The Tryst

The Tryst

July 10, 2018

Her message came into his phone like a thief in the night
He wasn't expecting it
She greeted him and apologised for intruding on his privacy
She said she was having issues and needed someone to talk to
Could she call or send him a message at his convenience?
She said she would be expecting his reply!
He replied to her as soon as he got the message
"Good afternoon please, how can I be of help to you?
She was very grateful that he took the time
to respond
She was sure he was very busy
"Thank you for having a heart for someone like me"
She cooed
She stated her challenges succinctly
She graduated from the University at the age of 20
She travelled afterwards for her Masters
When she returned home
She got a job as a project manager in a 
logistics firm
She dedicated herself to her job and she was good at it
The job took most of her time
Though she managed to scrounge out some time for leisure
It was never enough
She had worked for seven years before her firm 
appointed a new Chief Executive Officer
Within a week of the new appointment, many
people were sacked as a result of the appointee's 
selfish interests
She was one of them
She suddenly found herself alone and jobless at the 
age of twenty-seven
She didn't have anybody to turn to
She was depressed and found herself in deep sorrow
He c responded to her immediately
counselled her to get a grip of herself, pray
and turn to God for strength
As soon as he replied her message on Whatsapp
She called!
It was an international number and he didn't know 
who it was
She introduced herself and told him she was based in the 
United Kingdom at that moment
She had travelled hoping that a change of scene would help
her overcome the depression
But instead of improving she found herself crying the more
It felt as if something had broken deep within her
She really wanted to end it all
She was just tired of the pain and misery
He calmed her down
Told her the story of his own brush with depression
Told her about the time he faced the University 
Disciplinary committee after his final examinations
Told her how the school authority told him they
were not convinced he had the necessary character
to be their ambassador and refused to let him graduate!
Told her how he got a rope and starred at the 
ceiling fan for hours while trying to summon the 
courage to end it all
"What did you do?" She asked
"I don't understand your question". He replied
"What was the offence you faced the school disciplinary
committee for?" She asked
"Fraud" He replied
He went on to explain to her that a bank official
approached him while he was a student to advertise
the sale of shares
Many students filled the forms and gave him the money
to help them process the shares
He gave the money and the forms to the bank officials
but instead of registering the sales, the bank official
pocketed the money and fled the country
The total amount of money was about two hundred thousand
Naira only
The students who paid him to get the shares approached 
the school authority when they realised that he would be 
graduating and they have not heard anything about the shares
The school authority carried out their investigation
and concluded that unless he produces the banker to
whom he claimed to have paid the money, he was the one
who defrauded the students
Since the bank official didn't issue him any receipt
He had no evidence whatsoever and was pronounced guilty!"
"But all you have to do was raise the money and refund
the students involved" She suggested
But it was much more than that
The University he attended was a private University
A Church owned private University
Once you are found guilty of a crime and you get
yourself expelled
There is no room for repentance or restitution!
She was shocked!
He told her that just as he was about to put his neck
in the noose and end it all
He heard God's voice clearly for the first time
The voice said "Give your life to me and I will live 
through you"
He told her that was the beginning of his journey
into ministry
That was the foundation of his ministry!
That call!
By the time he finished telling her the story
she was crying
The story really touched her
He prayed for her and rang off
Three days later, his phone rang
This time the call was from a local number
She was the one at the other end of the line
She told him she had returned to the country
His voice was the fisrst thing she wanted to hear
His story really helped her
She had found hope, zest, joy and peace again
She was very grateful
She bought him a small gift, when and where can they meet?
He had no idea, he asked her if she could come to 
his church on Sunday
She did!
She was georgeously dressed and contagiously exuberant
They met after service
He welcomed her like other first timers
She introduced herslef and apologised for not 
bringing the gift
She said she forgot it at home in her bid to
make it to church on time
She wondered if he had any business on the island
in the course of the week
His church was located on the mainland and she lives on the island
He told her he would let her know
She called him on monday evening to remind him
He called her on Tuesday morning to inform her he would be
having a business meeting on the island
He got to his meeting and was about driving home when she called
"Good afternoon, please don't leave! The rain was something else!
I am wet all over and I only came out to give you this gift
Please wait for me!
He waited for almost forty minutes
When she got to the public carpark where he 
was waiting She was indeed soked
He quickly put on the heater of his car and let her 
into the passenger's side of the car
He was very apologetic
She gave him the gift
She thanked him for saving her life
Then she said she had something she wanted to discuss
Her breasts! They are too small and she wanted them to be bigger
She wanted to know if it is right for her to get boobs enlargement
creams and drugs or go for implants
She was sorry she was discussing something as sensitive
as that but she really wanted to know if God wouldnt
be nad at her for going for such a proceedure!
She was wearing a black camisole underneath a 
white sleeveless shirt
He was a happily married man and he had no idea whatsoever
if God was going to be mad or happy with someone
doing cosmetics surgery
He told her as much!
She said "This is why I love you, you are always sincere
Then she said "Just pray for me before I go
As he started to pray, she took his hand and held it
Then she slowly placed it on her left breast
She said "Feel the way my heart is beating
Whenever I am around you, my heart acts up, my hands tremble,
my knees become weak and I feel giddy!
I just like being around you
I like being with you!
He didnt say a word!
He liked it! Yes, He liked it!
It is not every day that a beautiful young woman places the
hand of a forty-two years old pastor on her breasts
so that he can feel her heartbeat as she talked about
the devastating effect he had on her!
Then she said "Can we sit in the back seat?
He didn't hesitate!
He practically ran into the back seat of his car!
They kissed and he was able to hold the "small breast"
and give an empirical assessment of its weight and matter
Was it really that small in proportion to her bosy mass index
He did a thorough job and just to be sure the breast was
as perfect as it felt in his hand, he placed the nipples
in his mouth and tasted it!
Just to be certain that a baby wouldn't have any issue
getting accessing it in future
She said "Let's go to a hotel, I dont feel comfortable here"
The word hotel spoint the mood!
He suddenly became aware that he was doing the wrong thing!
The atmosphere cleared and he told her he had to go!
She understood!
She dropped from the car and walked to her own car
He drove home to his lovely wife and children
Later that evening she sent him a mail
"Dont feel guilty about what happened
I didn't plan it but whenever I am with you, I seem to 
lose control easily!
I am not naive when it comes to men, I am technically
a virgin but once when I was 15, some guy who was
like a family friend gave me "head" 
I have also given oral sex to about three guys when i
was in school
I dont want you to feel as if you are polluting me
I am my own person and I have a mind of my own
This is 2018, we all know it is a myth that a man is the
only one with sexual urge and the only one who can stalk
and lure women for sex!
I own up to what I did and I dont want you to feel
responsible for my actions"
He ignored her
She sent another message
How the thought of him does this and that to her body
She needed to get him out of her system
She needed to get gher sanity back
She was not a home wrecker or ministry destroyer
She was just a girl who had fallen in love
with the most unavailable guy!
He ignored her
The following sunday, just after Sunday service
He saw her having a conversation with his wife
Both of them were smiling and giggling like old friends
He approached them
His wife introduced her to him
"Darling, meet Sister So and So, she just returned from
the United Kingdom! She said she wanted to volunteer to
be a part of one of my projects, I told her to join the 
church workers but she said due to time and distance
she would prefer something less formal
What do you think?
He smiled and told his wife it was a good idea!
Later that evening she sent him a message
She said she just wanted to spend one hour with him
Any venue of his choosing
She needed to sort out her feelings before she did 
something stupid!
They met at Nnamdi Kanu Park!
A venue of his choice! 
As soon as they got there, she said 
"Don't be a slacker, I have nothing like a park in mind"
So where do you want to go?
"A room with velvety sheets and dim lights, i
want to do magic to, for and with you
I know I have one hour, can we go please?"
He didn't hesitate or pause
He took her to a hotel in an obscure part of the city
He got the room and they went in to do magic
She was not a virgin, but he knew this
He went armed with protection
He switched off his phones and insisted that she
switch off her phone before they got under the sheet
The magic was spectacular
When they were done, he showered and told her he wanted 
to get something from the car
He paid for the room and left!
As soon as he left the room she smiled mischievously
No man had ever potted a black ball into her pocket
and escaped
Her pocket had been worked on by the deities
Any man who encounters it must sit by it and worship it
She has finally gotten him!
He drove away without a second thought
He blocked her on all the social media platforms
He blocked her calls
He called his lawyer and sent all her messages to him
he alleged her of trying to entrap and blackmail
He told his lawyer to "Do something about it"
She waited in the room until the intercom rang
She picked it and was informed that the room
should be vacated in fifteen minutes because the
hour they paid for had elapsed!
She dressed up hurriedly and to her shock
He was gone!
She called his number over and over again
Eventually, she got a cab and went home
She was extremely upset
How could he treat her that way!
Dump her like a common prostitute and he called 
himself a pastor!
She was shocked to discover he had blocked her on
every mode of communication!
She went to his church on Sunday
As soon as she got to the church entrance, the ushers
steered her away from the entrance
She didnt get it!
She cannot enter a church of God again?
They told her she was not allowed on the premises
She got angry and started raising her voice
The church security personnels called the police
By 11 AM she was in police custody
His lawyer arrived and walked in to see the DPO
After many hours she was invited into the DPO's office
She was made to sign an agreement not to come
near the man of God mor his church ever again
She signed and was released!

PS: This young lady came for the Night of Glory
held on the 31st of May 2019
She was suffering from serious depression
A friend of her dragged her down for the programme
She and her friend narrated the story
I found it very fascinating that she felt offended
She talked throughout with this "victim" tone
I am in no way saying what the so-called pastor
did was good or in any way acceptable
I have not heard his side of the story
But If I am to go by her own account of the story
It would seem to me as if it was a case of
Robbing the thief!
But I what do I know?
I asked her if she was willing to forgive the pastor
She said she was willing
We prayed and she forgave the pastor
The spirit of depression took a few extra minutes
But it had nothing to hold on to once she had 
forgiven the person who offended her
She was set free by the power of the Holy Spirit!

As somebody who has first-hand knowledge of what
pastors go  through in the hands of the 
daughters of Jezebel and Delilah
I ask you to refrain from casting stones at pastors
on social media just because someone accused them
of something!
Many of us draw the ire of the unseen foolishly
by doing so