Positive mindset
Look at your own timeline on twitter, everything you retweet is negative
-Nigeria is this
-The government is that
-Nigeria will kill your dream
- Nigeria has no hope
-Nigeria has nothing to do with
gold medal success
-Nigeria is hopeless
-Dollar is this, Naira is that
-I Don chop breakfast
-I didn't get the job because of Nigeria
-I didn't get scholarship because of Nigeria
-My life is over because of Nigeria
-Unless I japa I am finished
You tweet it and you retweet it.
It is your sleeping and waking thoughts.
You attack everyone and insult everyone
Nothing of good, virtue, good report
or praise comes out of your mouth.
You're angry, bitter, cold, aloof, distant, unforgiving, ever complaining, ungrateful, full of malice, darkness and doom
The music you listen to buttresses the same. The news you read confirms
the same. You have dug for yourself a grave of depression. You sleep in
it daily and rise from it like Dracula everyday looking for people to infect
and recruit. You're a vampire feeding off blood and turning people into a cesspool of pain and agony.
Your mouth is full of evil reports.
Your heart shrouded in darkness.
You keep saying you're fighting
for your life, you're struggling,
you're dying. You're blaming everyone
and everything. Someone told you being negative keeps you angry and motivated to attack the government and the system.
You consume everything that supports your bile and find a way to turn the positives to negatives.
When you hear something good,
you're quick to say "Nah, rubbish,
compare it with this and that"
I am very sorry for you.
You're what you think.
You're what you eat.
You're what you feed on.
You cannot put that on someone else
Own it!
When the grave closes and depression hits. Don't blame Nigeria, own it!
When you get rejected over and over
even though you're qualified, don't blame Nigeria, own it. When your spirit
does not agree with joy and laughter,
don't blame Nigeria. Own it
Guard your heart with all diligence.
For out of it flows the issues of life
You chose to become a house without walls, don't blame the system for not moving forward.
You kill the pastors and Prophets with your words. Don't blame the system for your woes. You will become what you think
When you talk fear, fear comes
When you talk faith, faith rises
We are not of them that draw back.
Having a positive mindset is a blessing you must consciously work on.
It takes time to turn lemon to lemonade.
Does this mean you should be oblivious
of the ills around you?
When you see void, see also an
opportunity. Challenge yourself to do better, to change the status quo
Protest if you must but don't take
it home or to heart.
Don't make pain your default.
Don't make darkness your place of rest.
You have a place in the light.
Rule and reign from there.
I wish you well.
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