Conflicting Signals
He said he wanted to marry her
At first, she didn't take him seriously
She felt she was just one of those guys who would use the promise of marriage to get in between a lady's legs, but he proved her wrong
He kept in touch, took her out on dates, and kept his eyes on his mission until their conversations began to scare her
By the third date, he had asked her when she would like to meet his parents
She had been in relationships before, quite a lot of them
Not all of them led to sex but she dated for fun for about three years of her life, the years she referred to as the wild years
Waking up beside strangers was not a new thing to her
Only two of those she dated ever made it to the “Meet the Parents" stage
The first got her pregnant when they were in the University and felt the right thing to do was to meet with her parents while she was still in the hospital to take responsibility and make them a promise to marry her as soon as she recuperated
Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage and as soon as she was discharged, she broke up with him for daring to expose her to her parents the way he did
Who sent him and his tender conscience on that sort of errand?
The second time, she met this guy at the club
A medical doctor
By then she had kicked off her own law practice and was doing quite well for herself
On Fridays, she and some friends would go clubbing, not necessarily to meet up with guys but to just have fun and unwind
If a cool guy came along, it was fine
If none came along, it was awesome too
They had their money and they were not looking for sex
She had been celibate for six years by this time
This guy had the hots for her and she had the hots for him too
As soon as she saw him, she said to herself. "There sits my husband" It was as if her instincts saw the future and brought it to her present
As soon as she sat down, he walked over to her
He introduced himself and said, "Join me at my table"
She followed him meekly
She had no resistance to the guy, no retorts
As they were rounding off at the club, he said, "I would like to meet your Daddy, can I have your address Pls?"
She typed it into his phone and drove home with her heart pounding
The next morning, by 10 AM, he arrived with two friends
He came to lay down the gauntlet
She felt shivers running through her spine
Her life was getting wrapped up before her own very eyes
She knew marriage would mean losing a level of independence and her spinsterhood
She had been enjoying her life alone and doing quite well without any encumbrances whatsoever
She was not sure if marriage was the next thing on her agenda
Plus, she didn’t know the proposer quite well
They had that kind of chemistry that dulled her brains and made her compliant effortlessly
It was as if she couldn't say no to him naturally, she didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing
Her father sent for her
The moment she saw him and his friends her legs began to buckle, her head started swooning, and her heartbeat was beating like Fela's Konga drum
It was not normal, she was not in control
She couldn't remember a word that was said
Her father was smiling and laughing
The proposer was smiling and laughing
Her mother was smiling and laughing
Everybody present was smiling and laughing
She must have said Yes and whatever
She was not feeling what they were feeling, of that she was sure
They were happy she was getting married but she was filled with dread at the thought
He sent her three million Naira the following day to shop for herself and twenty million Naira to rent any apartment she liked so that they could begin to plan for their wedding
She found the apartment, rented and furnished it
He had schooled abroad and worked with an international agency
It was work that brought him to Nigeria even though he was a Nigerian by birth and heritage
The weekend he moved into their apartment, she dressed up to go clubbing
He looked at her and said, "That life was over the moment I met you. You are not some wild street babe, anymore, you are not a baddie anymore, you are now my betrothed and you cannot go clubbing alone
When I am free, we will go clubbing together but when I am not free we will stay at home, I will work and you will do other things."
Wow! He was a wings clipper
She told him she wanted to return to her parent's house that very night
When she got home, she broke it off
She couldn't explain why to her parents
It was not as if this guy made an unreasonable demand of her
She just wanted to breathe and lose the foggy head
Since she met him, it was as if she was underwater and drowning
She was doing everything to make him happy
She was docile and homely and wifely and submissive and ladylike and "Yes-siring" him at every turn
She just wasn't comfortable being that person
After she broke it off, she was able to breathe again
That was when she concluded that she was not the marrying type
She made peace with it and decided she would enjoy her life as a single woman, build her career, and serve her God Until this new guy burst into the picture
With him, she didn't lose control of her senses
She liked the chase and the interest
She knew it was not likely to go anywhere as long as she didn't encourage him Even though she was okay being single, marriage still held a certain appeal for her and if she could get away with it, she would have it
But she just was not sure this guy was the right one
Anyways, he did everything right
She began to like him in a strange way
One month after they met, he took her home
She met his parents and even spent the weekend with them
They loved her genuinely
She was comfortable with them
She was thirty-three and her desires had long wandered off clubbing and losing her freedom
She had money in the bank and his family and her family were in the same class His love was real and pure
They got close, she would tell him stuff and he would tell her stuff
She told him things she had never told anyone just to shock him and get him off her scent
He laughed everything off like she was a comedian
He told her stuff too, even though he had not been as adventurous as she had been with relationships
It was not a bad deal, being with him
She settled into it and began to think of him as her husband at the back of her mind
He had made no demands of her in terms of what she could and could not do as long as she was with him
He left her to live her life
She was the one with the rules,
"I cannot bear secret messages between you and any woman, put your phone on speaker when you are on a call so I can hear the conversation!"
"What is your phone's code sir? I want to be able to check your messages at will",
"Delete all the pictures and contacts of all the girls calling and showing interest in you Pls, you are in a serious relationship now"
"I will walk away from this relationship if at any time or in any way you make me feel uncomfortable or insecure while I am with you"
He complied with everything she demanded
She went through his pictures and videos and ensured he deleted even the pictures he had with individuals who didn't register in his brain as a threat to her or his feelings
They got into the ninth month of their relationship
It was a Saturday morning and they were both coming out of the gym in his father's house
She said, "I cannot be dating someone and then burn all the bridges I have built over the years for the sake of that person, I am not a fool. Relationships are not that deep, when I meet the person, I want to marry, maybe I will do that but unless I am sure this person is the one, I keep all my contacts and my doors will remain open to all the opportunities I might need out there to meet new people and get into something new"
She used to say things like that when she was single but saying it that morning and to him was odd in many ways
It was not really how she felt within
Later that day, he asked her to please unlock her phone for him
She did
He asked her to open her picture album and walk him through the pictures
She did, innocently thinking they were just having fun
When she was done, he had seen pictures of her and some of her university friends, exes, toasters, crushes, all the works!
He looked at her and said, "You just confirmed to me that I have been wasting my time with you, I hope you had fun but I will no longer indulge you. I am done with this travesty. It is over!"
It was the last thing she expected would happen that day
They were supposed to be flying to Spain together later that evening
She sat on the sofa, stunned by his outburst her brain went back to the events of the day and she realized he had a point
All the things she demanded of him, she didn't think to do
She felt she was the lady and since she had made up her mind to be with him, that was enough
He was the guy, and guys were the weak ones who can easily be carried away by female attention either from their past or present environment
He felt she was making a fool of him
It was a misunderstanding that could be resolved amicably if he would give her a second chance
He didn't!
He felt hurt because she didn't take him serious enough as "the one" despite his best efforts
She felt she could make demands of him but was unwilling to do the very things she demanded of him
She wept because she discovered she loved him after he had called it quits
The relationship took her by surprise and she didn't do all the things she ought to have done to keep it
She wrote to him stating this
She asked him to give her another chance
Technically, she had stumbled in words and in the preparation of her heart to be with him
She combed through her phone and deleted all the pictures and messages
She even blocked contacts that were no longer of any profit
She changed how she saved his name
Made his picture her DP (First time ever)
She asked him out on a date
She had fantasized about having a date with her husband (If she ever got married) at a particular restaurant in Victoria Island
She booked a table there and asked him to please show up
He did
She could barely hold herself together until they sat down
She apologised and explained herself to him as simply as she could
She promised him she had made amends
After the dinner that night, she asked him to come and look at the temple in the synagogue
He examined the veil that tore from top to bottom on the day of crucifixion
He saw the tomb and angels all around it
He saw the stones being rolled away
He called her by name and she screamed, "Rabboni"
She had to let him know she would go all the way
It was a trip that saved her heart from dying
Two weeks later, on her birthday, he proposed and She said yes
PS: Adeola and Emeka are celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary today I met them in Dubai, on a yacht
We were at a wedding ceremony I officiated
They were guests of the couple who flew in from Ireland
We sat down all night and they told me their story: how they met, how he chased and chased and she kept acting as if he was just one of the lot until he gave up the chase
How she came after him with everything and how sexual frustration affects decision-making in relationships and marriages
I hope you learned a thing or two
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