

When he was elected as the chairman
of the landlord association of his estate
He saw it as a privilege
He had been living in the estate for many
His father built the house
He left the estate at the age of sixteen 
when he travelled abroad for his schooling
He returned to the country at the age
of thirty
His father had suddenly slumped and died
at the age of fifty-two
He didn't get to buy his father
as cheap as a cup of water
It made him feel so sad
His father moved heaven and earth
for him
And continued giving to him even after 
he had completed his education and
started working
He always had it in mind to spoil his father
silly with good gifts
But death took those dreams away
A month after his Father's burial
The will was read
He was the inheritor of everything
his father had
He didn't grow to know his mother
His father told him his mother died
mysteriously at a young age
His Father never remarried
All they had was each other
His father had written him a letter
In the letter, his father urged him to 
get married immediately and father
as many children as possible
"I have made sure you have as much of
a good start in life as any other
young man of your age!
Do better than I did, be an asset to
Those were the last words of his father
His father left behind three houses
and a prosperous manufacturing 
He felt he needed to honour the memory
of his father
He took over the affairs of his Father's 
business and moved into the house!
Two years later, he got married to a
beautiful young lady who came 
to his father's company for the 
industrial attachment programme!
The moment he saw her he knew she 
was the one
Their marriage produced three children
They were a comfortable family
They attend church regularly and
were model citizens
It was no surprise when the community
decided they wanted him to be the
chairman of the Landlord association!
Unlike other citizens who blame the 
government for every ill of the society
He adopted a participatory attitude
in making life easy for himself and the 
He championed a lot of Community
development projects and Community
Social responsibility projects like
clearing of drainages, filling potholes
on the roads and free medical check-ups
for the community
One morning, a young man paid him a visit
The young man told him he wanted to
contest for a political post and would like
to use the commendable activities of the 
community as a springboard!
"I want you to campaign for me, sir,
promote my image, help me win and when
I get into the office I will give you a reasonable
cut of the fund meant for my constituency
project as compensation! 
He felt very insulted
He told the young man as much and 
walked him out of his house
At the next community meeting, a woman
came to see him
She said "My son came to see you for help
and you threw him out of your house!
One would think that for one whose father
died in his prime, you would have learnt 
to thread with caution!
Your father's "full stop" button is
still where I kept it!
It was a strange conversation!
One he didn't read much meaning to
until late in the night as he laid
on his bed tossing and turning!
The woman spoke in parables
but her meaning and intention were
as plain as day!
He didn't question the motive behind
his father's death when he returned 
home several years before
But the words that rolled off the mouth
of the woman stung him continuously!
He kept thinking about his father's
death, the possible causes!
Was he killed through diabolical means?
The next day, he visited several older
men in the community 
He asked questions
They told him stories, all vague, all
But the cloud of doubt had been roused
He spoke to his wife about it
They prayed
His wife told him to let it go
She wanted to provoke you and she
had done so successfully
I feel she gave you a job and you have
been doing it since you had that conversation
It is time to stop
Don't open the door to affliction
Don't allow negative emotions to
take over your heart!
He decided to drop the whole matter
But like a dose of bad medicine
The whole matter refused to drop him
The very next week, a transformer in their
community caught fire!
He was informed immediately
He called for an emergency meeting
The landlords gathered and agreed
to raise the cash to purchase a new
The woman, (the same woman who stirred
ugly feelings in him by her proverbial
allusions) stood up and said the transformer
would only be repaired over her dead body!
Suddenly he noticed that the other
landlords wilted in their seats
They were scared of her!
As soon as she went aginst it, all those
who had indicated their support
The meeting ended right there and then!
Some of the landlords came to see
him later that night
"You are messing with a principality!
She has vowed to finish you!
Our children are still young
We cannot stand by you in this matter
You better settle your dispute with her
or forget about the transformer
Let the community remain in darkness!
Put on your generator and mind your
own household!
That is the best course of action for now!
It was way too much for him to bear
It stood against everything he ever
considered as sane and sensible!
An angry bitter woman sentencing 
the community to darkness because
He refused to campaign for the
woman's corrupt son!
He paid for the transformer the 
following day
He decided it would be his last act
as the chairman of the community
He had to resign!
Enough was enough!
The electricity company came to
change the transformer immediately
While they were fixing it
He heard a knock on his door
It was the woman!
She was barefooted and looking very
He opened the door
She came into his house and pushed
him on the chest
"Who do you think you are to overturn
my decision? What power do you think
you have? Do you know who you are
messing with?"
He kept quiet for a few seconds
Then he calmly told her to leave 
his house
She left
Five minutes later he was unconscious
When he came to
He was lying on a sickbed at the hospital
He had been there for two weeks
His wife was seated beside him
holding his hands
Her lips were quaking
It took him a while to make sense of
what had happened
He looked at himself
His stomach was all bloated
It was like having a hot air balloon
fastened to his body
The sight was shocking!
The doctors told him they had done
all the necessary scans and found
nothing wrong with him
They recommended that he travel
abroad for "advanced" medical
He agreed
They started the paperwork
The next morning, his wife rushed into
his room
There is a brother on the seventh floor
He came to pray for a baby
The baby was healed
Now, everyone is asking him to pray
for their child
He has agreed to pray for you!
Minutes later the brother walked in
He didn't look like a pastor
He was dressed in Jeans and T-shirt
The brother got to him, and said, 
"What would you have me do for you?"
"I want to be healed!" He replied
The brother laid his hands on his stomach
and said "In Jesus name, get out!"
It was as if he was hit by a bolt of 
He screamed!
He struggled to a sitting position and
jumped out of the sickbed
It was as if a fire was lit in his bones
He bent over and vomited all over 
The vomit kept coming!
It took about ten minutes
When he was done, the bloated tummy
was gone!
His wife sank to her knees in tears
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
him to pray in the spirit often
As a spirit-filled believer, if you don't
stir the gift of God within you
It will not be of any help to you
in times of trouble!
Pray without ceasing!
As the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
turned to leave, he healed man 
grabbed his hands
"Sir, I cannot go home, the woman,
that witch will hurt me again" he lamented
Where is your house located?
Somewhere on the mainland but the
woman works closeby
"Her office is a few buildings away
from here" said his wife
"Can you call her on the phone?
Tell her you will like to see her"
His wife made the call
Eight minutes later, the woman arrived
She walked into the room,
she saw the brother in Jeans and T-shirt,
She turned around and ran!
It all happened in a second!
She walked in, saw him, turned
and ran!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
the couple the woman will never 
trouble them again!

PS: This event happened in Iyana-Ipaja
Lagos! (October 2019)
The Husband was ministered to at
a renowned hospital in Victoria Island

Acts 8: 6The crowds gave their 
undivided attention to Philip’s message 
and the signs they saw him perform. 
7With loud shrieks, unclean spirits 
came out of many who were possessed, 
and many of the paralyzed and lame 
were healed. 8 So there was great joy 
in that city.…

I have seen Christians running from
demonic power before!
It was a strange sight!
The reality is this!
Demonic powers run at the sight
of a beliver!
You don't even have to talk
Darkness cannot withstand the light!