The Puddle
The Puddle
He was walking down the street with his babe
(Well, let’s call her his babe; although it was only their second date)
They had gone out for the first time the previous Saturday
He was her cousin’s friend, an average looking guy with strong Christian convictions
She would have gone out with him earlier but for this religious fanaticism
It is true that many ladies want a god fearing man, but bible totting brothers were a bit of a mystery to her
She was born again and she knew what liberty in Christ really meant!
She didn’t want to marry a Christian brother who would take that liberty away from her
There are Christians and there are Christians!
There are those whose gospel is the ten commandment
They profess Jesus but preach Moses
The brother looked and spoke like one of those
A Salvation Police Christian whose gospel is touch not, eat not, do not!
She couldn’t stand such people
Sin consciousness had them tied up in knots
She is God Conscious, and would never trade her liberty in Christ for religion
He had been on her case for years
Buying gifts, sending messages, trying to prove his love
She had been noncommittal about it
She neither encouraged nor discouraged him
There had to be options to choose from and she didn’t have any yet
She decided time would expose his true intentions
After two years of constant plea and quality attention
She decided to spend an evening with him
They went to the movies on their previous date
She had a good time
He was witty, funny, intelligent and sincere
She was taken aback by all the promises she saw in his eyes
She had never been happier to be wrong about her assessment of him
When he asked her if she was available to go out with him the following Saturday
She eagerly said yes!
Saturday came but the weather had other plans
It rained for four hours
The streets were flooded and as the rain abated, the streets were littered with puddles of all sizes
He was in a jovial mood
Talking about the rain and the goodies that always come with it
She was a bit disappointed but fascinated by his optimism
How can anyone not be disappointed that their good plan was ruined by the weather?
But he had learnt over the years to be grateful to God for whatever season he was in
After all, it was God that made life a reality
Stones can neither acknowledge the power of God not refute him
But he can glorify God for every season and he believed his babe should learn to do so
As they talked they came to a big puddle
It covered the entire road
Someone or (some people) had taken the pains to line up big stones in the puddle for people to skip through the puddle on
The stones were lined up on two sides
One for those going down the street and the other for those going up the street
He told his babe to go first
His babe laughed
“Go first and I will follow in your footsteps” she said
He went
At the other side of the puddle a couple also deliberated on who to go first
The lady was elected
He skipped through the stones carefully southwards
While the other lady gingerly stepped on the stones northwards
They passed by each other
The stones were so closely arranged that they barely had enough space to navigate
They exchanged accusatory glances as they passed by each other
“Why couldn’t she wait until I have passed through” he thought
“Why couldn’t he wait until I got to the other side” she thought
They both got to the other side of the puddle
The other lady and his babe were on one side of the puddle
While he and the other lady’s guy were on the other side of the puddle
The other guy screamed “What is wrong with you? Why did you touch my babe’s “bum bum” (Backside)
The other babe didn’t understand what her man was saying
“What’s happening dear? The other lady shouted!
The other lady’s man screamed on him: Your hand touched my babe’s bum bum!
He looked like “What is this one talking about?” but didn’t say a word
The other lady’s man was taller and bigger than her man, she watched as he walked briskly to her man with his flailing forefinger right on her man’s face: You this small boys, didn’t you see that while you were about to pass by my babe on those stones in the puddle, the back of your left hand touched my babe’s backside?
Her man: Ah! The back of my left hand? The owner of the backside didn’t complain, why are you all worked up? We passed by each other stepping carefully on stones to avoid the puddle. How can anyone be aiming to touch another woman’s backside with the back of his left hand while avoiding falling into muddy water at the same time? You have insecurity issues
The other lady’s man: You will apologize to my woman for touching her backside either accidentally or intentionally or I will deal with you
By this time she had navigated the stones to their side. She and her man and the other lady’s man were on one side of the puddle, the other lady was the only one on the other side of the puddle
The other lady’s man: You touch my babe’s backside, I touch your babe’s backside! No cheating
The Other lady’s man grabbed her backside
She screamed and slapped him instinctively
The other lady’s man raised his hand to slap her
Her man rushed to her defense
A fisticuffs ensued
She couldn’t believe it
In all her dreams and fantasies while growing up
She never imagined a scene where two men in their twenties would be fighting because of her
It all happened very fast
The other lady’s man lifted her man up with the intention of slamming him on the ground
Her man bit the other lady’s man’s left ear
Almost severing it from his head
The other lady’s man screamed in agony and dropped her man
There was blood everywhere
The other lady had disappeared by this time
She emerged minutes later with police officers
Her man and the other lady’s man were arrested
They got to the police station
Police officers started their antics
She called her brother who was a lawyer
Her man got bailed
Her man insisted that they bail the other guy
She said No!
He pleaded
She gave in
Her brother drove all of them to the hospital for treatment
They became friends
She could never understand guys
Beating each other senseless in a minute and shaking hands the next!
Her man apologized to the other guy
The other guy apologized to her man
Then they both apologized to the two ladies
Her heart literarily melted!
That was the moment she decided to marry him!
Two years later, the other guy and his babe were the best man and bride’s maid at their wedding!
PS: This event occurred in 2005
The other guy and the lady broke up in 2007
She claimed he had anger issues and it was true
She is happily married to another person
The other guy became born again
The Holy Spirit broke the dam of anger
He was set free with glaring evidence
He introduced the other guy to his wife’s younger sister in 2010
They got married in 2012
The three marriages are blessed with children
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