Let There Be Light
How much light is inside of you?
Knowledge is light
There are many who pray and pray
and pray but they have no light in
Prayer warriors full of fear, dread,
and darkness
Believing that everything they need
to do about prayer is casting and
binding and cursing and wailing!
I know someone who had been
born again for forty years, a very
prayerful person who had headed
the prayer and intercession team
of many churches
We were having a conversation and
she said "It is the enemy that we
have to focus on and fight, that is
what the bible called the good
fight of fight. This life is a warzone
and we must continually wage war
against the power of darkness that
wants to destroy our testimony and
rob us of our gains in life"
For some believers, she would make
a lot of sense but not to me"
I patiently listened to her and asked
her very simple questions
I said "Ma'am, are you filled with the
Holy Spirit with the evidence of
praying in tongues?
She said no
I said "Why not"
She said "In our church, only a few
people, the elders, and the prophets
do that"
I said "Really!"
She said Yes
I said "What about healing
the sick by the laying on of hands
She said "I don't do that so that
I don't become a partaker of any
man's sins as instructed by Paul
to Timothy"
I said "OK"
She said "I fast a lot and I do a lot
of vigils to prevent the enemy from
attacking me and my family"
I said "Okay"
Then I
brought out my Bible and opened to
the book of Timothy
I said "The laying on of hand here
and the one Jesus told us to do are
different in their interpretation"
Jesus was talking about healing and
Apostle Paul was talking about ordination
If you ordain someone who is not fit into
ministry and the person misbehaves,
people will say "Didn't you pray or do
any investigation before the ordination?"
That way you will be blamed for the
person's misdeed but you cannot be
blamed for healing the sick
She looked at me like "What!"
She had never seen it that way
Then i addressed the issue of enemies
and demon conscious prayers
I said "Let us look at all the prayers
prayed by the apostles in the
New Testament
We started with the prayer of Jesus
in the book of John and then to the
prayers of Apostle Paul, Peter, and John
I said "Did you see
then mentioning demons, enemies,
curses and sin?
She said "This is Africa, do you know
what our forefathers were doing before
the gospel came?"
I said okay, lets look at Moses then
He was born and raised in Pharaoh's
court and there were many demons
and idols in Egypt which as a
prince he would have been part of their
worship when he was a child
Did you hear Moses binding and talking
about them or their effect on him or
his spiritual life ever?
She kept quiet
I said "Do you know that as a believer
you are greater than Moses?"
She said "How?"
I said you
were born after Jesus had come and
died for the sin of the whole world
Moses came before and therefore he
operated in a very limited capacity!
Imagine what Moses would have done
with the name of Jesus.
She said "Wow, I never saw the
scriptures this way before"
But I was not done, I said "Do you
know that from the day you gave your
life to Jesus you became the
righteousness of God in Christ Jesus?"
She said "What does that mean?
I said "Your sins have been forgiven
and you have been set free from
every curse of Adam!"
She said "You mean I am not bound
by the incisions and charms my
father made us swallow as children?
I said "Ma'am, old things passed away,
behold, all things became new for
you in Christ"
She busted into tongues...
Just like that!
She cried and wailed and shook and
I just watched her and prayed along
When she was done, her arthritis
was gone
She said "I feel no pain, no heaviness, no
stress at all
I feel light, Brother Gbenga, I feel so
happy and free"
I kept quiet
I didn't expect the reaction she gave
earlier and I was shocked too by the
response of the Holy Spirit to our
simple discussion
She said "I have been so fearful, for
many years, that my father's sin
(Her father was an herbalist) would
affect me and my children.
This is why I have led a life of prayer
I always see the idols in my father's
shrine and I bind them every day so
that they won't
harm me or my family
I laughed
I said "Do you know that idols are
nothing?" I opened the Bible to
1 Corinthians 8:4 and made her read it
She said "I have never seen that
scripture before"
I nodded
Most of those who attend fear-mongering
churches are not taught the gospel in its
The prayers mention idols, evil altars,
witchcraft covens etc, in fact their
members know more about demons
and the devils than Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
the ministering spirits, the spirit of just
men made perfect and so on.
She said "Why didn't anyone teach me
this, I converted to Christianity from
another religion and nobody taught
me anything like this.
I was taught that life is war and any
minute I spend without being mindful
of the devil can lead to an attack on
me and my family"
I told her I understand
The gospel is light
Jesus is light
The Holy Spirit is light
God is the Father of light with whom
there is no variableness or shadow
of turning
We are the light of the world, a city
set upon the hill that cannot be hid
We have no business with the fruitless
deeds of darkness, we don't give the
enemy any foothold by staying immersed
in the light of the Holy Spirit at all times
We were told to put on Christ
We were not told to memorize the name
of all the demons and where they dwell...
I held hands with the lady and we
prayed, she came to me with a walking
stick and left without one!
How much light is in you?
Peter told us to grow in grace and
knowledge of our Lord and saviour
Jesus Christ!
There is right knowledge and a
wrong knowledge
Which one are you growing in?
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