

His father told him about the young man in Jeans and T-shirt

Go to him and he will show you how to get power

He didn’t understand what his father was saying

He wanted to be a priest

He was born to be a priest

He knew there were powers beyond this world

But his father wouldn’t even pay heed to his words

The young man had seen his father command the rain to stop during a traditional festival in his village, and the rain stopped

He had also seen on numerous occasions the king of his village send for the rain makers during a drought and voila! The rain would respond to their sacrifices

He knew there was a power behind the wonders he had seen the rain makers of his village perform

He was the son of a rain maker and knew perfectly well what he was talking about!

He has also seen the worshippers of other deities in his village performing wonders

As traditional worshippers, they tend to associate with other traditional worshippers in their environment to create a sense of camaraderie!

It wasn’t as if all the traditional worshippers agree with each other but some have a lot of similarities while others are just plain enemies

He had seen a human being turn into a snake during a power demonstration and somehow the snake couldn’t return back to human form

He had also seen a goat struck by a powerful ring that instantly caused the goat to decay

Those who say there are no extra-terrestrial powers were just plain ignorant

There was year a lady from the rainmaker’s family defied her parents and insisted she was going to get married to a man from another city  

They told her what had to be done for the marriage to take place peacefully

She claimed she had become a born again Christian and she would not bow to any graven image

The rainmakers swore that they would bring down a deluge of Noah’s flood proportion if she defied them

She dared the rainmakers

She set a church wedding date

The rainmakers insisted that they would bring down heaven

She said heaven was the throne of her father

The groom’s family members arrived

The bride’s family members (The rainmakers) arrived

The wedding proceeded as planned

The lady had brought with her members of her prayer team from the university

They kept saying all sorts of rubbish in a room not too far from the church

The chief rainmaker laughed them to scorn

He had the secret of heaven in his hands

They went on top of the rain mountain

They started their invocation

The atmosphere changed

Rain! Rain!! Rain!!!

They screamed!

The sun ran for dear life

Day turned into darkness

A dark cloud took over the atmosphere

The young man in Jeans and T-shirt emerged from the prayer room

The other prayer warriors had been praying in tongues since dawn

He looked up to the heavens

“Weather who gave you permission to change” he spoke in Yoruba

“Sun, who gave you permission to stop shinning?’

“Thunder, who called you forth”

“Rain, whose bidding were you doing?”

“In the name of Jesus, I decree the evil veil hovering over the sky be dismissed at once, the sun must come back to its place and the rain is suspended until this wedding ceremony and reception are over”

He stood there, looking right into the sky

The thick darkness slowly dissipated

The rain dropped a little

But the sun ran back to its place

The weather became very calm

Not too sunny

Just perfect!

The rainmakers couldn’t believe it

They had made special sacrifice for the occasion

Nobody should defy the gods and live to see the repercussion

Their leader ran to the compound of the god of thunder’s worshippers

It was an emergency

The two compounds work hand in hand

Sometimes they provide the rain from which the thunder magic would be put on display during their annual god of thunder festival!

“One of our daughters is getting married in the local church, as you know the church pastor cooperates with us during our activities as we also cooperate with him during his own activities.

We approached the pastor and told him to speak with this lady that she should give unto our Caesar what belongs to Caesar and then hold her marriage in peace

She refused!

We spoke with her parents to please appeal to their daughter, we were not looking for a fight! All she needed to do was buy the compound a live goat and three kegs of palm wine or the cash equivalent! She refused! She said she is a born again Christian and will do no such thing!

We had no option, even though she is our daughter, we needed to make an example of her

We spoke with the land, it supported us

We consulted the sky, it backed our decision

We spoke with the rain, it was supposed to rain yesterday but the rain cooperated with us and promised to give us the mother of all rains today

We took nothing for granted

It was the priestess of the compound that did the consultations and the offered the sacrifices this morning

The land heard

The sky heard

The rain was about to unleash its anger

But then a young man came out of nowhere

He offered nothing, just words and the rain dissipated with its tail in between its legs like a scared dog

We have tried to call it back to no avail

We must not allow her to get away with this

If she did, others like her would defy us and before long our gods would become a thing of mockery

The god of thunder’s priest listened intently

“So what do you want me to do for you” he asked

We want you to call on ‘Koso’ the stone of thunder! We don’t care if the girl lives or dies. We just want her defiance to be addressed

Who was the person you said spoke to the rain and made it dissipate?

A young boy, he was part of the bride’s university friends that came to attend the wedding

“So he was not even from this land”


The god of thunder’s priest was miffed! What an insult!

When will they finish the church service?

“Anytime from now, but it doesn’t matter as long as we catch them at the reception!

The god of thunder’s priest nodded his head

A few minutes later he followed them to the point of worship of his deity

They started the incantation and invocation

By this time the prayer team had disbanded

They had prayed from 8am till 12 noon when the church solemnization was over

They proceeded to the reception

“Rice and Soup are Very Plenty” (RSVP) time!

The bride and groom had a very good outing

The atmosphere was just wonderful

It had been extremely sunny in the morning but after the dark clouds dissipated, the weather became very conducive!

The event went on without a hitch

The reception finished

The husband and wife would be leaving the village immediately for their honeymoon in the city

They stepped out of the reception

The bride screamed

The man in jeans and T-shirt was chatting with some friends

The bride came to call him

“They are looking for you”

He walked outside

The rainmaker’s priest and the god of thunder’s priest were standing about 100 meters away from the entrance

One of their followers, a young boy of about fifteen years old was the one who came to deliver the message to the bride

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt approached them

‘Good afternoon sir” he said

Rainmaker’s priest: Who are you? Who is your father? Where are you from?

The young man in Jeans and T-shirt heard the sound of many waters, he knew instinctively that his brothers and sisters in the prayer team had started skabashing where they were

He smiled

“I am so and so, the son of Jesus, the son of God!”

The god of thunder’s priest: When are you leaving our town?

The young man in Jeans and t-shirt didn’t like the question, he started speaking in tongues aloud

The two priests quickly put their fingers in their ears

“Can you please keep quiet and listen to us?” the god of thunder’s priest asked!

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt obliged

He kept quiet

‘Please will you be leaving with the bride and groom today?’ The rainmaker’s priest asked

“Yes” replied the young man in Jeans and T-Shirt

“Thank you, that was all we came to ask, we will be leaving now”

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt watched them as they left

Once they were gone, the husband and wife got into a car and the young man in Jeans and T-shirt got into the school bus with the prayer team

It didn’t rain in the town until a month later

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt was in 200L when this incident happened

Eight years later, a young man came looking for the young man in Jeans and T-shirt

He was the first son of the rainmaker priest in that village

His father sent him to the couple that got married that day

The couple gave him the phone number of the young man in Jeans and T-shirt

He called

“Sir, I am so and so, son of such and such, from this and that village

 My father sent me to you, he was the rainmaker priest in my village!”

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt gave him the address to his office

The young man came in at 10AM

He said

“My father said I should look for you! I am his first born and the one who ought to be priest after him but he told me to run to you and get power from you. He said there was no power in the god he had dedicated his life to serving!

How else was he to explain the powers that went into hiding because a small boy and his prayer team came to town. 

"You triggered a spiritual tsunami sir! 

My father said what I will inherit wouldn’t be a priesthood because since you and your team came, they had just been hoodwinking the people. The evil forces simply refused to cooperate with them! Sometimes they will get a result and at other times they would give excuses.

There is no power like the one you have!”

He told the young man about Jesus and led him to Christ.

They prayed together and the young man got filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues

He recommended a bible college for the young man to deepen his faith!

The light of Jesus lightens all that had been born into the world through him! What are you struggling with today? Evil dreams, afflictions, nightmares, curses, sickness, disease, spiritual attacks, just look up to Jesus right now! Take your eyes away from those inconsequential things and look up to Jesus! Just look up to Jesus! Say Lord Jesus, I have your life in me, I have the power of resurrection in me, I have the life of God in me! I am free!!!


PS: This event happened in Saki, Oyo State

The young man is now a minister of the gospel as Bode-Osi, in Osun State

The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt is in Lagos, Nigeria

The couple that got married are in Australia as missionaries