They connected as soon as they met
The older man in his late forties
The younger man in his late thirties
The older man was into road construction
He was also a believer
The “background” supporting type who preferred their deeds for the kingdom silenced
The younger man was also a believer
The evangelist with an impetus to loud everything relating to Christ
He was also a journalist
The older man was showing him the city
The younger man was visiting for the first time
They talked about churches and men of God and the strides the Kingdom is making
They talked about the ministry in general
The younger man asked the older man which church he attends
He mentioned the church
The founder of the church had gone to sleep but his impact on Christianity in Africa is unrivalled
He was the uncontested father of Pentecostalism in Africa
Inevitably they started talking about his feats
The Older man said, “My Father was suffering from a terrible headache several years ago
He was in his sitting room watching the TV
When he suddenly saw this great man of God on TV
The man of God was rebuking headaches
Instantly, my Father’s headache vanished!
My father screamed for joy
Who was this man who rebuked a headache from the television?
That was how my Father and the whole family became ardent followers and fans of this Man of God!
My Father told every member of his family about this man of God
It was his way of evangelizing
One of my uncles who had Chronic Kidney disease decided to tune the television in his hospital room to the station where the man of God was often aired
The man of God was aired about an hour after my uncle tuned in
The man of God preached
The man of God prayed
Suddenly the man of God started rebuking diseases
My uncle listened intently
As soon as the Man of God mentioned Chronic Kidney Disease
My uncle sat up from the bed and pronounced himself healed
Everybody thought it was a joke
It was not!
This happened in the early 80s
My uncle is still alive and well today!”
The older man said his entire family nuclear and extended became members of the man of God’s church afterwards
He said further that even though the man of God had slept in the Lord
The ministry he left behind had waxed stronger and stronger
Breaking new grounds and penetrating new nations
The younger man suddenly lifted up his hands and started blessing the name of the Lord
To have such a glorious testimony in the body of Christ was always a delight
The testimony encouraged him greatly
He had always prayed that If Jesus tarried, he would have carried his presence and channeled the blessings of his glory to many whose testimonies would endure just like the ones, he was listening to
He had a critical kingdom mission in the city
The older man took him to the venue
The mission took some time
It was done
The older man took him back to the airport
While waiting for his flight
A young lady called him
She was two months pregnant
She also had fibroid
The doctors told her the pregnancy had no chance
The fibroid was too big
Wasn’t he told in the morning that “A man of God” rebuked Chronic Kidney Disease from the TV?
“Lay your left hand on your womb”, he said, “I rebuke you fibroid! I command you to wither and melt this minute, DISAPPEAR!”
He told the lady to ask for another scan
She called him back in thirty minutes
The fibroid had dematerialized
The lady was dazed
The doctors were dazed
He was dazed
The lady called a friend
See what happened?
The friend collected his number
The friend had goiter
She had been scheduled for surgery
He told her to lay her left hand on the goiter
Say after me “Father, I bless your name and worship you, lord Jesus I give you glory, Holy Spirit I worship you, I come against this goiter in your name! Goiter, you have no right to grow in my body, dry up from the roots in Jesus name. Amen!”
He prayed for her afterwards and told her to watch as the goiter would flatten
It did
Two hours later she called
The goiter had vanished
“Glorious things are indeed spoken of Zion”
Eventually, his flight was called
He boarded the plane
He saw three passengers seating in front of him
They were busy with their phones
The airline crew members were about to announce that every phone and electromic gadgets be switched off
He heard them talking
One said “Do you know gbengawemimo.com”
“I am reading stories on it now”, replied the other
“Which story?” One asked
“The Encounter” replied the other
“I also have the mobile app” One said
“Oh, so there is a mobile app?” asked the other
They started talking about the story
One said “I wish to know the Holy Spirit that intimately one day”
The other said “We will get there, let us persist in our fellowship with him”
He resisted the urge to talk to them
Tell them he knew the writer like the back of his own hands
The Captain welcomed them on board
“This was 11:17 pm
Flight from Port-Harcourt to Lagos
Blah blah blah”
The cabin crew got to their routine
He saw one of them, a well-known face
He called him
“Brother so and so…”
The brother took a second to remember his face
The brother came to him
They chatted for a bit
The Holy Spirit said “I am keeping a secret from him”
He knew the brother and his wife were eager to start a family
He was sure that was what God was referring to
Duty took the brother away
Later during the flight, the brother brought him a gift to give his children
He got home around 1 AM
The next morning, he called the brother and his wife to say thank you for the gift
The wife had just done the home test kit thing
She was pregnant
She couldn’t contain herself
She went to the Hospital
It got better
She had been pregnant for four months and one day
Even she was shocked
The Holy Spirit had kept a secret in her own body from her and her husband!
The doctors were screaming
How could you say you didn’t know you were pregnant?
You have gone way beyond your first trimester
Didn’t you vomit, spit, feel any discomfort?
She felt nothing
She was still praying daily for the fruit of the womb not knowing the word had become flesh in her womb
She called him
“Pastor, see what God did for me
I have been placed on bed rest
I think the doctor wanted to punish me for being up and about for three months without noticing I am pregnant”
He laughed
They prayed together
That was the first phone call he received in 2019
“Dunamis will be a season of pleasant surprises” said the Holy Spirit
PS: Testimonies birth more testimonies
This has been my experience in life and ministry
The moment I started testifying of God’s goodness
Either in my life or in the life of other people
The more testimonies flood my way
For you to walk in power this year
Perish worry, complaints and grumbling
If you think God hasn’t done much in your life
Tell others about what he is doing in other people’s lives
Share the testimonies on Gbengawemimo.com with friends and families
If you do this, the scripture in Isaiah 52:7 will be established in your life
“How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces [a]peace
And brings good news of [b]happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, “Your God [c]reigns!”
Spread the good news of Jesus and watch your life turn around
Welcome to the season of Dunamis, power for effective change!
Happy New year!!!
-Brother in Jeans and Tshirt
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