Seeing The Lord
I was teaching my PSSBC class
one evening from the pneuma
radio studio when the Lord Jesus
walked in. I had seen him only
three times before this particular day.
The first time I saw him was
in a still manner, like a picture.
It was after I watched the
testimony of a lady that shared
how she got pregnant and things
got complicated so badly that she
should have died but she saw
herself seated at the feet of
Jesus and all the pus and sepsis
dried up after that.
The second time was in a vision,
I saw him walking down the
street with some people. I knew it
was him. I wanted to follow
him or at least call his attention
but I couldn't. I just stood there,
mesmerized as he walked farther
and farther away. I had always yearned
for an encounter with Jesus.
I had questions, loads of them
and he is the only one positioned
to answer them. I used to
be like Thomas at a point
in my faith journey. I can replicate
what I see easily and therefore
I depended on sight a lot for
the things of faith. I would
read accounts of wonders wrought
by Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin,
Andrew Wommack, Benson Idahosa,
The Azuza Street revival,
Charles Finney, EA Adeboye,
Oyedepo and many others.
What I read, I'd imagine and
then I'd attempt. It helped my
faith a bit and brought some
results but it was limiting because
every time I come across a case
I had never read about or
seen before, I panic.
I know some of my readers
have got it all together but our
journeys are personal and distinct
We are all tailored by the Holy Spirit
to grow into Christlikeness from
wherever we were coming from before we
met the Lord.
I also know that some of my
older and more experienced siblings
would point to the Holy Spirit as
the sure guide in handling strange
Like I said, I was growing at my pace
and being reprogrammed step by step.
My fellowship with the Holy Spirit
at this stage was still at
the speak in tongues, meditate,
wait for "dreams" in the night or
have a very strong conviction in
my heart about what the Lord
would have me do. I didn't
know how to decode instructions
by the moment at the time and
I didn't know how to work with
ministering spirits. I was quite
oblivious of the fullness and the
richness of the Kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ which I had been
brought into.
That evening, at about five minutes
past 9 pm, I started having this
eerie feeling as if the walls of
the studio were moving. Even the
chairs, tables and the computers
seemed off. Like everything including
the rug and the floor were animated
(Remember I was teaching online
and I had students from all over
the end on the zoom call)
The Lord walked in as if there
was no door, it was not a vision
and I was not in a trance
I fell flat on my face!
The Lord said "You're growing
in the knowledge of the reality of men.
Now you must learn the
reality of my Spirit and walk
in the fullness of my glory"
I didn't know for how long
I was on my face
I kept remembering John 17,
I mean it kept coming to mind
like the flow of a river.
I didn't know when the Lord left,
one minute I was on my face swimming
In the glory of His presence,
the next I was back
in the studio. The tiles were cold
and the walls were still.
I got on my seat and checked
the time, it was 11:05 pm
My class was supposed to run
from 10 to 11 pm. I sent a note
to one of the pastors apologizing
about the class and my inability
to complete it. The pastor replied by
saying "It was the best class ever.
You taught us things we have
never heard before.
God bless you, sir"
I cried so much that night.
I can't explain why.
The next day I picked my Bible
and read John 17 over and over again.
It dawned on me that Jesus might
be the son of man before he
was crucified but he commanded
more than men (disciples). He met
with Moses and Elijah at the
Mount of Transfiguration.
Angels ministered to
him often and his words were
spirit and life.
On the day of resurrection, the angels
of Jesus were introduced to the
disciples in the tomb. In Acts 2 the
Holy Spirit was given to the church.
The church is not just a congregation
of men. Hebrews 12 explained this
That encounter changed my life forever.
I stopped acting like a Shepherd or
teacher of only men.
The fullness of his glory is a realm
that the Bible referred to as Mount Zion.
When the Lord opens your eyes to its
reality, you will see that
being a Believer is much more than a
religion or a do good mantra.
It has nothing to do with sin
consciousness or sin measurement.
How can you judge angels if
you do not know or master
how to lead or instruct them?
It is time for the citizens of Zion
to come into the full realization of
the glory that Jesus gave to us,
His Church.
PS: I stopped writing supernatural
experiences a while ago because
I know how many of my new readers
jump on threads and write just
anything for the fun of it.
I do not appreciate flippant talks
in my supernatural space.
If you have questions,
Please reach out in my DM.
God bless you.
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