

She was invited by the military governor
to take the role of the commissioner for education
It was a sort of compensation for the role her
father played in the life of the governor
While they were growing up
Her father was the richest man in their village
He was a cocoa farmer with a good eye for
profitable ventures and investments
He owned the first hotel, industrialized farm,
artificial dam and real estate development
agency in their town
Her father was extremely rich and influential
As a result, many people flocked to his father's
house seeking for financial help
Her father was extremely generous
Her father helped as many people as he could
He helped both indigenes of their town and strangers!
When some bandits started operating close to their town
Her father hired a security man
The security man was from the northern part of the country
The security man had a young son
One day, her father asked the security man why
his young son was not in school
The security man told his father that he wanted his son to
join the army
His father took it upon himself to sponsor the young man
Years later, she had settled down in Wales 
lecturing in a local university and happily
married with four children
She heard the news!
The military dictator of their country had appointed
state administrators
The one chosen for her state was the same young
man her father sponsored through military school
She placed a call through to congratulate him
Two weeks later, he called her back
he asked her if she wouldn't mind returning home
to be one of his cabinet members
As commissioner for education!
She told him she would get back to him within the day!
When she got home from the office she told her
She wanted to know if he would be willing to return
home with her
She didn't want to return home alone
Her husband was also a lecturer
He was a gentle and mildly tempered man
he was also a very spiritual man
He does not do anything without consulting with God!
Her husband heard the good news and asked her to
give him three days to seek the face of God
He could take a sabbatical leave to lecture in 
any university of his choice back in their country
The children were born in Wales
They had a lot to gain by visiting their native country
and experiencing their roots
Their children were aged 21, 18, 15 and 13
The 21-year-old (male) was already in the university and
would not be travelling with them
The 18-year old (Female) had gained admission into
a University in the United States but was on holiday
She would return to their country with them, spend the rest
of her holiday with them and then travel to the United States!
The 15-year old and the 13-year old (Both male) would
relocate with them!
Her husband prayed
She prayed also
On the evening of the third day, her husband told her
he saw a vision in which a hen went into a dark place
with four chicks but emerged from the place with three
He didn't know what it meant but he felt it was
His wife was under serious pressure to return home
The slot will not be left open forever
There was a fierce competition for political appointments
in the state and even though it was a military government
the military administrator must keep the peace by working
at a certain level of understanding with the local politicians!
She couldn't wait for any clarification
She had prayed and she didn't feel any restraint 
in her heart about taking up the appointment
If anything, she felt joy and a sense of fulfilment
Her Father had sown many wonderful seeds
one of them had grown into a fruit-bearing tree
It was too much of a good opportunity for her to dally over it!
She dropped the necessary documents at her office
and booked her flight
She felt her husband could stay behind for as long as
he wanted, pray until he got the jitters out of his system
 and join her and the children whenever he was ready
Her husband agreed
She left with the children!
Her husband went to church to speak with their pastor
He told the pastor his vision
His pastor prayed with him
They agreed that God will perfect all that
concerned the family
When he left the church, he was still feeling unsettled
He couldn't place his hand on what the problem was
He was just too restless
His wife called him hours later to inform him that
they had landed and settled into the house they 
bought weeks before in preparation for their relocation
He told her how he was feeling
She told him to get to the hospital and have a 
proper medical check-up!
To her, he was worrying for nothing!
He spent two extra-weeks clearing out his desk
and trying to figure out what the vision meant
His wife and children had arrived at their country
safely and settled down comfortably
He told himself it was nothing
They had no enemies and had always lived a 
lifestyle worthy of emulation!
He packed his bags and travelled home to join
his family too
When he saw them at the airport, his worries faded
They were happy and full of news
His children were excited about everything
They even took pictures with the military administrator!
He resumed at the University he chose to teach at
and another phase of their life commenced
Their house became a sort of political Jerusalem
Politicians who believed his wife had the ears
of the governor flocked towards her
She was an unknown outsider who was broken
into the corridors of power by the military administrator
Nobody knew how she came into prominence
Jealousy, anger and strife reigned in the corridors
of powers
A lot of politicians dine with the devil just for crumbs
They found this pout the hard way after she resumed
at her desk!
Many contractors who had a set way they did things
showed up at her office offering incentives and 
veiled threats as she tried to tinker with the system
She was resolved to fight corruption, change the system
and leave a great legacy behind!
A year after she resumed at her desk
An elderly female beggar approached her
one Sunday as she was leaving the church
"Go back to the white man's land
there are many angry people here
They will chase you away and you
will lose something more dear to you
than position or legacy! Go back or
leave this job you are doing!
The guinea fowl is crying! Danger! Danger!!"
It was weird but she shrugged it off
Some of her policies were beginning to 
pay off
She had saved millions by cutting out the
middlemen and engaging labourers to
build schools and supply materials directly!
She refused to be intimidated!
Her sixteen year old wrote his WAEC and JAMB
examinations and passed in flying colours
He was offered admission at a prestigious 
Everything was working out fine
The report she got from her children abroad
was wonderful
She and her husband was given a chieftaincy titles
in her hometown!
Titles her father was not offered despite all his good
Three Universities awarded her honorary Doctorate 
It was a season of joy and celebration
They prepared earnestly for the matriculation
of their 16-year-old son!
They could have sent him to school abroad but
they felt it would be exemplary to send him to
a school in their own country and state especially
because she was the commissioner for education!
The D-Day arrived
The matriculation ceremony took place at 10 AM
By 11 AM they were through
They started taking pictures
A truck came out of nowhere and charged into
the crowd
Pandemonium broke loose!
When the dust settled!
Her 16-year-old son had been mangled to death
by the truck!
They rushed him to the hospital
They arrested the driver of the truck
But the deed had been done!
Her son was dead!
Everybody offered their condolences
but it was such a steep price to pay!
She wanted to soldier on
But the zest was gone!
She resigned!
One year and six months after she left 
Wales with so much excitement
She returned as a chicken with three chicks
Just as her husband had foreseen!

Ps: We often take spiritual cues and nudges
from the Holy Spirit for granted
We shouldn't
When he tells us to do or not to do something
We have a right to ask why
If he gives us a remedy, let us obey him
Don't be too carried away by the noise of
the market that you silence the voice
of the Spirit
He must lead or we will be lost!