Do You Trust The Holy Spirit?
A prostitute once walked into my fellowship,
She dressed quite decently and couldn’t be
identified as one. She came to church because
her mother was sick and medical help had failed.
Her mother was all she had. She didn’t come
for the sermon, she wanted a miracle!
I was seating in the crowd. (On the first row)
the Holy Spirit said “Turn around”. I did!
My gaze fell on her immediately!
I walked up to her and laid hands on her
That set her off!
“I need God to heal my mother, I am a prostitute,
I know God hates me but can he heal my mother?”
She shouted!
I told her if she gives her life to Jesus, the Bible
says God will save her and her household!
So she gave her life to Jesus
Then I said, “I believe converted souls should
get baptized in the Holy Spirit, would you like
to receive the Holy Ghost?”
She said yes!
I laid hands on her and she started praying
in tongues!
She shook and screamed and fainted for
a few minutes.
When the service was over she left
Some “older members of the church
came to me”
You should have followed her up better!
You know the lifestyle she is returning to...
I said No!
I trust the Holy Spirit!
I know His work!
My own duty is to preach the gospel and
minister the Holy Spirit to His people.
His own is to keep His children!
She never came back!
Years later, she came to the church I attend
on a Sunday
I didn’t recognize her
She introduced herself and said “I want to
thank you. My mother survived somehow!
It was a miracle and she is still alive today.
I also find myself unwilling to continue as a
prostitute, I struggled for a few months until
one day I left the work!
I met someone who helped me!
I was a tailor before I went into prostitution.
The person rented a shop for me and bought
me some machines! It was a loan and I worked
night and day to repay it! I am married now with
two children. I had always wanted to seek you
out to say Thank you!
Wow! I was speechless!
We should trust the Holy Spirit more!
Let us stop trying to set ourselves up as
human behavior modifiers!
"The Law and performance have no place in
the gospel!
Following up converts should not be just
cerebral and mundane!
Please fill your converts with the Holy Spirit!
Let Him do the rest!
Their Fruits...
It was the fruit of their life that made me
re-examine my beliefs
They were supposed to be the leaders of
the church
One would come sharing testimonies of near-death
experiences and losses of all kinds
The other would speak of gloom and doom and
how her only hope is making heaven
I didn’t find anything attractive in their lives!
Not one thing!
But I know the Holy Spirit and I was a believer
The more they fed me, the more like them I became
I taught what they taught me and got pats on
my back for being a growing Christian!
Their approval was my joy
Then I fell sick
I was preparing for my first medical tourism
to India
They all have been to India once or twice
It was a natural path for all of us
But I didn’t have the money and I cannot beg!
So I asked the Holy Spirit
“Is this it, is this the trial and tribulation promised?”
He said no!
He opened my eyes to His gospel!
Live on me
Trust me
Let me work out the details of your life
You cannot trust me and trust in the law
at the same time
You cannot be sin conscious and be
God-conscious at the same time
Your reality is determined by what you believe!
I cried that day
The leaders of the church jeopardized my life
They were feeding me an adulterated gospel message
Sin was central to their teaching, not Christ
Self-righteousness has been labeled “Holiness”
I changed!
I read my Bible by myself and prayed in the Holy Ghost
It took three months but I was divinely healed
I started preaching the gospel
The result was outstanding
Barren women in the church started getting
pregnant and delivering babies
The sick got healed
The dead got raised
They celebrated the results with joy and
gladness but...
...They wouldn’t accept the message
I preached
That those who accept Jesus as Lord and
Saviour and are filled with the Holy Spirit
are kept by Grace!
They said I am selling sin tickets
Giving people a license to sin
They just don’t get it
“He that is born of God cannot sin”
Editing The Truth?
Some wanted to "carry people along" they began
to edit THE TRUTH.
Eventually, they deviated into something else...
That desire to be accepted should be towards
the Lord alone not men because He owns the
hearts of men.
But when our focus is for men to accept us,
we would become men pleasers, unstable
as water, scattered....
If the Lord hired you, He is the only one who
grades you, not any man!
Open the history books and Learn to explore
your heritage as a believer.
The truth is that there is nothing actually new
about what you think you are doing now.
Others have laboured learn to enter their
labour and push the frontier beyond were
they stopped.
Many people think God is always beginning
a new thing. No sir. Your father is a wise
master builder, he does not begin a project
halfway and then begin another one.
The personal vision the Lord has given you to
run with is nothing new but a furtherance of
what he has began with men and woman of
faith who walked in the phase of time before you.
Daddy's character is that he always send us
to enter what others have laboured for and from
there we continue [John 4:38].
If one has been used to lay the foundation daddy
will not use you to begin another foundation
but to build on it. This is our the kingdom works.
This is why honour is key, It is how we enter
the labour of the saints who walked with
God in time past before us. Honour in this
sense simply means utmost regard for them.
If they didn't become your history you will not
have the foundation to stand on in the present.
Most of them may not be so accurate as we
are today but still they paved the way for our
progress in understanding.
Know that our understanding of God's ultimate
work continues to expand and generations will
come after us and will find some lapses in our
own understanding. This is a good sign that we
are growing as a body.
Do you also know that it is against our culture
of faith to look back on those who walk with the
Lord in faith and talk about their weaknesses or
Faith ONLY record God's exploit through them
not how they failed or what they did wrong study
how Abraham and other men and women of faith
was spoken of in the new testament.
Their flaws was never taken into account
We open our heart to be fueled by their exploits
of faith because that is the only truth about
them that faith has taken into record.
So if I get to know about a man whom God has
used to advanced his course on earth I don't go
checking out whether he was good at explaining
the letters in context am after what God has used
him to realise, this does not mean I have to accept
everything he says. A man's exploit is not a
yardstick for doctrinal accuracy.
You are still a baby if your honour for men is
on the basis of "accurate theology and eloquence
they have"
We truly honour them outside of their shortcomings.
However when it comes to doctrinal matters
we don't speak in favour of anyone under the guise
of honour, such is not honour it is Idol worship.
Everyone of us are subject to the supreme word
of truth when it comes to the doctrine.
How well can I communicate this message to
you so that you won't be lofty in your own
eyes for your own good but to embrace all that
Your daddy have put in store for you.
You are the blessed
Identity school of redemption
The revelation of Christ is the revelation of me.
In Him I see myself.
As He is, so am I.
Success in Ministry...
Please can somebody explain to me what it
means to "make it" in ministry.
He has influence, money, schools and
private jets is that what it means to make
it in ministry?
Even the young ones coming up are
waiting to make it some day.
You are free to disagree with this.
You are not in the ministry to be the world
richest man.
Ministry is not a profit-making business.
Material wealth is not a proof of faithfulness
in ministry.
You are not in the ministry to make it someday,
you are in the ministry to preach the Gospel ONLY.
Be a faithful Steward who doesn't live for self
ambition but for the master's interest.
The mistake many believers make while dealing
with oppositions from darkness is the praying
exercise that seems to put them in a battle
contest with the forces of darkness.
A lot of times believers act in fear and keep
believing God to get the victory. I don't want to
go into a lot of scriptures that reveals beyond
every shadow of doubt that the believers warfare
is not a battle contest to defeat the devil and all
his forces.
Our ignorance have given the devil a "realistic"
position and he has been able to make good use
of the ground we have given him.
It takes understanding to reign as righteousness,
I remember years ago how I was greatly oppressed
of the devil simply because I don't know,
I did pray based on how I understand prayer to
be, do all the casting and binding but the
oppression became worse,
I have left hours of prayer and was still
oppressed that same night.
There were times I will wake up from sleep
after much prayers and I will be bleeding on
my lap "invisible fingers had worked on it"
other times I will wake up and I cannot walk
with my two legs, many times I had to crawl
of the room seeking one to help me out, went to
many deliverance centres which further
complicated my life and strengthened the hold
of darkness in my soul.
I was so powerful as a believer but I suffered
what it means to be powerless because my
heart was void of understanding, lies was
enthroned and dignified in my heart through
the leading figures I submitted my heart to.
The nights were horrible.
I thought to myself I never experienced
all these sufferings as an unbeliever, although
my father was an herbalist and I was the son
who actively got involved with my father but
still never did I experience such attacks in
such manner before, so I took a "break" from
anything call church.
Long story short during one of those times when
in my mind I thought I was away I got to know
Pastor Chris of Christ embassy, for the first time
I was hearing a "strange" doctrine, it was
I couldn't just ignore because the word of God
was becoming so real to me.
Then he always talk about 2 Corinthians 5:17 and
the amazing thing was that I have read the text
several times and it has even be used as part of
the deliverance prayer point. He made me saw
the scripture as my very deliverance that is ever
the truth, for the first time I saw it was not a
prayer point but my reality. From that time it
has been victory all the way.
We reign in life by the revelation of Truth sitting
on our heart.
Our heart need to be established in Truth.
The believer messing up demons and the
forces of darkness only becomes effective
with the heart established in Truth.
If you buy into falsehood that will become
an advantage to them to continue their evil
manipulating work to mess you up.
Your absolute rest in God is true power which
is your seated position with Christ.
It is by this rest that you silent the opposition
of darkness against you. Prayer becomes a
fruitless exercise when it is not done from the
place of absolute rest in God.
For it is a good thing that your heart be
established in Grace.
[Hebrews 13:9 TRT]
Be unmovable and invulnerable to various strange
teachings. It is to your own advancement that
your heart be thoroughly established and rooted
in the revelatory Grace of God and not with the
rituals of what to eat and not eat which has not
made anyone involved in such practice better
You are the blessed
Courting Bitterness?
No matter how much you differ from other
Christians on doctrinal ground, kindly avoid
bitterness in the pursuit of
your faith.
Bitterness is a trap of the devil, don't fall into it.
It is a given, you will always have people
who disagree with you, depending on the
light they have received or
that you have received.
In all this, never travel the path of hate.
If they hate you, love them in return.
Any revelation knowledge you hold or teach
that makes you bitter or hate on another
person for whatever reason
is not from God.
There are people who teach from the
position of bitterness, envy and anger.
They may be logical and even quote
plenty of scriptures to buttress their
points but this will not change the fact
that God has not sent them.
Admittedly, there are also some who have
been cheated and offended by the prevailing
religious system in the past.
When they remember their experiences,
they still hurt badly.
Friends, it is time to heal, "
For the wrath of man does not work the
righteousness of God. James 1:20
"for human anger is never a legitimate
tool to promote God’s righteous purpose.
James (Jacob) 1:20 TPT
If you are hurting, kindly seek healing
for yourself first of all. If you don't,
you may end up hurting others.
Wounded people that don't heal up
will go ahead to wound others.
Dear friends, guard your hearts with
all diligence
for out of it are the issues of life.
If your heart is overtaken by
bitterness, no true life can issue out of it.
Heal from all hurts
Heal from all bitterness
Heal from anger.
No matter how bad it has been, please
Let go and forgive, anything and anyone.
To forgive is to let go of a prisoner only to
find out you have been the prisoner all along.
I pray for everone who is hurting, you are
finding healing for your soul, in Jesus name
Endeavor to love the church. Fall in love
with God's people wherever they are,
whether within or outside of denominations
that you approve or disapprove.
Regardless of how imperfect the church
appears to be, Christ still loves His church,
warts and all.
He will never abandon her, never.
In all you do, let love lead.
It is a new day.
I want to become a Medical Doctor.
So I study hard, write my UTME and scored
Went ahead to do my post UTME and got 70%.
I know what I want. I want to become
a medical doctor.
So lectures begin and my lecturers
start coming to class.
The Prof who is paid to teach us Anatomy
comes to class and starts gisting us about
how Messi is better than Ronaldo.
The other one who is supposed to teach
us O&G comes to class and starts talking
about how Jagaban is a political guru in
the Nigerian political landscape.
Yet another lecturer who is supposed
to teach Human Physiology comes to class
and starts talking about he
doesn't like Real Madrid.
Now, on a good day, I'd love to enjoy
those talk shows.
But hey, I didn't study so hard to get
admitted into
medical school to hear about Messi,
Jagaban and Barcelona.
I could get all that info elsewhere.
Not in medical class.
Is the Professor wrong to love Messi, revert
Jagaban, and hate Madrid?
No, he is not.
Is he paid by the school to talk to me in class
about all that? No way.
Maybe if we meet in a restaurant somewhere
or by the road, we could indulge ourselves in
such extracurricular talks.
But in medical class? No way!
Now, if I just sit there, enjoying the talks
and hailing the Prof as my nigga, then I am
definitely determined to waste
my parent's money.
Because I'll spend 7 years in school, and I won't even
be able to name the 206 bones in the human body.
I might know all the stats of
Messi and be able to properly detail
Jagaban's political journey.
But I wasn't sent to medical school to become
a football analyst or political commentator.
At the end of the day, who is at loss?
Me! Yes, Me!
Now, I come to church and the Pastor begins
to talk about every other thing but God's word.
He is talking about finance,
business, social skills, etc.
Do I appreciate the fact that he is knowledgeable
in those things? Oh, yes.
Did God put him in my life as my pastor to
teach me all that? No.
If I am cool with it, what does that make me?
At the end of the day, who loses?
Any local church that is not training you for the
work of ministry is a disadvantage to your
spiritual life.
May you see this on time.
-Popoola Oluwatobi
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