A glorious life seemed out of reach for the entire family
That life people kept yapping about as real and possible in Christ
It was a mirage
It was mere sweet talk
Pastors will say “come to Jesus, He will give you rest”
It was all sweet words!
Her mother was born again
Her Father was born again
Her Father was a tongue talking born again Christian
The type who will see a bird, an owl, a cockroach, a rat and know if it is ordinary or spiritual
The binding and loosing type
Her family was third generation Christian
They were all born and bred in the church
And yet they had found no rest!
Her father had a strange sore on his left leg
The sore had refused to heal for eight years
The sore rendered him “useless” at the age of 46
People said it was an arrow of the enemy
Some said it was elephantiasis
Doctors said it was a viral infection
He spent all his savings on finding a cure
The more he spent, the more the wound festered
He sold practically everything he had
Until he had nothing more to sell
He became bed ridden
Carried out twice a day to get some fresh air
Now at 54, all her father was waiting for seemed to be death
Her mother was a tongue talking Christian
She was the most spiritually sensitive of them all
She had a dream of dreams
She was the one who saw the attack a few days before it happened
She saw in the dream that her husband was collecting his promotion letter but a lady was unhappy that the promotion was not given to her and scratched her father’s left hand with her long nails
It happened exactly the way she saw it
Her husband got promoted
The day he resumed in his new office, he had a scratch on his left leg
The small scratch turned into a sore that defied every form of medical treatment
Pastors, Bishops, evangelists and prophets had all prayed
The demons were obstinate
They got anointing oil, mantle, holy water, Pool of Bethesda water, St. Michael perfume
Nothing worked
They had fasted and prayed for years
The bright light of hope eventually dimmed
They accepted fate!
Her mother was one of the saddest people she ever knew
If her mother was to be one of the books of the Bible
She would be the book of Lamentations
Her words and experiences were always about her unending realities of sorrow
How her business went from international to small kiosk
How her sunshine went down at noon
How her children had brought her no joy
In her mother’s head, the affliction her father ruined the family forever
Her mother was almost right
The three children she had were well educated but unproductive
None of them could get a good job
None of them had the capital or the idea for a good business
They graduated and returned home to menial jobs
Her eldest brother worked as a teacher in a private primary school
Her immediate elder brother worked at a local pharmacy while she worked as a cashier at a supermarket nearby
The combined salary of the three of them Per anum couldn’t rent a three-bedroom flat
Yet they were all born again Christians
Their cousins and other relatives were not faring any better
It was as if they had all been pegged
The realities of what her family was going through gave her pause when she was asked if she would like to give her life to Christ
What would be the point?
The Christian examples around her would most likely have to wait till they get to heaven before they will have a day of joy
Wouldn’t she be better off without Jesus than with him?
At least without Jesus her options wouldn’t be so narrowed down
She could do anything she wanted and enjoy her life
She didn’t want a mediocre life
She approached her mother and discussed her concerns
Her mother told her their ancestors were wicked people and even her own father was deeply into occultism before he died
The suffering of the whole family was as a result of the deed of the ancestors
She was shocked!
Even though her mother’s explanation seemed logical, it didn’t make any sense to her
The Bible said "even" in the old testament “ Jeremiah 31:29 “In those days, it will no longer be said: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes,and this has set the children’s teeth on edge.’30Instead, each will die for his own iniquity. If anyone eats the sour grapes, his own teeth will be set on edge.…
And in the new Testament it says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
No wonder her mother was always praying about ancestral curses, inherited curses, battle of father’s house, war of mother’s house, evil covenant, witchcraft coven, monitoring spirits, village spirits and all sorts
Her parents didn’t really become born again, if they did they would not see themselves in the light of the past life anymore
A friend invited her to a vigil
She was very weary of church but she went
After the vigil she met with the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She told him her plight
She couldn’t reconcile the Christian reality with the promises made in the Bible
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt understood her
The next day by 4pm he was at her house
He called her when he got to their gate
She ran outside to meet him
She took him to her father
He told her to lay her hands on her Father’s leg
She reminded him that she was not yet Born Again
He said it doesn’t matter
He told her to say “Father, I thank you because every time I pray you always hear me. Leg, I command you in the name of Jesus, be healed! This sore, I command you to dry up and be made whole in the name of Jesus. I speak to you, nerve, bone, tendon, ligament, blood vessels, cell and skeletal structure of this body, be healed right now. I command every demonic activity operating in you to cease right away in Jesus name!”
He asked her father “How is the leg feeling”
Her Father said “I feel nothing”
He laid his hands on her shoulder, they repeated the prayer!
Suddenly, she felt an electric shock run through her shoulder, her spine, her hand into the leg!
She screamed!
Her Father screamed!
The leg started throbbing
“It is hot, the sore is hot, the sore is hot, my leg is tingling” her father screamed
She couldn’t believe it
Her father had not felt anything in the leg for a very long time
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her not to remove her hands from her father’s legs until he finished praying
He prayed for a few minutes
Then he told her to remove her hand and lay it on her mother
She did
Her mother screamed! Her whole body trembled before she collapsed on a sofa
The brother In Jeans and T-shirt blessed the house
He told them their mindset had limited the move of God in their lives
They needed to stop talking about the past and declare the future henceforth
“Frame your world with the Word of God in your mouth, do so every day, the tide must turn if you insist on it! Once it turns, ride the wind of the Holy Spirit with joy.”
Salvation indeed came into their home that day!
Her father started standing on that leg exactly three days later
The sore dried up
It was completely closed up within a month
Her Father got a job as an accountant in a private firm
She got a job with the Ministry of Tourism and had to relocate out of state
Her mother’s business boomed again
Her brothers got better jobs, moved into their own apartments and got married in 2017 (two months apart)
One year later, she gave her life to Christ
She had seen enough transformation all round to convince herself that the life is attractive and worthy of keying into
She got married in October 2018
PS: I think about the famous story of how they train baby elephants in the circus. They take them when they are still small and tie a strong rope around their necks and attach the rope to a secure pole. The baby elephants naturally try to walk away and are stopped by the rope. They pull and push and twist and turn and eventually figure out that they just aren’t strong enough to break free of their shackles, so they stop resisting and just stay where they are.
The next time they tie up the baby elephants they try to break away once again, pulling on the rope to see if they can go free. When they figure out that once again it is futile, they stop pulling and settle down and stay where they are.
The same thing happens over and over until eventually, when the rope is put over their heads, they no longer pull and push and try to break free because they know it is futile. That is why in captivity you can walk by a circus and see giant elephants standing passively with a rope tied around their necks that isn’t attached to anything at all.
The elephant becomes so accustomed to being held back by the rope, that merely the rope itself keeps the animal in check. If only they knew how powerful they really are. If only they realized that by the time they have grown up, even a rope “secured” to a pole can no longer contain them. Then they would know what true freedom is. But they don’t.
If you are in Christ and all you do every day is fight enemies (real and imagined), you are of believers most miserable.
You have been invited into a feast
The table has been set
The banquet uniform had been made ready
All you need to do is come into the Banquet hall, dressed in the banquet uniform and enjoy the buffet!
We have been called to peace!
If you don’t kill that warfare and negative mindset
You will never enter into his rest!
Enter into his rest now!
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