The Spirit of Grace
I know how hard it is for good people to
accept the not so good people with bad
reputations got saved and forgiven despite
how bad they were
I had a pastor once who said
"I was always a good person before i
became a Christian, I never sinned and I
am still that way except that I
confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
many years ago."
The day I invited some prostitutes to our
monthly vigil, this woman saw them and
couldn't concentrate throughout the
After the service, she called me to the
pastor's office for a chat
She was practically as white as snow
She asked me if i knew what I was doing
I said Yes
She said "You brought those people into
the church?
You brought harlots into this church?"
I kept quiet I had thought she was
going to praise me when i went into
the office to see her
I was very wrong
The smile on my face evaporated
She said so much and at the end of
the day she made me feel bad for
bringing such people into the church
She said she had never touched any
profane thing in her life or shared her
spiritual space with "loathful sinners
like that"
She asked me if I am sure they didn't
come into the church to solicit customers
and drag the men into sin
It was a tight rope
She didn't know the gospel, what she
knew was religious indoctrination
She didn't have the spirit of the gospel
What she has was "self-righteousness"
She has not met the Lord
I have met the Lord
The gospel has made me a fragrance
of Christ to all men
I do not judge one at the expense of
another or prefer one to another
I regard all men as fit for the master's
use and love all men as Christ loves
us all to the point where he died and
gave his life for us Grace is not
always pretty
Religious people in the days of Jesus
never got it and many still do not
get it now
Jesus saw a lady who had seven
demons and she kept her as a close
friend and disciple after casting out
the demon
He didn't mind the fact that her history
will stick to her till today
I remember one day in 2007
A woman came to our house in Ibadan
She had done much evil against my
family, especially my mother
I was at home for the mid-semester break
This woman came to see my mother to
ask for forgiveness
My mother didn't know this
My mother only knew this woman was
very troublesome and my mother
wanted to avoid her trouble as much
as possible
As soon as the woman opened our gate,
my mother saw her through the window
So my mother pretended she was not
at home
The woman knocked and knocked
I was asleep in the room
My mother expected the woman to leave
after knocking
The woman didn't
She kept knocking until she got tired
Then she sat down inside our balcony
and waited
She was determined to speak with
my mother
I heard the Holy Spirit whisper in my
ears "Love the unlovable"
I woke up and walked out of my room
As soon as my mother heard my footsteps,
she tiptoed towards me and signaled to
me to be silent
I asked why
She said the lady that gave her hell over
a business they did together moths
before was at the door
She just didn't want to see the lady and
she didn't want the lady to know she
was at home
I said "Mummy, the Holy Spirit woke me
up now with the words Love the unlovable"
My mother paused for a while, then
she walked to the door and opened it
The woman saw her and fell on her knees
She had been told to go and apologize
to the person she offended by a stranger
earlier that day
My mother invited her in and we had a
long talk
We all ended up praying together after
having lunch
A few months later, the woman's husband
reached out to her after twelve years of
abandoning her in Nigeria (He was in the UK)
She went to join him soon after
That is the spirit of Grace
Not willing that any should perish but
seeking to reconcile all to the father
in love!
I like listening to believers discussing
politics and other mundane stuff
I laugh at their ignorance most times
because they "hate" others based
on a difference in ideology and orientation
They put their passion in the wrong things
and forget that you cannot be a
"Christian" in the title and not be a
"Christian to everybody in your conduct"
Jesus said if you are good only to those
who are good to you, you're not different
from hypocrites and the publicans
A man has tested the faith of many
believers all over the world the last
few years
Many failed the test
The spirit of grace does not wish any ill
It does not speak ill of any and it
repays good for evil always
Have you met the spirit of grace?
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