The Weatherman
He was always in and out of
the hospital since he was a
He had a rare blood genotype
He was an AC
He was also told he had a compromised immune system
He was always treating one
infection or the other
It was terrible, especially when
he was a child
There seem to be no season
when he was not in the hospital
for one illness or the other
He didn't grow at the same
pace with his peers
He was smallish and scrawny
People assume he was a sickler
but his case was worse than
He was a dead man walking!
according to his doctor, he was
only one major infection away
from dropping dead!
It was the same story from
No matter the hospital he was
taken, his mother was told he
was lucky to be alive
He knew his life was hanging
by a thread
It was such a drag
Academically, he was way behind
his age mates
Although he read a lot and studied
from home
But he was only able to attend
school once or twice a week
If he made the mistake of playing
in school, he would return home
If he made the mistake of sitting
beside someone that had the flu,
he would catch the flu
He was a walking disease magnet
Anything that was catchable came
to him
It got to a point where his body
stopped responding to antibiotics
The doctors claimed he had developed resistance of sorts!
but somehow he survived!
It was a miracle
He could recollect his mother
sitting by his bedside as he succumbed to pneumonia
He was not supposed to last
the night
His father and his three siblings
were there all day
They came in to see him straight
from school
They hung around until
visiting hour was over
Then they bade him farewell
and left
That night was his last according
to his doctors
He felt it too, deep in his bones
As his father and his siblings
left, he knew somehow that
would be the last time he would
see them
He managed a faint smile through
his pain
But his mother refused to leave
She stayed there, holding his hands, daring death to come and
take away her first son
Time moved a snail pace but it
By 2 AM he felt a sudden warmth
all over his chest
Then he started breathing comfortably
He drifted off to sleep afterward
He slept for about nine hours
By the time he woke up, there was
a new doctor on duty and the
man was just confused
He could see the nurses waiting
for the doctor to prescribe some
drugs for him
But the man just stood there
He had no idea what to do
Eventually, he told them not to
give him anything
He was discharged three days
His immune system was perfectly
His genotype was also AA
Something happened that nobody
could explain
His system shut down and rebooted all by itself
After almost twenty years lived
with the sword of Damocles
hanging over his head
He was totally healed
He was suddenly strong and
He could run, jump, drive,
chase babes and live a normal
He spent three months doubting
his new reality
Then it became a fact
He gained admission into the
University one year later
to study Meteorological Sciences
He was twenty-one years old
He had filled out in the right
It was as if he got a new body
He grew taller and broader
He was a healthy young man
The University gave him the
opportunity to rebrand himself
Gone was the sickly and timid one
The new him was daring and
lived on the edge
He lived as if he had twenty years
of living to catch up on
he first thing he did in the university was to join a
secret cult.
He was introduced to drugs,
violence, reckless behaviour and
a reality of wickedness
Everything was on a fast lane!
He was numbered among the
powerful and popular men on
He was an adrenalin junkie
Academically he was an average
He passed what he ought to
He was from a rich home
He had everything set for him
He was Superman!
When he got to 300 Level
someone told him some students
from another school had come
to their school to kill him
A price has been placed on
his head
He was a walking target
His cup was finally overflowing
It was time to pay
He ran to some close allies
They told him the order came
from someone way up
The leadership wanted to
eliminate the possible
contenders for the throne!
He was told he had only hours
He got the message
He fled!
He found his way into the forest
on-campus and emerged at
the village closeby
From there he fled to an Uncle's
He knew they would come
looking for him at his father's
He had participated and witnessed
many hits
He never thought he would be
a target one day
He told his uncle the whole truth
He couldn't afford to lie
His plan required finances to
travel abroad
He had to tell the truth to get
the needed funds
His uncle ran to his father
His father disowned him immediately
(That was not surprising,
His father had always been
a very principled Christian)
His uncle couldn't raise the
fund to send him abroad by
So he got stuck in his Uncle's
He was given a room and he
had access to all the luxury the
house had to offer
He stayed with his uncle for
a year
He was a prisoner
He hid in the room whenever
any outsider came visiting
He couldn't go anywhere outside
of the house
He was living in fear
His mother called the Brother
in jeans and T-shirt
She explained everything
She didn't have the fund to
get him out of the country
His father wouldn't even hear
of it
But she was sure God is a God
of mercy
She desired that the pieces of
his life be put together
She wanted her son to graduate
She wanted her son to live and
have a good life
She desired total restoration
His mother gave him the phone
number of the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
He called the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt that same day
They talked like old friends
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told him about the reality of life
in Christ
He was eager for a change
Any change
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
led him to Christ
He also got baptized in the
Holy Spirit
They agreed to meet the next
That night as he slept
He saw a vision
He saw himself lying in a hospital
bed, sick and dying
He saw a man touch his chest
and breathe on him
He saw himself recover
Then he saw himself walking
along a pathway
He saw the same man
The one that healed him in the
The man turned to him and said
"See that you do not waste
the opportunity this time"
Then he woke up praying in
He prayed for several hours
He said he wanted to stop
several times but the prayers
and tears and groanings kept
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
met him the next morning
He told the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt the story
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
laughed and told him to dress
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
drove him to his school
They went to see the dean of his
He had not written to defer his
admission but he was treated
as if he wrote a formal letter
to defer
Neither of them could explain
Within two weeks, he was a student again
He had lost a whole year
He didn't stay on campus
He commuted to school from
his uncle's house daily
Cultists kept away from him
None of them treated him like
a known face
They just ignored him
He joined one of the Campus
fellowships and grew speedily
He graduated as the Assistant
Drama Coordinator in 2016
His father forgave him that same
He traveled to the United Kingdom
for his Masters in 2018
He is a firebrand, still burning for
the Lord and doing wonders
In His name.
PS: We have all been given
the opportunity to turn around
and change our lives by
accepting Jesus Christ as our
Lord and saviour!
We live in very uncertain times
Yet Jesus keeps calling unto
you and I
It is time brother
It is time sister
Just give your life to him
Call upon His Holy name
You will be saved!
GSW's notes: I have lived
two lives too
I understand what if feels
to come to the definite end
of one and start another
On September 27, 2007. I
On Septermber 27, 2007!
I was born again
The realities of my existence
I even changed my names
It was that real!
You have this opportunity too,
to start all over!
To change your story
To change your eternal
To live in the reality of this
new life in Christ.
Come to Jesus today!
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