Pandora's Redemption

Pandora's Redemption
Pandora's Redemption

I met you once Brother Gbenga,
one day like that in Anthony Village
You were with a crew shooting a documentary
with some students
The meeting was for a few minutes
You and some of the camera crew were
sitting at the tiny restaurant behind the
reception in the hotel
I came into the hotel with the man 
I was sleeping with at the time
You might not remember me clearly
but when my eyes met yours, even for those
brief seconds when you rushed towards 
me to offer a helping hand as I stumbled 
on the stairs
leading into the reception
I looked up and saw your eyes, 
I couldn't read what I saw accurately but it felt
like pity, compassion, genuine concern!
Were you sorry for me or concerned that I might
injure myself?
People don't feel sorry for me!
They feel ashamed of me and I am used to that
They judge me or want to have me
But nobody feels sorry for my kind!
That stumble could be attributed to the shock of
seeing so many people in that unmarked Guest 
House's reception! or perhaps seeing you! 
As in you, a total stranger
who had a strange air around him!
You didn't look like a "Christian" at all and you
didn't behave like the others
Some guys looked away, trying not to embarrass
me even though they knew what i came to do
Some of the students with you giggled
and whispered!
I was ill at ease!
You were dressed in your "Jeans and T-shirt"
Sunom Kura (One of the directors of Tinsel)
was with you!
I have a photographic memory!
I can recollect faces easily and I wondered why
your face struck me like that!
You see I am a serial cheat!
I cannot help myself and I don't think I should!
My mother has at least three other men she
sleeps with apart from my father 
My Father didn't know a thing!
Maybe he does and he is just powerless to do
anything about it
You see, my Father, is blind!
He lost his sight at the age of fifty-six and my
mother had to cater to his needs
So nobody really bothers to look at the other
things my mummy does to balance her life
and squeeze out whatever joy she could!
I am not saying she started sleeping with other
men after my father lost his sight!
I am saying she had always been like that
all the children know it but we have never heard
our father say anything about it even before he
went blind!
I have three siblings
My two elder sisters also have the same issue
They are beautiful and got married early
But they couldn't stop sleeping around
Their infidelity eventually broke their marriages
but that didn't deter them from enjoying their
They are single parents now and they are free
to mingle and tangle with whosoever they desire!
I envy them!
I am still married because my husband works
in Qatar
I know if he were here we would have divorced
Like all men, he doesn't want to share his wife
with another man, I get that!
But one man cannot satisfy me!
This is not a question of sex or marital vow
It is just the way it is!
If my husband slept with me until I am sore 
all over, I will still cheat on him!
If he gave me a million dollars, I will still cheat 
on him
It is how I am inside! 
Something is wrong with me!
It is not hyper sex drive or anything of such
Perhaps it is just psychological
But it is what it is!
I cheated on my husband during our honeymoon,
a day after our wedding!
I had sworn that I would never cheat!
I woke up right beside him after we have had sex
and he had slept off, showered, dressed
and walked into the club within the premises
of the hotel where we were honeymooning!
Within a minute i had been invited to a table
and within an hour i was in another room in
the same hotel swallowing the Jonah of
a total stranger whole!
That is who I am!
I have come to accept and be happy with
I cannot count the number of men I have slept
It has nothing to do with class, age, level, or
anything I can explain
If I got an opportunity to sleep with someone
and I somehow missed it because of wrong
timing or something just didnt click, 
I always feel horrible
So horrible that sometimes I cry as If I had lost
something precious
When I was pregnant with my children, I was
still cheating on my husband
Since I started having sex at the age of fifteen
I cannot count a year when I was faithful to one
It just isn't in me!
The reason I am writing to you is because of my
I have three girls!
The first is fifteen and the second is thirteen!
The third is eleven!
I have only one son, he is eight years old!
I came home one evening to meet my 
fifteen-year-old and thirteen-year-old fighting!
The fight was so terrible that they tore
each other's clothes and left nail and bite
marks on each other's bodies!
If I didn't get home on time, they could have
injured each other badly
I separated the fight and tried getting them to 
open up to me about what happened!
Neither of them said a word to me!
After two days, the eleven-year-old told
me they were fighting over a boy!
The boy is the boyfriend of my thirteen-year
I don't know him but apparently, he comes 
home to "play" with them after school!
On the day of the fight, my thirteen-year-old
caught the boy having sex with my 
The boy came home to see her but she was 
asleep so her sister took the boy to the 
other room and they "did" it!
The thirteen-year-old woke up and discovered
That was what caused the fight!
By the time i got home at 9pm, they had been 
fighting for at least four hours!
I didn't know what to say!
They were old enough to be left at home alone!
I started leaving them at home alone when
my first daughter turned thirteen!
I don't know what to do!
I don't know how to stop this rot from passing
to my own children!
I made sure I don't bring men to the house!
I dont also frequent popular hotels with men!
I was always discrete and careful!
I have searched my memory carefully and I am
sure i have given neither of them a reason to
think I am cheating on their father!
Armed with the information I got from their
younger sister, I was able to prod them to 
What I heard forced my hand to write to you!
I need help! Please, Brother Gbenga, my family
needs deliverance!
My daughters have been having sex for a long
At their tender age, they have had at least five
different boyfriends with whom they had sex!
They watch pornography at home and they
both masturbate!
The eleven-year-old is already watching porn
and masturbating but she had never had sex
The way things are going, I have no future!
Please help me!
We want to come and see you!
We need your help!
Please help us!

PS: When I got this letter, I remember this daughter
of Abraham immediately!
No young man would forget the scene at that
We were shooting a docu-drama I wrote titled
"Pandora's Diary"
The Hotel was where we lodged the secondary
school students, we had recruited for the project!
We were planning our logistics when he came in!
The man!
Handsome with a hint of grey hair in front of his
"punk" hairstyle
He greeted the receptionist with some familiarity,
paid and got a room for short time rest!
As he walked off towards the room, this gorgeous
lady walked in!
She was fair in complexion, had the "million braids"
wig, a silver necklace adorned her neck and
she wore a red gown 
She seemed more like somebody dressed 
for the office than for a quick hump 
Our presence threw her off balance
She stumbled!
I rushed towards her to help her
Our eyes met and locked for a few seconds!
I knew what she came to do
I judged her not!
I just felt sorry for both of them!
It takes a lot for the "free" not to feel the pain
of the bound!
I wish I could help her but it was neither the
time nor the place
And there I was reading her message six years
I called her immediately
She brought her family to him on a friday
We prayed and hands were laid on them in 
the name of Jesus!
The Holy Spirit manifested his power and his glory!
It was a demon manifesting itself in the
family from generation to generation!
It was cast out by the power of the Holy Spirit!
They all accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour
and were filled with the Holy Spirit!
A week later, she brought her parents,
her elder sisters and their children
The Holy Spirit delivered all of them out of darkness
into the light of Jesus
Her mother burnt all her charms and fetish
Her Father, now 62 also regained the use
of his eyes!
The canopy of darkness was broken!
They were brought into His marvelous light!
These events happened in Anthony Village 
(2013) and Magodo Phase 2 (2019)

I pray for you
If there is any demonic power
besieging your family in any way
Their holds are broken now in the 
name of Jesus!