The other Feelings
He was in church one Sunday
He was teaching Sunday School
The topic was love
He told the story of a lady who drank
Izal because her boyfriend dumped
her (This happened when he was in
the university)
The Pastor's wife looked at him and
said "What sort of stupid love is that?
Who raised such a child?
It is bad parenting to raise a child
whose self-esteem was so low that one
heartbreak would make such consider
He couldn't argue with her
She was the pastor's wife
But he had fallen in love so badly one
time like that
When the girl left him he chased
the taxi the lady boarded from Mobil
bus stop to Agbowo (On the Lagos
Ibadan expressway) at 7 in the
All he wanted her to do was listen to
him and perhaps change her mind
He didn't remember that he was
wearing a short knicker and singlet
He was standing by the balcony of
his house thinking about her when
he saw her walking down the street
He ran out of the house to catch up
with her
They had been together for four
years before she suddenly changed
without any explanation
His heart was hurting badly
He just wanted to sit with her and
talk to her and see her smiling again
He couldn't even think of a scenario
when he would live a good life
without her
She was the air he was breathing
When he caught up with her, he
called her name
She didn't respond
He touched her on the shoulder
She snapped at him
"What did i do wrong? Why
are you doing this to me? He asked
She didn't say a word
He was still speaking when she
flagged down the taxi
As she was about to board he said
"Please say something"
She said "As you can see, its over"
Then she got into the taxi and the
taxi took off
The next thing he saw were
his legs, picking themselves up
and chasing the taxi
He had lost all sense of reason
By the time he got to Agbowo,
she was long gone
He started to cry
Then he heard someone call
his name
He turned around
It was her mother
She said "Oh my God, it was you
that was chasing a taxi
like a mad man
She worked at Dugbe and had to
leave the house early in the morning
to make it to the office on time
She must have seen them from afar
He was like a son to her
She said "Anybody that saw what
you just did will assume you have
lost your senses, go home and forget
about my daughter"
He wiped his tears and walked back
Each step heavier than the last
His heart felt numb, like somebody
stabbed her in the heart from behind
He just wanted to die
He cried his eyes out
And yes, he understood why a
heartbreak can make someone just
want to die
Three years later, the pastor's wife's
son got dumped by his girlfriend and
he took an overdose of piritin
He was saved from untimely death by
divine intervention
The Pastor's wife came to understand
that she had spoken too soon after then
She said she never had that kind of love
and didn't know it was possible
When she told him what happened, he
counseled her and told her love is a
perturbing thing
The mother and son learned and healed
from it
But the also learned a vital lesson
Love is more than mere words
PS: Love is the strongest force in the
The problem is usually the other feelings
For love absent of wisdom can so easily
become polluted
Love absent of wisdom accommodates
many other feelings and also empowers
Love without wisdom accommodates
Even though love is not jealous
Love without wisdom accommodates
Even though love is not proud
Love without wisdom accommodates
Even though love is not angry
Love without wisdom accommodates
Even though it is not selfish
The challenge is, love might come
to us when we are yet unwise
Such a love is naive and can easily
be taken advantage of or manipulated
by another leading to pathways of
Seek wisdom first and then fall in love
In this process there is much safety
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