

Immediately he finished his final examinations 
He felt a very strong urgency in his heart 
to visit his hometown
He didn't know why
Perhaps because of his upbringing
He felt a particular attachment to his roots
His father was a well to do farmer
His uncles were also wealthy in their 
own right
Unlike many people who would claim witches
or wizards from their villages were 
impeding their progress
His experience was different 
His family had a masquerade as part of their
If he had lived in the village he would 
have been one of the youths bearing the 
The masquerade was a token of remembrance
and appreciation of their forefathers
Being a Christian does not mean a total 
of family tradition and culture
As soon as he got to the village that day
He went to his parents' house and ate a 
delicious meal
He told his father the progress he made 
and the next step for him as young man
His mother was concerned about marriage
She wanted him to start giving her 
His father was more concerned about 
his state of mind
His father didn't want him rushing into 
Like his father, he had a very gentle 
Wisdom laced his silence and his eyes 
were single
in all that he set bis heart to achieve
His father insisted that he must visit 
his uncle and other relatives
It would be seen as slight if he came 
to town and didn't pay homage to those 
to whom it is due
He went to see his uncle
He announced to his uncle that he had 
graduated with a wonderful grade and 
had been offered employment by the Customs 
His uncle was overjoyed
His uncle danced and sang in their 
local dialect
It was news of great importance to the 
His uncle prayed for him
Wishing him success in all his endeavours
The prayers were genuine and from the heart
When it was time to leave, he gave his 
uncle a bottle of wine
Another round of dancing and prayer started
It was indeed a day of joy
As he walked away from his uncle's house
His heart merry and his legs dancing
A masquerade suddenly jumped out of the forest
and started dancing around him
The masquerade was asking him for some money
to drink water
It was late in the evening and he wanted to
get home before the night would be fully set
He tried to avoid the masquerade
but the masquerade would not be deterred
The masquerade sang his praise over and over
calling him all sorts of names
"Just give me some change for water, educated
one! The one who walks like the white man,
the one who speaks like the white man, the one
who smiles like the white stone, give me some
money! I want to drink some water"
After much ado, he gave the masquerade some
The masquerade left
He half-walked, half-ran home
The masquerade had taken his time 
He had a lot of things to do before nightfall!
When he got home, he washed his clothes
and joined his mother for some heart to heart 
Later that night, between 1 AM and 2 AM
A strange dread fell upon him 
He couldn't explain it
It was as if the atmosphere suddenly turned
eerie and bizarre
He saw the walls of his room yanked off
He was no longer on the bed
He saw a light, a heavy ray of light
The light swallowed him whole
The hairs on his skin stood at attention
He was oddly warm within but scared at the 
same time
He didn't know what was going on
He heard music, faint but wonderfully delirious
He saw himself on the road, walking home
from his Uncle's house
He was the masquerade jumping at him from the
forest where it was hiding
He saw a replay of the whole scene
Then he heard the Voice
"I have separated you to myself, I have
chosen you as my light, why did you give
the seed of the light to the bearer of 
Why did you give of your sweat to the 
You are a blessing to many generations, my
servant, my friend and my own!
You are a light that I have ordained to 
light up many in my name
You are mine!"
Then he saw himself in the same village
preaching the gospel!
Masquerades were coming to the knowledge of
Christ through his sermons
He saw himself shinning many lights 
everywhere in the village
The vision lasted for about a minute
Then it lifted and he was back in the 
eerie atmosphere
It was like seeing a vision in between 
a trance
He stood there stupefied as the voice
moved nearer and nearer
At a point, the voice was standing directly
before him
He could feel the breath of the voice 
all over his face
He opened his eyes!
He had to see!
He saw!
He saw Jesus, looking right into his 
eyes for a few seconds before walking away
He stood there, transfigured and mesmerized
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!!!
Everything inside of him was screaming
He closed his eyes
A sudden calm descended
The walls of his room returned
Suddenly, everywhere was calm and everything
was back to normal
Except him!
How can he be calm?
His tongue was in between his teeth
He had been bitting down on his tongue
without feeling a thing until that moment
He was terrified, amazed, bewildered and 
His body was tingling all over
It was around 4 AM before he finally 
calmed down
enough to move from the mat he 
was sleeping on
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary
He had seen the Lord Jesus and survived it
The next day he went back to the city
He resumed at his Customs duty post
He didn't feel the need to start a church
He just knew he had been called into 
He joined a church and started ministering 
under the leadership of a great man of God
Six months after he resumed his job with
customs, he got a better job offer with a 
He took the new job and grew
He also grew in the things of God, becoming
a deacon, Assistant Pastor and ultimately
a pastor in the ministry he served under
Twenty years after the midnight visitation
He got another visitation
He was in the car, driving in the city
The Holy Spirit said "I gave you a vision
for my people in your village!
What have you done about it?"
When he got home, he fell on his knees
"Make the vision plain Father! He prayed!"
The next day, some visitors came from
his village
They told him he had been chosen as the 
community leader by the whole town
He travelled home immediately
When he got to his village, he saw many 
in need of help and encouragement
He started a widows' fellowship
and an annual crusade in the fellowship in
conjunction with the Christian societies in 
the community
The widow's fellowship grew and the 
crusade also grew
After some time, he noticed that the souls 
that were won during the crusade were not 
followed up adequately
He decided they would need to pay more 
attention to this aspect of the crusade
A man of God came to him a few weeks later
to inform him that God wanted him to start
a church
He had been thinking along those lines 
He made enquiries and found everything he
needed had been miraculously provided
God had decided to establish a strong presence
in his community and of all people God had
chosen him to execute the plan!
He got right on it!
In six months the edifice was ready and other
supporting edifices followed
The souls also trooped in an so did the 
Ministers of the gospel were instructed to
join him in his work
From a team of two, they grew as God
expanded the work with signs and wonders

PS: He knows how to locate us
He knows how to use us
He knows how to equip us
He knows how to lead us
All we have to do is obey him
When we walk in obedience, we
make ourselves malleable as clay
and He as the potter would make
of us the very vessel he desired in
his heart
Just follow him!