ’s revelations, provisions, perfections
and instructions.
It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction and training
in righteousness.
There was nothing normal about Jesus;
why should we as Christians accept the normalcy
of imperfection and uncertainty?
A normal life is one without a purpose -
a journey to nowhere.
What does the Word say? You must first know
what the Word is, so that you can measure up
what you hear with the Word, if it’s inconsistent,
you drop it!
If you don’t think right about Christianity,
you’d be superimposing your life on others unconsciously.
Find out for yourself what the Word says about everything.
What did Jesus come to do? Did He accomplish it?
Christianity is a loving thing, and when
you know what it is, you’d be full of joy unspeakable
(indescribable), and full of glory. That’s the life
He gave us.
The ignorance of this is the same reason Christians
go through what they’re not meant to go through -
sickness, afflictions etc., and seek human solutions.
*Who is Jesus, what has He done, and what have I
become because of Him?*
We call Jesus the Son of God, and that simply means
God in human flesh - the embodiment of God.
So then, who am I who believe in Jesus?
What is it to be born again?
What was the result of my believing in Jesus?
The Word will be transported by the Spirit throughout
the world and they will get to hear it.
*When I believed in Jesus, what did I receive?*
If you don’t get this in your consciousness, you
cannot live the Christian life.
You’d live something that limits the Christian life.
There’s an inheritance in Christ. 1 JOHN 5:11-13 -
He’s telling us that we’ve received what was promised.
There’s a difference between those who have eternal
life and those who don’t; they may be in the same
circumstances, but living a different life.
...that you may know that you have eternal life... -
if you don’t know it, you can’t live it.
You’ll live a human life.
God already knew and planned ahead for the different
groups that will receive his Word and the level
at which they would respond to it.
Until and unless you are conscious that you are
not human, you can’t live above the human life.
Now that you are in Christ, with the life and
nature of God, you cease to be human, and until
and unless the Church understands and lives in
this, we will have religious people.
2CORINTHIANS 5:17 - If anyone be in Christ, he
is a new creature; the human life he came with
from his parents is supplanted, replaced.
Having become a Christian, you have another life
inside you, different from that with which you
were born of your parents.
JAMES 1:18 - Born by God of His own will through
the Word.
If you don’t then believe that you’re a new creature,
what then did you believe? What is Christianity and
why did Jesus come? 2CORINTHIANS 5:17 is telling us
what has already happened.
Realise that the Word is Himself God, and when He
speaks to you, you become what He says to you.
God’s Word names you, and when He names you, you
become exactly He says you are. Whatever God says is!
BEHOLD - See, all things have become new.
It’s not passive; you must behold, see and lay
hold on your reality. Work out your own salvation -
make your Christianity real by living it out.
When you discover who you are in Christ and realise
that we are associates of the God kind, everything changes.
2PETER 1:1 - God has called you to glory and
excellence; don’t settle for less.
You’re top class!
There are no promises in the Scriptures for
the Christian. All of the Old Testament has
been fulfilled and abrogated.
In Christ, we have received everything; nothing
left to ask for.
Two things we do that get us transfigured in
God’s presence: 1. Praying in the Holy Ghost;
JUDE 1:20 - Every time you pray the Word, you glow.
The more accurate you are in praying the Word,
the more you stay in that glory, the more you
carry it along with you.
2. Be ye transfigured, metamorphosed by the
renewal of your mind - Exchanging your thoughts
for His. Your mind is the doorway to and from
your spirit. That you may prove; check and
disallow anything that is inconsistent with
God’s will. *Who are you? What life are you
supposed to be living?*
EPHESIANS 4:21-24 - Now that you’re in Christ,
cut off the old man; think differently.
Put on the new man which is created in the image
of God in righteousness and perfect holiness.
1JOHN 3:9 - Whosoever is born of God doth not
commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him:
and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
GALATIANS 5:19 - This I say then, Walk in the
Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
The challenge with some is that they left the
Spirit to go into the flesh.
You are in the Spirit; your natural environment is
in the Spirit and not in the flesh, but because
they weren’t taught, they think otherwise.
You’re a child of the Spirit and not of the
world - a child of the Word.
All things are yours; these are not mere words.
Think right in line with who you are.
You can’t be struggling to pay your bills;
you’re royalty, so live the life God has given you.
A prince doesn’t know about the bills; they are
taken care of without His knowledge of it.
Walk in the Spirit, and you’d be amazed;
everything you’d ever need is in the street
that God gave you to walk in.
Everything you’d ever need for what God has
called you to do was prepared a long time ago.
So what do you do? Just move!
Studying the Word, learning it and having a
desire for it is very important, because as you do,
you will find that you’re walking in increasing grace.
Every one of us was born for a purpose;
your life has a purpose, and you discover it
through the Word.
As you study the Word, your spirit is enlightened.
Be ever conscious that the Word of God is God,
and as you study in it, He shows you something
for your life today. You find that you are
walking in greater wisdom.
This is why Christians must go to Church and
participate, not just as a religion.
In Church, there’s a greater chance of your spirit
being enlightened in the Word of God. You can’t stay
home studying the Bible; you have to be a member of
a Church because God deals with families, and
each Church is a Family of God.
2PETER 1:3 ...that by these ye might be partakers
of the divine nature...We’ve been brought into the
association of gods.
1PETER 1:23, 1JOHN 4:17, ROMANS 13:14, COLOSSIANS 2:6
Practise using the name of Jesus - it’s a lifestyle.
Use it for your health, your finances and everything.
Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Chris and Benny Hinn
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