Watch Craft
So i was summoned to my former office
I tendered my notice of resignation in October
2019 and left November ending
I left just at the right time
They all saw the handwriting on the wall
The Holy Spirit has lifted me in his wings
There was only an upward and forward
projection for me
Some of them were very open "Brother Gbenga,
I respect the grace of God upon your life,
I want to be a member of your board of Trustees
when you register your ministry" requested one
I told him the board members were sent to me
2019 October and the ministry has been
He was disappointed
He insisted he wanted to be a part of the
Church council I told him I have no plan of
running a church
He said "Okay", I will take whatever position
you decide to give me!
I said "Okay sir"
My immediate boss told me "Make sure you
invite me often for special-programmes!
I am anointed too!
I said Okay!
Somehow they appointed themselves as
"watchmen" over me, monitoring my activities
on Whatsapp and Twitter!
There was nothing i could do about it
I consider them my superfans and
i love them with all my heart!
So they sacked a guy a few weeks after i left
because he didn't have a University certificate
I recommended the guy for a job with
@TheikosDoxa @femioladehin agreed with me
that he would be an asset
The guy was employed The "Watchers" saw it
Then we had our inaugural service and i forgot
to invite the watchers
The watchers had a meeting
I was summoned
I also had something in my mind that I
wanted to talk to them about
So it wasn't so one-sided!
When I got to the meeting, I found my old boss
and his assistant waiting for me in the conference
They were the self-appointed Heads of
The "Watcher's Council"
The assistant said "Why did you employ that
criminal boy! A boy who was earning a graduate's
salary for close to ten years despite knowing
he didn't have a certificate?
I was shocked
They summoned me because i employed someone
they sacked? Wow! Wow! Wow!
I explained that I found the young man competent
and I happen to recall that the office sent him
to several seminars and workshops
while he was under their employ!
I didn't do anything to spite them
I found an asset and I couldn't let it go to waste
They didn't like it but...
Then my former boss said "I have been looking at
the pictures on your Whatsapp status and the
ones you were posting on social media!
A church of Jesus Christ does not start the
way you guys have started!
Everything is shinning and people are bright
and happy! What were you people celebrating?
It looked too worldly!
You have to take a stand for righteousness!
Don't let the world corrupt your Christianity.
You must stand for righteousness!
A church cannot be that happy unless people
are focused on money and earthly benefits.
I think you are not telling people the truth
You have always said "Salvation is a free gift"
but to see you practice that bothers me!
I think you are confusing people into thinking
Christianity is easy.
Don't let anybody bamboozle you with money o.
Speak the truth and stand for righteousness!
Take a stand!
From what I saw, I think you are being derailed!
As a pastor and your brother, I have a leading to
call you and warn you!"
I sat down there, looking at my old boss!
He didn't know me at all
The gospel I have come to know is contagious
and liberating
I could barely restrain myself from laughing!
I kept a straight face
I said "We will adjust sir"!
I turned to his assistant and said "Is this why
you guys have not paid me my severance
Even for the guy you sacked, have you made
arrangements to give him his package?
(That was my own agenda for going)
They turned and looked at each other
The Assistant said "You want us to pay someone
who worked here for 9 years severance package
for discovering he was a fraud?
I said "He wasn't a fraud!
Those who employed him were aware of his
circumstances and you have confirmed this!
He did His job and he was very good at it.
Please make arrangements to pay him!
"Brother Gbenga, we will not pay him a dime" he replied
I smiled
I said "If you don't pay him, what i had in mind
to give you as a token every year will be
I expected better from this organization
I thanked them and left
This afternoon, around 2pm, my phone rang
The Assistant called me
He said they have made arrangements
It has been sent upstairs for final approval
I said "Thank you"
Then he said "Don't forget the token you
promised us"
I shook my head and laughed out loud
That's religion
"It condemns, vilifies, flays and hangs others
out to dry. All it sees are faults and transgressions
It hates joy and gladness
It's "Holiness" is packaged in misery and pain
Those in its clutches are always gasping for air
It drowns them in its gloom and doom
Like crabs, they wouldn't allow those in it to escape
They must pull you down and trample you under!
I used to be like them
Until I met the Holy Spirit
The light they saw and wanted to attach themselves
to is Christ in Me!
The Blind leading the blind
Are you free of religion yet?
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