

He grew up having issues with lust
He could remember masturbating at a very 
tender age
Everything about the female anatomy sent 
him into a frenzy
If he went to a party and he sees a lady wearing 
something sexy
Right there at the party
Without leaving where he was seated
He would put his hand in his pocket and 
He wouldn't mind the fact that the sticky
juice would make 
him uncomfortable afterward
As soon as he was done with the first discharge
If another lady walks into the party venue with 
something more provocative
He would turn his attention to her and do it again
He masturbated until he couldn't cope without it
Whenever he was stressed out, he masturbated
When he was troubled, he masturbated
It was a habit he could neither shake nor brake
If he doesn't masturbate he couldn't sleep
Even when he was asleep, his dreams are comprised
of one sexual encounter or another
He started as a teenager
The sensations were raw and crazy
He would read Magazine and go wild with his hands
The tingling of his toes, the relief and the 
satisfaction he felt
as his volcano erupted was ethereal 
He eventually got into pornography
He bought and watched all sorts
He started with the usual until it stopped 
arousing him
He didn't know why but sometimes no 
matter how erotic the movie, it stopped 
having an effect on him
He simply couldn't be aroused anymore
Then he took it up a notch and watched
the sick, perverse and obscene
It also moved him for a while
But it left an ugly after taste in his mouth
He felt dirty within and sometimes felt physically
repulsed by what he saw
The image stayed in his memory for days
haunting him and making him sick in his guts
He was only 18 at the time and he had 
watched pornography 
and masturbated practically every day since 
he was thirteen
He started having sex with prostitutes
at the age of sixteen
But he found little pleasure in it
Even though he paid and had the sex
It wasn't as satisfactory as being on his own 
gratifying himself
Eventually, he became one of those guys who would
look at a fully dressed woman and see only 
her nakedness
When he got into the University he kept 
mostly to himself
All he did was study, eat and masturbate
Eventually, a girlfriend got him
It was as if the lady could sense that there
was an animal in his quiet self and honed
in on him all by herself!
He didn't want a girlfriend and cringe at the 
thought of having one
But the girl came on to him very strongly
He met her on the lawn tennis court on 
Saturday morning
Perhaps because he didn't say much
Within a week they were having sex
She was not that beautiful 
But what she lacked in beauty she made 
up for in bed
She was not just a tigress
She was a porn addict like him and was 
equally willing to do crazy experiments
with dildos, ice creams, paper bags and so on
She was the reason he forced himself to 
stop masturbating
Because sometimes when she wanted to 
have sex and 
he had masturbated he wouldn't be able 
to get it up or 
perform very well
She didn't take being disappointed 
sexually lightly!
They dated from his second year until 
they graduated
They were live in lovers on campus
They had no plans of getting married
They were just sex buddies
Immediately he went off for his service year
He forgot all about her
Things had been difficult in the final semester
She wanted to talk about the future
But he knew she broached the topic out of panic
Most students panic when they get to the final year
The safety of the school would give way to 
the uncertainty of 
the world and they would have to start 
afresh as adults
Despite all his sexual issues, he was very brilliant
She was the one with the real cause to worry
Her grades were extremely poor and he was
getting bored with her
So the final exams didn't come quickly 
enough for him
At a point during the exams, she moved out
He was  no longer getting aroused by her
 and when he did
get aroused he would ejaculate within two minutes
He did everything he could to get his mojo back
He drank concoctions and started taking drugs
At the age of 23, he was practically dependent 
on drugs
to sleep with a woman
It affected his ego badly 
More importantly, he wanted her gone
She was the one he blamed! It was her fault!
He graduated and moved on
He was posted for service in Ogun State
He found himself somewhere in Sagamu
Somehow he found himself in the midst of 
He really didn't know what he was looking for
He was just bored with life and open to 
something different
He hated the way he had ruined his own body
He had become so affected by his habits 
that sometimes
seeing a lady, any lady, was enough to make 
him ejaculate all over himself
The drugs were not helping and neither were 
the herbs
He felt he needed to give his body a break
He tried by himself but it was impossible
He decided to go to a fellowship meeting and at the end 
of it, he gave his life to Christ
He knew for sure that Jesus could help him
When he explained his condition to the 
fellowship leaders
They decided to accommodate him in their 
NCCF Family House
That way he joined them for prayers, Bible studies 
and fellowship meetings
He read a lot of books about overcoming addiction
He knew the first twenty-one days were key
He kept counting the days
Staying with the believer helped him a lot
The atmosphere of prayer, morality and unsullied 
He avoided all the triggers and grew
By the time he finished serving, he had set his eyes 
on a sister, he met at the fellowship
He prayed about it and spoke to the fellowship 
leaders about it
He eventually made his way to the sister and told 
her his intentions
Talks went back and forth
He got a job with a marketing firm in Lagos
She got a job as an auditor in a church
They both started talking marriage
Although they didn't try to have sex
He discovered that although he was very much 
attracted to her
He was not moved by her sexually in any way
They started making wedding plans
By this time they had been seeing each other for 
two years and four months
Both families approve of the union
One evening, he decided he needed to be 
sure if she was
the problem or if he still had issues to deal with
He went to a brothel, the prostitute did
 everything she could
He couldn't perform at all
His manhood was just like jelly!
He went to another prostitute on a separate night
Same thing
He went to the hospital
The doctor carried out his tests
The doctor examined him properly, he also 
did a blood test and urine test
He was asked many questions and at the end 
of the door
the doctor declared him healthy and normal
He left the hospital feeling very good
But his condition remained the same
There was no natural early morning rise and 
there was no "body" contact reaction
He watched pornography and tried to stimulate 
himself using his imagination
He started dragging his feet about the wedding
He didn't want to get married by faith only to 
mess up
after the wedding
His babe noticed the change
She didn't really know what was going on
She had a dream and saw herself standing at the altar
on her wedding day but the groom didn't show up
She had prayed and fasted against such an eventuality
But she could sense his reluctance and attitudinal change
and had to conclude her dream was about to come to pass
One Friday evening, she brought him to a vigil organized by
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She had never met the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt before
She didn't really know what to expect
She just felt strongly in her spirit that the Brother is a 
Child of God and he could be of assistance
At that service, the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
announced that those who desired to be anointed
should come to the altar
He joined the long queue
The Brother- in-Jeans and T-shirt laid hands on him
That was where all his control ended
He found himself on the fall
Rolling, slithering and barking like a dog
It went on for about fifteen minutes
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt blessed him 
afterward and told
him to return to his seat!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt laid hands
on her and laughed
He said "Who did this? Who planted an alternate
reality in your consciousness! I command it to dissolve
now! You are a child of God, a different breed,
nobody can stop your day of joy! 
It will happen this year, faster than you anticipated"
After the vigil as he was driving her home
He felt the hammer knocking against the zip of 
his trousers
As he dropped her at home he said "I will like the 
introduction to happen next month lets speed this thing
She couldn't believe her ears
He said so thinking he should strike while the iron is hot
Now that his erection was back, there should be no delay!
They had the introduction and engagement on 
the second Saturday of October 2014
The wedding held on the third Saturday of October 2014
He performed beyond his expectations on his wedding night
Both husband and wife were naked and not ashamed

PS: The marriage is five years old
They have two children
After a long time, he met with the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
He wanted to help a young man who is addicted 
to masturbation
but he didn't know how to explain what happened to him
he wanted to know why he couldn't be sexually aroused
for almost three years even after he became a 
Born Again Christian 
He needed the knowledge to fill in the gap in his own
experience and teach the teenagers in his car
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt opened his eyes to
the operation of demons
Demons take advantage of dangerous habits, 
sinful thoughts and ungodly atmospheres
Curses invoke demons and so did some ignorant
prayers prayed by so-called Christians walking in
Because their nature is destructive, they destroy
their host within a short time after taking residence
in him or her
That one is Born Again is not enough to keep 
demons away!
Constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit in prayer, 
studying the word and praying in the Holy Ghost
and key to walking in spiritual health!
Going for deliverance every few weeks by Christians
is unscriptural
Just walk in the light as He is the light!

1 John 1: 
5 This then is the message which we have 
heard of him, and declare unto you, that 
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, 
and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the 
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the
 light, we have fellowship one with another, 
and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth 
us from all sin.