

It all began with a lie.

A very big lie!

A lie he had nothing to do with.

A lie that had everything to do with him.

As soon as he finished writing his last paper,

He told himself the truth.

He had failed!

There were no two ways about it.

No amount of prayer and fasting could change the outcome.

He simply didn’t know most of the questions.

The little he wrote in the way of providing answers were rubbish.

He would submit the answer sheets bare.

But he was afraid the teachers, invigilators and some fellow students would notice.

So he wrote on and on and on.

Piles of rubbish!

He had survived secondary school without repeating a class because of his best friend.

The guy was an egghead!

He was an empty head.

They made a pact.

His friend needed a protector from bullies,

He needed someone to copy during examinations.

It was a perfect match!

But WAEC’s sitting arrangements was in alphabetical order.

So there was no way they could sit together.

He didn’t bother to study.

Where would he start?

He told his father the truth immediately after the examination.

His father was disappointed.

He was an illiterate who had high hopes for his son.

So what do you want to do now? Asked his father.

“I want to travel to Abidjan to live with my mother, I will like to learn a trade over there”

His father agreed.

He left for Ivory Coast, determined to make a success of himself.

He became an apprentice under a draughtsman.

He learnt rather fast!

He didn’t know he had an ear for languages until he settled in.

Within a few months he was speaking Anyin and French fluently.

WAEC released the results for that year.

His Father gave a friend his examination number to check his result.

The semi-literate friend checked someone else’s result.

Told his Father he had 6 A’s and 3 C’s.

His Father couldn’t believe his ears.

His son was going to be a medical doctor after all!


His Father sent for him, gave him 200,000 cash.

Told him to go to school!

He deposited the money in the bank.

Then he went to get his original result, only to discover it was 6F’s and 3E’s.

He didn’t want to break his Father’s heart.

He knew all along he would fail woefully.

What could he do now?

His Father was already boasting in their village that his son had been admitted to study medicine.

A friend suggested a short term remedy.

Since his Father could afford it, he should travel abroad

He got an international passport, told his father he needed more money to study medicine abroad and applied to travel to Europe.

He was granted visa and within six months he was abroad.

That was the only option he knew would be considered better than breaking his father's heart.

It wasn’t as easy as he thought but his knowledge of French and English helped him adapt.

He did a lot of odd jobs and slept in many odd places.

Things improved gradually.

After five years, he returned home to his father’s delight.

His mother also came in to see him from Abidjan

Their village was agog with joy.

After a few days, he decided to go and see his best friend

The egghead!

The egghead had graduated with first class degree but was still searching for a job.

He told the egghead about some opportunities abroad.

He was sure the egghead would be an instant success and earn loads of money.

He had some savings. So he asked if the egghead would like to come abroad with him.

The egghead agreed.

They started processing the documents.

Three months later, the egghead joined him.

Within two years, they were swimming in legal money.

The egghead started a mobile phone company.

It became an instant success!

He worked as the egghead’s partner in charge of marketing.

He also earned loads of money.

Five years later his Father died.

He returned home to bury his father.

Burial over, one of his uncles approached him and said “You have made it abroad and you came home to bury your father like a king. Rich boy! Throwing money everywhere as if you are the head of the family. You may be wealthier than I am but you are still a child in matters of life and reality! Like the guinea fowl, you have laid eggs in a foreign land but you will not be the one to hatch the eggs. You will no longer go abroad, you are now here to stay permanently”

He laughed

He had not only become a naturalized citizen of the country he was stationed in, he was an economic asset!

Two days later, he got to the airport and was prevented from boarding.

The airport authorities sent him to the embassy. The embassy said there was no reason for anybody to delay his flight and yet he was prevented from boarding at the airport!

He called his company, letters were written, correspondences exchanged, nothing worked!

One month, two months, one year!

He realized that there were indeed spiritual immigration officers!

He prayed and fasted!

Nothing worked!

His friend told him to open a branch of the company at home.

He reluctantly did!

Within two years, they had over twelve outlets all over the country.

His uncle heard of his success and travelled to the city to see him

His Uncle: So you decided to bring the fortunes of the sea home since you can no longer go to the sea!

The fortunes will dry up within a week! If you can still boast of having a dime by this time next week, label me a bastard!

He became terrified

“Was it not the same man that grounded him with one word that is now saying his fortunes will dry up?”

He knelt down and begged his uncle

“Please sir, I have learnt my lesson, what do you want me to do? I will do anything you want!

His uncle laughed and left.

He called his friend and told him.

He didn’t know what to do!

His friend was also at sea.

The next morning he drove to their village.

He went to see the elders of their compound to discuss the developments.

The elders listened to him and called a meeting to settle matters between him and his uncle.

The meeting was very brief.

His uncle simply said "I gave him five years to beg, he didn’t.

He couldn't travel and he proceeded to spit in my face by establishing businesses right here.

He dared me to do my worst and I have done it.

Nothing can change the events that I have set in motion. I have sacrificed a dead guinea fowl for this young man. Until his garments are turned to rags, his covenant with poverty will never be undone.”

The elders were shocked

They tried to encourage and assure him of their support as best they could

He returned home that evening.

All hope was lost.

He accepted his fate!

He laid down on the bed anticipating the arrival of the first news of tragedy

He turned his face to the wall and prayed.

"LORD JESUS, I had promised you that I would become born again for years, I never got around to doing it. Now that my life is over and I have only one week of prosperity left. I give my life to you. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I am sorry I waited this long. Please take me just as I am. In JESUS name I pray. Amen

He slept off

He slept for eight hours straight

3 AM -11 AM

By the time he woke up, he had almost 50 missed calls

Tragedy had unleashed its mayhem

His Uncle, the one who embargoed him from travelling, the one who promised him woe and poverty within a week had slumped on his bicycle in the village and died!

He never knew prayer to work that fast before!

The following week, he was invited to a conference in America, he confidently accepted the invitation.

He travelled

Today he travels all over the world without any problem and his businesses at home and abroad are flourishing.


PS: When I pray, coincidences happen – Lori Hatcher


This Event happened in 2013

The Embassy involved was the Belgian Embassy

The young man is 40 years old

He is married with a daughter

He has been a fervent Christian since the night he gave his life to Christ