Tongues and Understanding

Tongues and Understanding

I walked into the pool side of the hotel looking to sit alone and write

A white guy, Sergie, was sitting all alone looking worried

Two security guys were with him

He is from Latvia, the Baltic sea

He speaks Russian, Dutch, Latvian and French

He is a Rugby player and a kick boxer

He is also an engineer working with an airline in Nigeria on a rotational basis

He has an 80 day visa, out of which he works in Nigeria for 40 days as a consultant

He found himself in a pickle

He said he came to the hotel at 10pm to just rest

He said he had been working for 30 days and decided not to stay in the same hotel during this short holiday so that he could rest

He said he asked his friends which other hotel he could go that was safe and they told him to come to the hotel where I met him

He said he came in and as soon as he sat down a lady approached him asking him if he wanted to have sex

He said he shook his head but then the lady sat down beside him and started listening to music

Music is a universal language

She was singing some songs that he also knew and so they shared her ear pods

After two hours the lady left her phones, bag and slippers on the table and told him that she wanted to go and use the restroom

Then the lady disappeared

One hour

Two hours

Three hours…

He said he became worried and started calling the attention of the security guys but they couldn’t understand him

He called his interpreter who helps him with communications with his company but his number was switched off

Well…That was 2AM

By the time I arrived on the scene he was in knots

There was a language barrier and the more he tried to explain what had happened the more frustrated he felt

When he saw me he said, “Friend, please help”

This was at about 6:30am

He had been watching the bag and phones all night and he felt this would land him in trouble

Cameras everywhere!

Was she a spy?

Was she planted there by the government to get information from him?

He was frantic

I listened to him and I understood him perfectly well

And he was speaking Russian!


I was speaking English to him and he understood

Within thirty minutes I got the problem sorted out and the security guys cleared the lady’s belongings

They explained to me that they would keep the items for the lady until she returns and apologises to him for the inconvenience

When they had gone, he came to me and said “Your Russian is excellent”

I said “I don’t speak Russian”

He said “You don’t speak Russian? How did you understand me?”

He said this with a mischievous glint in his eyes

He thought I was teasing him

I told him I am a believer and sometimes I understand languages I don’t speak and also speak them when the need arises

He said "You can speak any language just like that?”

I said “Whenever the Holy Spirit grant me utterance sir”

He said “My wife back home teaches four languages but I am not like her, she has an ear for languages but you are saying this is from the Spirit?”

I said, “Yes, this is by the Spirit of God.”

He said “I want to have that spirit and learn, I like to learn”

So I led him to Christ

When he was done accepting the Lord and getting filled with the Spirit, he began to speak English to me

He didn’t even know it

I heard him and started laughing

Just then my phone buzzed and I had to pick

He heard my conversation on the phone in English language and even began to respond with jest and joke!

I have gained a brother!

Glory be to God

The heavens are rejoicing

He settled his bill and went on to his room to sleep after we had exchanged contacts

He is my first Latvian convert!

My happy heart is singing!

Ps: This is a supernatural experience that happened a few minutes ago

As a believer, know that the Holy Spirit is a master communicator and He can speak through you to the glory of His name alone whenever there is a need to

I have experienced this before and I am glad to experience this again.

The Holy Spirit has made my day in so many ways

GSW is back in His full elements by the Spirit, the Days of The King at work in me is in full display

Nothing can steal my joy

Blessed be God!!!!


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