How do you recover from such a
How do you move on?
How do you forgive?
How do you cope?
How do you sleep?
How do you eat?
How do you breathe?
How do you stop the tears from
How do you stop the heart from
How do you stop the blood pressure
from racing?
She was not told about it
It was neither gossip nor a malicious
It was not a prank
She had been sick for over two years
Going in and out of the hospital
Losing weight, drinking all sorts of
Feeling drained and weak from within
She didn’t know how she survived
that long!
She saw many doctors
She was referred by one expert to
the other
Often she would catch the look on the
face of the doctor and sense her situation
was dire
Eventually, a sister in her church brought
her to the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He prayed with her and said to
"I have nothing against orthodox medicine
I have nothing against doctors
But your body seemed to be full of drugs
Your breath is oozing of antibiotics
How many drugs are you taking in a day?
She told him she just wanted to live
She wanted the drugs to make her well!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her
to stop taking all the drugs
Both herbal and orthodox
It wasn’t as if there was a firm diagnosis for
her condition
She was just gobbling tablets in a hit or
miss strategy!
The valiant die but once
Stop the drugs
Just trust in the Holy Spirit and allow
your body some room to recover its
own bearing!
She told him she had heard but as soon
as she got home that day, she suddenly
started developing temperatures and rashes
took over her body!
She had to use her drugs!
She gobbled the drugs again
Three days later, she fainted on her way
to the bathroom!
Her younger sister found her lying on
the floor
(Her younger sister came to stay with
them when she got promoted at work
and the workload was too heavy for
her to combine with fending for the
children and doing house chores
Her younger sister grew up with her
mother in Abidjan and was a seamstress
by profession!
Her younger sister was single and very
They built a shop for her just outside
their compound where she was running
her sewing enterprise)
She didn’t even have enough strength
to shout
They rushed her to the hospital
The sister in her church hurried down
to the hospital as soon as she got the
phone call of her husband!
Her husband had seen all her dramas!
He used to be concerned when the
illness began
But as days stretched to years
He grew cold and distant
It was as if he was bracing himself for
her death or survival
He paid attention when he had to but
the living must live and the half-dead must
either live or die!
Life must go on!
Her sister brought her some food
Her friend sat with her until around 1 pm
Then she felt the life drain out of her body!
According to the doctor, she died!
Her friend disagreed!
Her friend called her husband
Her friend called her sister
Both of them told her they were coming!
Her friend called the brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
They prayed for her on the phone!
She didn’t wake up frantically
She just woke up as if from a short nap!
In all she died for about 45 minutes!
When she woke up She was full of life
It was as if she was refreshed and
recharged supernaturally!
She got to her feet and walked briskly
Nobody really knew what was wrong
with her
Why she died or why she came back to life!
Her case was a medical mystery!
She left the hospital by 5:15pm
Her friend drove her home
She met her front door open
Her children were in their room!
She could hear the sound of their
She got to her room!
She found her husband and her sister
Having sex like maniacs!
She just stood there
Too shocked to talk
Her sister saw her first and screamed!
Even her husband was shocked!
(They thought it was her ghost)
Her sister started crying!
“He made me do it!
He made me do it!”
He shrank back in horror and shock on his face
She didn’t say a word!
Her sister confessed that they,
(her sister and her husband) had been
together for two years and hatched a
plot to kill her slowly!
She was in the way of their love and bliss!
She was inconsolable!
Her husband left the house that evening
Her sister too!
She called her friend
Her friend called the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt!
The story was just too incredulous!
She said her sister had been applying
a powdery substance called Ebu to
her meals!
She was aware of this and willingly took
the substance because she was desperate
to be made whole!
She didn’t know it was slow poison meant
to make her rot and die within two years!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed
for her and her children
There was nothing more to do
One year later, she sold their house and
relocated to Abidjan with her children!
Her mother runs a local food outlet in
the country!
Ps: This event happened in Ikorodu
Her husband told everyone who cared to
listen that he left home because she '
wanted to use him for money ritual
Her sister disappeared for many months
only to surface in Abidjan, begging for
Forgiveness is a must for every believer!
She forgave her sister
Her sister met a young man in Abidjan
and they got married!
She delivered a baby boy in 2019
Ps: The heart of man...
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