

I heard the testimony of A worship minister years back!
 She said she was wallowing in debt incurred
 due to some bad decisions and the economy
 and debtors were on her neck! She had turned
 everywhere to get money to no avail. So she
 left home and went to church to pray and
 fast for three days! Seeking God's intervention
 and mercy. When she got back home, some
 Nigeriens (Turbaned Muslims from Niger republic)
 suddenly came to her house!
She gave them water and tried to be
 accommodating to them! 
After a few minutes, the eight of them stood up
 to leave and gave her a gift. 
They claimed people gave them clothes and
 gifts on their journey and they want to bless
 her for accommodating them! 
She collected the clothes, thinking it would be
 impolite not to do so! 
They left a few minutes later, she opened
 the clothes and found a lot of money in
 the bunch of all sorts of clothes. 
She said she ran after them trying to
 locate them to tell them they have 
made a mistake but it was to no avail
 they had vanished
                                                                                        - Baba Abiye

When  I was 300 level, someone came to meet
 me in my room, I was ironing, he was dressed
 in a white shirt and trousers (I think). 
He said his name is "Angel" he told me
 that God said I should join evangelism
 unit in school(that same day) he told me
 where to meet them, it was as he said.
To confirm, I asked around for the person
 but everyone said they have never heard
 of anyone with that name and I never
 saw the person again.
                                                                                                     -  Israel
The woman who shared the testimony resides
 in Otta while her son is in Minna, 
a week before the son's wedding everything
 appeared bleak, there was absolutely no 
money on ground for anything but mysteriously
 she received a call to go to the market and a
 man in white had paid for 2 sets of clothes 
for her and dropped a 100k. 
She asked around in the market how the man
 got her number but nobody could explain 
same day her son in Minna also got a visitor
 who took him to the market and bought all
 the foodstuffs needed for the wedding he 
too never saw the person again.
                                                                                                          - Sammy
A few Decembers ago, I went into banger business
 on Lagos Island. I prayed and sought counsel 
from Christian friends and brethren, and none
 of us saw anything bad or contrary in my going
 into the business. 
A week into the business, I started feeling
 uncomfortable. No sales, and no positive
 signs of encouragement. I was only incurring
 expenses: transportation, storage, local touts
 daily tickets, feeding, etc.
I decided to stay at home for a day to fast and 
Pray to seek the face of God concerning the situation. 
That very day at dawn, I dreamt and saw a 
man at the location of my stall on a bike. 
He told me he was instructed to come to 
give me answers to the questions agitating
 my mind concerning the business. 
He asked me if "A round peg could be put 
in a square hole". I said "No". 
He then told me "You are not part of these 
people, and can never be part of them. 
This is not a business God desires for you". 
I woke up from the dream and went back 
to Lagos to pack my loads and distribute 
the distributable. It was later I started 
hearing all sorts of stories concerning 
yearly rituals that go into the importation 
and sales of the items. How somebody must 
die either among the retailers or the importers 
after the rituals are performed. 
Truly 2weeks after I left, one of the importers 
dropped dead right in the market but thank God
 I had already left with my life intact.
                                                                                                      - Ronke Arowosere

This happened 1993/94. I went for Bible study. 
After service, I had given my last money for offering 
and my house is far. I walked to the bus stop 
wondering how to get home. 
I felt God leading me to enter the bus, 
I was wondering what He was up to. 
As the conductor started collecting the fare, 
someone tapped me at my back and said he 
has paid for me. I couldn't even see his face well. 
When I got to where I alighted, I still needed another 
ride home, just as I came down from the bus, 
trying to think of the next move a bike stopped
 in front of me. The man said where are you going to,
 I will drop you off. I told him I didn't have cash, 
he said don't worry enter. 
He dropped me in front of my house. 
                                                                                   - Carol Iyala
It happened some years back, can't
 remember the year exactly, around 2006. 
I went for Holy Ghost service at the Redemption camp,
 and for some reason which I can not exactly 
remember now, The G.O decided to close the
 program at 2 am, (in those days, he used to close
 around 4:30 am), the next day was going to be no 
movement in the morning hours, and so I and my 
friend decided to leave immediately. 
My friend stayed in Surulere and I in Iju-Fagba, 
at Agege.
Immediately we came out 9f the camp, 
I got a bus going to my area, I fact it was almost
 full when o entered,  I was happy as the bus left 
immediately,  the road was free, in my mind, 
I was so sure I won't be the one getting off the bus at 
Fagba junction, but I happen to be the only one, 
everywhere was empty, I stood at the junction, 
hoping that by some miracle,  I would get a bike
 to take me to my street, after waiting for a while
 and not seeing anyone, I got a prompting you 
start walking, I realised I wasn't afraid, I didn't
 understand why. I walk past the railway line and
 was almost at the first junction after the rail when
 I suddenly saw an elderly me, strangely I didn't see
 him walking towards me, but I thought it must have
 been because it was dark, (the point I met him 
was a danger zone.)
He walked to me and said "my daughter,"
Without fear, I said "good evening Sir"
And he said, "where are you coming from"?
By this time, he had fallen into steps with me,
I answered from the Redeemed camp, he chuckled,
 and told me he also goes there,  he asked me to tell
 him the things that happened there that night, 
and excitedly,  I told him, he was also excited, he said 
he knew, that he enjoyed going there, all these why, 
I didn't feel fear and I didn't feel there was anything
 strange going on, we kept walking and chatting 
happily, and he kept calling me, "my daughter, 
" and sincerely, every time he came me that, 
I liked it (i still have my natural dad alive). 
As we approached my junction (Jonathan Coker), 
we saw another elderly man on the other side of
the road, they exchanged a few words, (can't remember 
what they said to each other), and he told that one that 
he needed to take me, "His daughter " to the point
 when she'll be alright. 
We got to my junction,  somehow, sensing the
 strangeness of the whole thing, I told him he could 
go back, that I would be fine from that point, he asked
 me if I was sure I said yes, he smiled again but advised
 me not to be moving about in the middle of the night,
 that each time I went to the camp, I should wait till
 daylight before leaving.
I thanked him and branched into my street, then
 I felt this strong impression not to look behind me,
 I didn't but bounced home happily.
                                                                                                         - Onyinye Udeh
This happened in my fellowship in 2003. 
My neighbours had 3 young teenagers who
 came from Jos to spend long holidays with them. 
The day they left for Jos, my neighbour (The wife)
 had a dream, where someone gave her a telephone
 number to call. 
The man in the dream kept asking her 
"call this number", "make sure you call this number", 
"don't forget to call this number".
Meanwhile, it was the husband who took the children
 to Motor-park, sent the coaster bus details to 
the wife, and himself left for Abuja, his place of duty then.
She woke up, quickly jotted down the number. 
This happened at 2 o'clock in the morning. 
She went back to sleep and at 6 am, she tried the 
number, and behold, the phone started ringing. 
Out of fear and perplexity, she quickly cut off the
 phone, not knowing what to say if someone 
picked the call. 

She started praying and later summed up the
 courage to call the number again. A man picked
 the call and told her he was at an accident scene.
 That a bus coming from Lagos to Jos had an 
accident and all passengers were dead 
except for 3 young children. 
This was the point I got involved. My neighbour
ran to me (we share the same compound). 
We started calling the man for details. 
The identity of both the bus and children
 were confirmed.
The man told us that God asked him to be at
 a certain place at 6 am, that he got there 5
 minutes earlier, and waited, not knowing why
 he was sent there. At the dot of 6 am, he saw
 the accident happened and got to work.
The accident happened around Abuja, and the
 accident victims were all taken to the Abuja hospital. 
She called her husband who just got to Abuja
 and was getting dressed for work. 
The husband left for the hospital saw the
 children where the man put them. 
The children confirmed that as soon as their
 uncle showed up and they pointed to their uncle
 coming towards them, the man disappeared. 
We called the number consecutively for days 
and it was no longer going.
We concluded he was an angel.
                                                                                               - Ronke Arowosere

These are mind-blowing encounters
However, I don't see mine this way.
I see them during ministrations
At first, it was 2 of them. I recall seeing their
 giant feet and the hem of their robes.
Seen some with weapons and some without.
 I once beheld one from the Holy of Holies and 
the presence was evident even to strangers 
and unbelievers. 
                                                                                         - Patrick Ukah
I’ve only seen them during worship, or prayers! 
A period of time I was praying and I always 
see the heavens open and angels going up and down 
Then there was a time I was in a trance and 
There was someone explaining the growth 
of seeds to me. How they have to fall into 
the ground, get broken and roots coming 
out of them to look for nutrients in the soil 
before they sprout. Then grow into trees 
before bearing fruits.
There was also a time I finished praying and
 I felt a heavy presence beside me
                                                                                            - Amaka
I would love to have an earthly experience 
Does hearing them sing in a trance
 count as an experience?
                                                                                           - Onome
One day I got to my office at 8 am. 
I had been singing a song all night in 
my spirit, I set up my computer and 
searched for it. "Daily As I LIve, as I 
played the music, I closed my eyes and 
started praying, suddenly my small office
 was flooded with light, I looked to my right
 and I saw an angel there, just beside my
 seat in my little office, I got scared, 
I didn't want to look at the face of the being, 
but his garment was reflecting literally
 covering my body in my seating position,
 the Daily as I live thing was a 10 minutes 
track, it continued to play by itself for over
 three hours, I was paralysed in my seat,
 I couldn't stand up, I was just weak and
 dazed and crying! Then he touched my
 shoulder and my neck, I felt him touch
 literally, it burned! Jesus! My co-workers 
started arriving at the office, once you climb
 the stairs, my office was almost opposite the
 stairs, they all went into the reception and 
kept quiet or spoke in whispers, the usual 
morning devotion was not done, the usual 
hustle and bustle was not observed, they 
didn't even fill the attendance register because
 it was close to my door, my Boss arrived, 
he also went to sit down at the reception 
until 11 AM when I stepped out of the office! 
Nobody did a thing. When my boss eventually
 summoned the courage to walk into his 
office through my own, he said "Gbenga, 
you have to use this anointing to pray for 
me! We joined hands and prayed together!"
 From that day, all the staff members stopped 
calling me "PA"! They started calling me 
Pastor or Evangelist when I protest, they 
will say "Prophet, we are aware of what is 
going on sir, we are not in the dark"
And my boss stopped sending me on "PA"
 errand! He will say "I don't want trouble o! 
Just be ministering"
                                                                                     - Brother in Jeans and T-shirt

PS: Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: 
for thereby some have received 
Angels into their houses unawares.   
                                                                                                                Hebrews 13:2

A Pneuma School of the Supernatural and Bible College class project!