The Coup
She started cheating on her husband
as a result of a wrong counsel
Her husband was a medical doctor,
she was his second wife
The first wife divorced him after seven
years of marriage, he told her this
when he was courting her!
He was a very broken man at the time,
her baby...
She was carried by the tidal wave of
his emotional vulnerability
She had known him for many years before
They both stayed in the same apartment
building in New York when he was still
in medical school!
She was fifteen years old at the time and
her parents took him like a son
(They were the only Nigerians in the
building and he was very friendly)
His apartment was directly opposite their
He was ten years older than her
They met again shortly after his divorce
He had established a huge hospital and
was swimming in money
She didn’t know what brought him to her
mind the day she decided to call him to
say hello
His phone rang once and when she heard
his voice she jumped in a car and drove
straight to his house, He was badly hit
by the divorce '
She comforted him
Medically, there was nothing wrong with
His ex-wife was also perfectly healthy
He kept wondering why she didn’t endure
Why she walked out on him
She was not in any serious relationship at
the time
She saw how love wrecked him and decided
to help him mend
One thing led to another and they became
She wasn’t really "swept" off her feet
He was comfortable enough for her to take
marrying him seriously from the day she
stepped into his house
They were married a year later
Two months after their marriage, his Ex-wife
delivered a baby boy
He took the news badly
She tried her best to be there for him
To be his joy He was a good man
He treated her like his lifeline
They travelled everywhere together
He was fun
The sex was very good too
He knew the strings and she knew the sound
But she didn’t get pregnant
They tried everything
From prayers to medical procedures,
she drank concoctions and burnt many candles
She never thought she would ever be in a
position to be waiting to get pregnant!
She had always been confident that as
soon as she desired to have children,
she would just start dropping them in
twos and threes!
After seven years of waiting, they were
introduced to a lady
The lady was a seer and she came highly
The lady prayed with them and told them
that her husband must marry many wives
before they can have a child
It was the most absurd thing she had ever
heard in her life
She thought her husband would laugh it off
and discard the suggestion
To her chagrin, her husband took it serious
Serious enough to wake her up in the middle
of the night and table it as a discussion
He said he was introduced to the woman
by someone who vouched for her accuracy!
She told a friend of hers, her hairdresser
Her hairdresser told her to get pregnant
quickly and use that to secure her home
If she got pregnant, her husband wouldn’t
have to marry another
That was what opened the door to her
It was the same hairdresser that introduced
Her to a guy selling electronics at Mufu
Lanihun shopping complex, Iwo Road, Ibadan
They got into the sneaking game
She would meet him at a hotel, meet him
at the hairdresser’s house, meet him at his flat,
meet him at some of his friend’s houses!
Her husband was far above his social class
There was no way they could ever meet
She was very good at cheating
She didn’t know she had it in her to be so
deceptive and manipulative
Her husband had no idea
Within a year, she was pregnant
When she told her husband, he was strangely
restrained in his celebrations
She felt he was just disappointed he wouldn’t
get to marry his prophesied “other” wives
She noticed that he stopped having sex
with her
Whenever she attempted to sleep with him,
he would hide behind her pregnancy!
He made sure she had everything she
needed to be comfortable
When she was due to deliver her baby he
drove her to the hospital
She delivered by 2 am!
Two days after she delivered, he told her
he wanted a divorce
She was shocked when she protested, he
presented her with pictures of her
He had an envelope full of them
Her secret was not so secret after all!
It was the worst season of her life
She called her lover and told him what
He told her she could move in with him
One week after she delivered her baby boy,
she moved with her baby and younger sister
to the lover's house!
As soon as she got there, she realized she
was in trouble!
Her lover was a leech
His rent was suddenly due, all the electronics
in the house were bad and he charged her for
electrical bill whenever she used electricity
for anything
His car suddenly stopped working
He started spending her money and driving
her car
He had feelings for her wellbeing or that of
the baby
When she protested, he slapped her around
and called her names!
He was a professional “satisfier” of all the
single ladies and single mothers who were
looking for someone to service them and
she was cramping his style by her moaning
and nagging!
Within a month, she was broke!
She needed help badly
She wanted to move out of his apartment,
rent a place of her own and start a business
to keep body and soul together
She needed some money
She had nobody to turn to except her
One afternoon while crying her eyes out
she came across some tweets from
She reached out to him
She asked him some serious questions
He told her life's answers are in Jesus
and not in a Why has my life gone upside down?
She believed him and turned her life over
to the Lord Jesus!
A month and a week after she moved from
the hospital to her lover’s house, she
summoned courage and went to see
Her plan was to beg him to assist her with
some money
She knew he was kind-hearted and very
They also had a long history that preceded
their marriage
She knew he would help her
When she got to the house, the security man
opened the gate for her without announcing her
He assumed she was still the madam of the
house since she didn’t return to the house
to pack her belongings when she left the hospital
The housemaid also opened the door for her
She walked into the house and went straight
to the master bedroom!
When she opened the door, she saw him
(her ex-husband) and the woman "seer"
Who said her husband had to marry many
The most unexpected thing happened at
that moment
The woman threw her ex-husband off her
with abnormal strength and ran to a corner
of the room where she huddled and started
Her husband looked at her, looked at the
woman and started crying!
She turned around to leave, it was obvious
she wouldn’t be able to talk to her ex-husband
or get anything out of him in his state of mind
Her husband ran after her and started begging
her not to leave
Everything became confusing!
After many pleas, she stayed
Her husband dressed up and made some calls
About an hour later, her hairdresser arrived at
their house
When the hairdresser ran in,
she said “Where is my sister? Her husband
pointed upstairs and the hairdresser ran there!
Her hairdresser didn’t even look at her once!
An ambulance arrived and her hairdresser and
the seer woman left together
After they had left, her husband came to her
and said “I am sorry for everything that
I didn’t know how I sent you out of my life.
I didn’t know how my heart was turned
against you! I am sorry”
Her husband took her back
Her husband named his baby Akorede
It’s been four years, she had delivered two
other children for her husband
In January 2020, she did a paternity test
for her first son, the test confirmed that
her husband was the father of her child.
Their indiscretions only existed in their
memories as a caution against falling for
the wiles of the enemy in the future!
Her husband had also learned not to visit
spiritualists again
They had both learned the hard way!
Ps: Everything was planned by the hairdresser
and her younger sister
They knew she was desperate to have a child
and the desperation made her and her husband
gullible baits!
The sisters unsettled her and showed her
out of the door of her marriage.
Charms are extremely unreliable especially
when such comes in contact with someone
full of the Holy Spirit!
The charm used to snatch her husband went
bad the moment the husband saw his wife
again in a compromising position
The rest is history!
GSW's notes: No matter how bad your
reality is, Jesus is the cup of mercy and
redemption that never runs dry
I remember the message she sent to me
on the day she reached out for the first
She was asking about suicide and it’s eternal
After some probing, she told me the whole
She gave her life to Jesus and got baptized
in the Holy Ghost!
Everything turned!
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