I remember the first message i got
from Bro. Patrick Ukah @earthworkrr
I was a Personal Assistant to a Pastor
at that time I was also a minister of
the gospel at the parish I was attending
He wasn't the first minister of the gospel
the Holy Spirit will direct my way!
Practically every Christian who had passed
through PSSBC save a few whom
I knew before the ministry started
were led to me by the Holy Spirit but
there was something different about
Brother Patrick, he had a strong thirst
for the Supernatural
He had been a Student at a School of
the Supernatural somewhere in the
north and he was a leader of men at the
parish he was attending at the time
There was no doubt in my heart that
he is full of the Holy Spirit and hears
clearly from God
I requested that we meet and he
came to my office
We had a fellowship that day
A koinonia birthed in the Pneuma
It was as if the day should standstill
Eventually he left but he came back
We'd take a walk, have lunch and
discuss many realities of the Holy Spirit
and the church of Jesus Christ
We wanted to be like Jesus, we
thirsted after righteousness
He told me many stories
I told him many stories too
We have many things in common
Eventually he introduced me to
@gbengamichael21 and the three
of us fellowshipped together
@gbengamichael21 would talk of
the exploits of Baba Kumuyi, his mentor
and I will talk of the lessons I learned
from my teachers
Iron indeed sharpened iron
Before @earthworker came to my office,
we were having Night of Glory at the
Parish I was attending at Ogudu,
I was the minister in charge of the vigil
while Deacon Dapo Ojeleye was in
Charge of the youth @bukola_adewuyi1
was also a youth coordinator
What started out as a youth and young
Adult vigil at the church evolved into
Night of Glory
Whenever we announced that we were
doing a "YOUTH" vigil, many people reached out to me saying "They were
neither youths nor young adults". But they wanted to be a part of our vigil
So I unilaterally removed the "Youth
and young Adult" tag!
This was a mistake
Courtesy demanded that I spoke with
Deacon Ojeleye and @bukola_adewuyi1
before doing so (I didn't realize this at
the time)
Once the tag was removed, the floodgates
opened Night of Glory grew in leaps and
bounds to the point where the church
couldn't contain us anymore!
Brother Patrick @earthworkrr became
one of our ministers
It was a natural assimilation process
When the door of ministry opened to
the point where I started traveling out
of Lagos, he was with me @dafidimimo and
@iamoladojaEmma were the other constants,
Pastor Tijani Damilare also traveled with us
We had witnessed the move of the Holy
Spirit in such a manner that I cannot fully
write here without bursting into tears.
He was with me in Kwara, the first time
i saw people bursting out in tongues
as they were immersed in the river for
He was with me in Ogudu, when a lady
that had been mad for sixteen years
was healed
He was with me the day a young man
with an autoimmune challenge whose
body was swollen everywhere was
made whole
He would call me sometimes to refer
certain cases to me or ask me what i
think about a certain spiritual puzzle,
and i do the same with him
I am not his superior
I am his brother, as I am with
@eyitayofelix @femioladehin
@sicamoore @OlufuntoP @dafidimimo
@yarzion @TopeOj @bukola_adewuyi1
and all the unmentioned but
glorious treasures I minister with
He was a minister at our healing school,
Intercessory prayer group and a
partner (Never was he my student)
I remember asking him to come into
PSSBC to listen to the classes so
that he can be a neutral observer as
I was determined not be a too know
in the things of the Spirit.
I love @earthworkrr with all my heart
When @TheikosDoxa started in
February 2020, we took to the vision
as one body @femioladehin was
humble enough to accommodate
our spiritual rascality and radicalism
with maturity!
We gave this Prophet a lot of white hair!
(I am laughing out loud right now!
I remember the look on his face when
i chased a brother leading worship
off the altar right in the middle of a live
broadcast, he looked at me like
(REALLY?????) but I was not feeling
the ministration at all and i had signaled
to the other ministers to take over but
they refused (I have since learned not
to do that again! All the council of
Elders and POPES descended on me
@earthworker is the most loving
husband I know
He is tied with @eyitayofelix in my ranking
of good husbands
Prophet @femioladehin is our senior in
that regard so I cannot put him on the
chart. Brother @bukola_adewuyi1 is
really trying I am the learner of them
all in that department, (Apostle Paul
said we must esteem others more
than ourselves! @CokerWemimo is
not complaining)
When @earthworker told me it was
time to start the ministry God has
committed into his hands, i was the
happiest person
Why? When we were together in Kwara
last year December, the Holy Spirit
told me through many witnesses that
this will be the year of the revealed
I promptly announced it By February
Theikos DOXA meaning (Greater Glory)
was birthed, The GSWMI widows Ministry
and the GSWMI CSR ministry sprouted
to life of their own accord.
Our welfare reach was also extended by
the Holy Spirit but we cannot neglect
the agenda of the Holy Spirit who
deliberately raises men and women
for His own glory and to fulfil His
purpose in them.
@earthworkrr was not called as a
partner in a ministry, he was called
as a minister of the gospel and given
his own divine mandate
I knew this right from the time we met
It was time!
We have prayed for Pastor Patrick and
Adunni Ukah on Sunday at Theikos Doxa!
It was a day of joy and gladness.
After the service, we had lunch as a
family and our faces were made radiant
by the Holy Spirit.
He ministered later that evening and
there was a strong move of the Holy
Spirit. Prophet @femioladehin was also
at that event (I watched it online)
The entire GSWMI family celebrate
this gift of God, all the students and
graduates of @pssbcnigeria celebrate
this great gift of God
Our love is not feigned
We delight in the Lord God of your salvation!
We celebrate this ministry that God has
committed into your hands, it shall be a
shinning light and continue to endure in
fruits and good report until Jesus returns
The Spirit of God in you is unblemished
and unsullied, so shall your life and
character be in the name of Jesus!
I will be with @earthworkrr at the
Night of Glory tomorrow from 11pm
I will also be with him in Theikos Doxa
on Sunday for services
I will be ministering with him during
the Homo Christus Conference of
October 1 and 2 I will be with him in
Ibadan, October 17 for our outreach
programme with It's urgent Ministries,
I will be with him at Gbagada for Quantum
leap on the 22nd of October and also
in Abuja on October 23-24 for the Gathering.
You are invited to worship with us at any of
these events.
God bless you
PS: I have a brother who is closer than
a friend and i have a friend who is closer
than a brother!
All my brothers and I are one
I love the Holy Spirit and His Spirit that
is at work in us
2020 has been a year of the revealed
2021 is the year of the Burning and
the Shinning light
Many more ministries and purposes
shall be set on course for fulfillment
by the power of the Holy Spirit
Remember, we didn't kill Earthworker's
dream or render it obsolete
We honed his skill and built with him
as one
This is what the gospel of Jesus does
in those who walk in the light
There are so many lights also glowing
and burning very intensely among us
Many of them will be set forth by
the leading of the Holy Spirit
You are welcome to join us today.
God bless you
GSW's notes: We shall grow together
in Christ, for we are members of His
body, of His flesh and His bones
The Holy Spirit shall keep us from
falling and present us faultless before
the presence of His glory with exceeding
We have entered His rest and we are
His habitation!
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