It started with two phone calls
The first was from a young man
The young man was twenty-seven
years old
He was a born again Christian
He had been observing his NYSC
in one of the northern states when
he heard the news that his uncle
was dying
His uncle suddenly collapsed one
afternoon at the mall
His uncle was rushed to the hospital
Tests were done
He was diagnosed with full-blown
From the moment he got to the hospital
he was diagnosed with tuberculosis
All the drugs used for him failed
This was what prompted the doctors
to check for other viral infections
and the test came out positive for AIDS
He was already coughing out blood and
had lost a lot of weight
Nobody understood what was going
The man was a faithful husband whose
Christian beliefs and church doctrine
forbade blood transfusion
He was also a very careful man
He had his own hair clippers and does
not use sharp objects arbitrarily
He had never been sick before
He had his annual medical check-ups
religiously and had never been
diagnosed of HIV
How can somebody suddenly catch
full-blown AIDS and be expected to
die within a month or two?
As far as he was concerned, it was
a demonic attack
The devil was using the AIDS as a
smokescreen or an excuse to kill
his uncle
His uncle had been in a troubled
marriage all his life
His wife was an unbeliever who
made life very difficult for him
In spite of that, his uncle never
stopped loving his wife and being
Christ to her
His uncle never stopped caring for
the family too
He was the one they all troubled
when they were troubled with all
sorts of challenges and he helped
everyone of them with a smile
His uncle was into the importation
of electronics and other goods and
God prospered him mightily
He reached out to the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
"Please sir, this is a demonic attack
all I ask is for you to pray for him
and the demon shall leave him
I am sure he doesn't have AIDS
It was a smokescreen of darkness
My uncle's life has been in jeopardy
since he married from an occultic
God has always preserved him but
it seemed he was going to lose the
battle this time.
Please pray for him sir"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
believed the young man
He had seen many of such cases
Sudden attacks that came out of
nowhere given a "name" at the
hospital and treated only for the
treatment to lead to the death
of the patient
Demonic attacks defy science
The brother in jeans prayed for
the young man's uncle
An intense hour-long prayer
Sometime during the prayer
the uncle began to cough out
blackish phlegms amid loud
spans on bleches and screams
After the prayers, the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt asked the
young man's uncle to stand up
from his sick bed and walk
around the hospital room
Strength was restored to his limbs
and the young man screamed for
It was a victory for the light
Darkness fled
The young man's uncle was able
to eat and talk
His recovery was very rapid
There was no doubt that the Holy
Spirit had healed him
It was the first time the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt would pray for
someone afflicted with "AIDS" over
the phone and get such a response
It was a moment to be proud of
but the devil was very subtle
He waits for that moment of victory
That moment when Samson had
crushed his enemies and was feeling
That moment when kings go to war
but David was at ease in his palace
That moment when Peter through
divine revelation proclaimed Jesus
as Christ and the next minute the
devil was speaking through him
That moment when a solid ground
turns to a slippery slope...
His phone rang for the second time
springing forth from the place of
victory from the earlier case, he
picked the call
It was a WhatsApp call, the speaker
said "I was reading one of your posts
on Twitter and the power of the Holy
Spirit was stirred in me.
I am a prophet from South-Africa
As I speak with you now, I perceive
in my spirit that you had just been
used by the Holy Spirit to do a mighty
You just healed someone who had
been diagnosed with AIDS..."
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
was bedazzled by the accuracy of
the prophecy
It was so spot on
He said "Yes, you are correct"
The voice said "As i speak with you
I sense that you have someone
around you who is pregnant"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
replied "Yes"
Then the voice said "Hmm, I see
the child to be born
He or she is likely to be an imbecile
I see..."
Suddenly it dawned on the Brother
in Jeans and T-shirt that the words
coming from the so-called prophet
were neither edifying nor building him
Fear struck his heart
Goose pimples broke out all over him
His wife was five months pregnant
He recovered and told the "prophet"
to shut up
Then he cut the call
But unhearing what has been heard
was difficult
He began to pray that the evil prophecy
spoken over his unborn child shall fail
The prophecy really did a number
on his heart
He couldn't sleep every night without
the words tugging at his heart
Four months later, his wife delivered
a healthy baby girl
He was delighted, the prophecy
of Balaam had failed
Then came the hurdle
The baby refused to eat
She turned her face away from breast
milk and every form of formula
All she did was cry, sleep and forcefully
take a few sips of anything before
rejecting it
A lot of money was spent visiting
nutritionists and pediatricians
Doctors kept carrying out tests and
referring them to specialists
At three months old, she weighed 2.7
The doctor's report read "Not thriving"
Some people said she had a cleft
A doctor went as far as saying she
might have AIDS
She was tested for everything
It felt as if he celebrated the win
too early
The seed of the evil prophecy had
taken its time to germinate
Why couldn't his prayers negate it?
Every night, from 9 pm to 10 pm
the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
would carry the baby in his arms
and pray in the spirit
Presenting her to the Holy Spirit
for her healing
At 6 months, the baby was still
wearing mini pampers
She started eating a special cereal
with milk twice a day
Whenever she fell ill, doctors will
refuse to treat her insisting that
she was too small for her age
and must be attended to by a
One day when the baby was 13 months
old, still wearing a mini pampers
because of the growth issue
The brother in jeans and T-shirt
was praying and the presence of the
Holy Spirit became quite strong
He started trembling in the atmosphere
He dropped the baby and began to sing
in the spirit
The Holy Spirit said "Break the yoke
of the evil pronouncement over my
daughter by the word of your mouth!
Attack the message, not the messenger!
Pronounce what you want to see rather
than negating what had been said
Photizo! Photizo!! Photizo!!!"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt began
to pray in the spirit
He declared light and life upon the
young child
Suddenly the unexpected happened
The young girl pulled herself to her
feet with the aid of bed and started
taking her first steps
That was the moment of light
Within a week she was walking and
eating normally like a one-year-old
She started gaining weight too and
moved from a mini pampers to a midi
pampers within one month
PS: Harmony celebrated her 2nd Birthday
on the 11th of October 2020
She is the same size as her peers
at the creche
She talks normally, plays, enjoys watching
Cocomelon and Barney songs
She gives her older brothers aged
7 and 9 a run for their money when
they contest the remote control
with her
The Holy Spirit healed her completely
PS: Beware of prophecies from the
pit of hell
Beware of people who front for
the devil and his agenda under the
title of prophet
If a negative word of prophecy had
been spoken into your life and it's
effect is still being felt
Please take your time to pray in the
Holy Spirit and pronounce blessings
upon your own life in agreement with
God's word
His word is like Hammer, it will break
the back of negative pronouncements
GSW's note:
This a testimony of God's faithfulness
Isaiah 49:
24 Can the plunder be snatched from
the mighty, or the captives of a
tyrant be delivered?
25Indeed, this is what the LORD
says: “Even the captives of the
mighty will be taken away, and the
plunder of the tyrant will be
retrieved; I will contend with
those who contend with you, and
I will save your children...
Harmony will read this
one day and it will be a blessing to
her as it is a blessing to all the
readers now
She is a rare gift from God
The power of the Holy Spirit is
evident in her life from the womb as
it is with her older brothers
We are all for signs and wonders
The Night of Glory for the month
of November 2020 is holding on
Friday 27th November 2020
It is going to be a night of the light
An encounter with the Holy Spirit
for divine illumination
The theme is Photizo
If the Holy Spirit is asking you to
come, please be there. Thank you
For those who will like to join the
GSWMI bus down to the venue
kindly send a message to
08072744871 for more information
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