She fell in love for the first time
immediately after her high school
She was an army brat
Her father was in the Airforce and
as a result, they got to move a lot
They never stayed in a place for
more than four years
Unlike other soldiers who would settle
their family in a location and move
alone to provide stability for the children
especially in terms of education and
their wife's employment, her mother
never agreed to stay away from her
She knew what soldiers were capable
of without their wife and family members
in their lives to be of support to them as
they carry out their duties
People who are often living on the edge
get to live as if there is no tomorrow
They know they could be gone at any
So they usually take whatever they
could out of life while they were still breathing
They were exposed to so much
death and horror that psychologically,
they needed an outlet to purge themselves
of the negative effects of both their
actions and the actions of others
(Comrades and foes) in the line of duty
The mind can only take so much before
it begins to respond to the realities it
had been exposed to
Many soldiers take the edge off through
drinking, smoking, and sex
The consequence of that was having
many children outside wedlock or
marrying many wives
Her mother didn't want her husband
to have either
She wanted to be her husband's one
true love and support him as much as
she could to achieve that, so the family
got to move around with him
Fortunately, her father was a very
disciplined Christian
He neither drank nor smoked nor had
a love for women outside his wife
He was often in the line of duty
especially during the years of ECOMOG
wars and UN Peace Keeping Tours
but remained firm and disciplined through
it all
Her father was eleven years older than
her mother and usually gave her mother
whatever she wanted, no matter how
unreasonable, especially if her mother
was moved to tears on such a demand
Her mother once wanted to attend a
show where a popular juju musician was
singing with her friends
She demanded that her father give her
dollars to spray on the musician at the
party and also give them a military plane
and pilot to fly them to the state the
show was held that day and back to
Lagos the following day
Her father obliged her
Her mother was like a spoilt brat whom
her father indulged just to have his
peace of mind
When she was fourteen, her mother
decided she must move to America
to study in a boarding school
Everybody told her mother she was too
young to travel abroad alone but her
mother refused to listen
Her mother's friend within the military
community were all doing the same
The argument was hinged on "stability
It is either the mother and the children
stayed in one location so that the
children can have some academic
stability or the children got placed in
a boarding school, where they can
get some form of stability in their lives
Her mother opted for the latter and
decided for good measure that either
the school was at home or abroad,
was of no consequence, stability is
Her father always did what her mother
wanted and saw no reason
to convince her mother otherwise
That was how she and her three siblings
found themselves in boarding schools
in the USA!
She left at the age of 14
Her siblings left as soon as they completed
their primary school education in Nigeria
Suddenly it was a status symbol for her
mother a bragging right
Her mother was in America at the end of
every school term to bring them home
for the holidays and prepare them for
the next academic session
Their absence gave their mother the room
to be with her husband and live a life
devoid of children "palaver" and other
family dramas
For her, the lack of inclusion in the family
was a huge problem
She was their child and they cared for her
but she couldn't see or feel the loving
intimacy that was supposed to be between
parents and children
It was as if her parents were lost in their
own world and couldn't be bothered about
the emotional fulfillment of their children
She knew her mother and by extension,
her parents were not being deliberately
wicked or uncaring towards their children
but her mother was always playing the
"child" and as a result, the children
couldn't be children!
She couldn't remember ever asking her
father anything directly
Her mother wouldn't allow it
Her mother decided what was best for
the children and kept all the affection
and attention of their father to herself
She grew up hoping to find her own
man and get loved by him
Her mother had three girls and a boy
All the girls grew up feeling like
outsiders in the family
They had fancy clothes and went to
fancy schools but there was a strong
sense of detachment and a feeling of
She couldn't quite explain it but it was
there and it was obvious
She slept with the first boy that was
bold enough to ask her for sex
It took her some time to adapt to the
American system and be accepted
by the other students as one of them
She found their English strange for the
first few months and had to adapt to
their spellings and style of writing
She was often called "Nigerian girl"
by the boys because they couldn't
pronounce her name but she adapted
She joined the volleyball team and
found herself to be quite good at the
She also graduated top of her class
She never had a boyfriend or any
admirer until he came along
He was also a Nigerian like her
She didn't know so much about sex
and its consequences
She got pregnant after a month of
sleeping with him at every opportunity
She got pregnant
He told his parents
She told her parents
His parents felt she should have the
child and go on to college to complete
her education
Her mother said "Over her dead body"
"My own daughter will delay her education
by a year while your son would proceed
to college now after putting my daughter
in the family way!"
Her mother insisted she must get an
As usual it was decided for her, her
opinion didn't count
She wrote a passionate letter to her
father urging him to let her keep the baby
if indeed he was a God-fearing man
Her father agreed
It was the first time her father had gone
against her mother's wish that she knew of
She also told her father she loved the
boy and would like to keep relating
with and perhaps marry him
Her father asked the boy's parents to come
and see him in Nigeria so that they can
know his people (While it was not a
wedding introduction, her father
felt having a child for each other meant
the two families shouldn't be strangers)
His parents went to see her parents
His father was an Olusho (A shepherd
in the Celestial Church) and he came
to their house wearing his Sutana
(Celestial church worship uniform).
Apart from this, they conducted themselves
very well and they were rich!
As soon as they left her mother said NO!
Her mother said God had told her from
childhood not to have anything to do
with "white garment" people
Her mother forbade her from seeing
the boy again
She tried to appeal to her father
the second time
But he had been sent to England on
a training course and couldn't be
bothered with her petulance
According to him, she got pregnant
out of wedlock and was trying to
force her will down their throat
The next thing she knew, her
mother surfaced in Atlanta and
told her they were relocating to
Chicago where they had some
She was 17 and couldn't protest
Even if she did, she had no means
of sustenance by herself
Her father provided all the children
with a monthly allowance and didn't
allow them to work
That was how her mother separated
her and her guy
Her guy's family tried very hard to
at least play a role in the baby's
life but her mother shut down every
gesture of kindness from them
She delivered the baby, a boy
Only her mother, her father and
her siblings were present during the
naming ceremony
The baby was given her surname
She wrote her exams and gained
admission to college
Her mother took over the care
of the baby
She went off to school
Her father completed his training
in the UK and visited the family
in America
Suddenly they invited her over from
school and told her their plan
Her mother was just 39 years old
She would return to Nigeria and
present the baby as her own
This would be done so that she
would have the opportunity to
meet another man and settle down
without answering clumsy
questions or losing out on love
"It is difficult for singles to find
suitable partners nowadays and
being a single parent is a big
disadvantage in the marriage
market" said her mother
She had no option but to go
along with the plan
They didn't ask for her opinion
They just told her what to do!
Three years later, she got pregnant
This time it was deliberate and
she couldn't even tell who was
She was so broken by the way
they were running her life that
she started towing a path of
Drinking, partying and having sex
with whoever wanted to get
down with her
She had a series of one night
Faces blurred and even the
act got muddled in her brain
She was determined to have a
baby and keep her baby
Somehow her mother knew about
(She suspected the doctor or
her roommate told her mother but
she was not sure)
The pregnancy was seven weeks
old when she got picked up by
some strange men sent by her
By 7 pm that day, the pregnancy
was gone
Her mother's goons drugged her
and somehow conducted a D&C
procedure on her without her
Her mother supervised the whole
When she woke up in her room,
she felt numb all over
As she opened her eyes, she saw
her mother starring down at her
while talking to someone over the
"This one felt it was her
duty to destroy my testimony, she
wanted to prove the naysayers right,
do you know what my Mother-In-Law
said when I sent the children to
school in America? She said i threw
my children to the universe to raise
for me and i will regret it!
Her words are true now
I regret sending this one to America
but I will not allow that woman to
have the last laugh by witnessing
the disgrace this one was determined
to bring to my family"
The words pierced her heart
She realized she cannot be free of
her mother until she got into a white
wedding gown and walk down the
aisle with a man!
She dusted herself after the incidence
and faced her studies
There was no use fighting the will of
her parents
She graduated and got a job with
an insurance firm
She kept as far away from her parents
as possible
She had grown to hate them despite
her prayers and determination not
She just couldn't bear her mother's
attitude in any way
Her immediate younger sisters opted
for lesbianism
They had started while they were in
the boarding school and stopped for
a while but seeing all their parent's
drama made them opt for it as a way
of life
They both moved to New York with their
partners and convinced their mother
their partners were their roommates and
they were waiting for Mr. Right
Their mother gullibly believed
Her mother would send prayer points
from men of God on their marital
settlement to them thinking the delay
was spiritual
Their mother didn't know that neither
of them wanted to get married because
of her
Eventually, she met a guy, a medical doctor
They met and started talking about
the future
She wanted to tell him the truth but
she knew her parents wouldn't corroborate
her story so she kept quiet about it all
They got married
Her parents got to throw the party they
wanted and all
The marriage started very well but
somehow she couldn't conceive
She insisted that he must go for tests
He refused, saying he believed the
baby will come when God wills it
She had always wanted a family of
her own
it was her heart cry from her days as
a teenager
After four years of waiting, she forced
the issue
She told him she had a son and had
gone through D&C in the past
She said she was sure the problem
wasn't with her
He followed her to the Hospital
They did their tests
Alas, the problem was with her
She had untreated pelvic inflammatory
disease after the abortion
She had all the symptoms of the
disease but assumed it was normal
to have such after an abortion
It was a heavy blow
Her husband didn't mind at all
but she did
She had always wanted a family of
her own
Children, she would raise and
grow up with
She couldn't even bear the thought
of making her husband pay for her
parent's decision
But she didn't want to lose her home
Her husband was a good man and
she wanted to see them grow old
They decided to adopt at the right
time and trust God for a miracle
In 2017, they came to Nigeria for
her father's 70th birthday
A book was written in honour of her
father by her father's younger brother
who was resident in Chicago
The book had details of how her
father adopted her son as a "sacrifice"
for his family and to keep the family
name from being sullied!
Her husband read the book and
realized he had been deceived
Her mother's last child was actually
her child
Her husband confronted her about
it and she told him the truth
She explained how her parents were
and why she couldn't open up
Her husband wouldn't even pay
enough attention to listen
He kept saying "I told you the whole
truth about me and you told me the
whole truth too! How come your truth
conveniently forgot a whole child,
a fifteen-year-old child!
You are a liar!"
She thought he would get over it
He didn't
He filed for divorce and they parted
It felt like seeing sun gradually sink
into the sea
She just went dark within
She fell into the depths of depression
It got so bad that they had to fly her
to Nigeria from the USA hoping
she would fare better if she was
surrounded by friends and family
Her mother reached out to the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She explained the circumstances of
her daughter's dilemma
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
met with the daughter and prayed
with her
They began to talk
They talked for several days
After 21 days of reading the Bible
together for one hour, praying in
the spirit together for one hour and
talking about the past with the aim
or knitting together the fractured
pieces of her mind
The sun began to rise again
She recovered fully within a month
She announced on the social media
that she had a son and wrote the
story surrounding the birth of
her son and why it was assumed her
son belonged to her mother
Her son learned the truth and adapted
In June 2019, She returned to the USA
with her son
She had exposed darkness to light
and found freedom in the truth
In January 2020, her father died
She returned home with her son
for the burial
Mother and Son were bonding fast
They were a delight to see!
PS: This was quite long, despite
the fact that i tried to cut out
several aspects to shorten it
But it was a story that spanned
three generations and the effect
of dark and hidden secrets on
several lives and destinies
GSW's notes: There is no entity
that can manipulate falsehood and
dark secrets like the devil
Such secrets are a foothold for
the enemy in your life
Try as much as possible to live a
simple life and be transparent in
your dealings
Deceiving people is always unwise
it is best to present all the facts and
allow people to make their decisions
based on such facts
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