The Sharp Bend

The Sharp Bend

Valentine Blues

He was in his room, daydreaming about his wedding day when he suddenly remembered her!
Not his wife to be, but the lady that pursued him with all her might while he was in the university. 
No other woman had ever laid it all bare for a man like she did for him
Where could she be?
How was she faring?
Had she found love eventually?
He really hoped she was doing well
He couldn't help but remember how they met
The very first lecture they had in 100 Level
The lecturer asked a tough question out of the blue
He answered it
The lecturer was wowed
The whole class turned to stare at him
The lecturer threw another question
He answered it again
The lecturer told the whole class to clap
What is your name young man?
The lecturer asked!
He told the lecturer his name
A star was born in his class that day
All the ladies gave him a second look
Some gave him a third look
He could actually have his pick of the juiciest and the most luscious 
But he had a babe in another school and he was the faithful type
That was what made the pursuit of his admirer so unproductive
So humiliating...
The lady came at him full throttle
Whenever he was reading in the library, she would surface
If he chose to read in a classroom she would just appear
She didn't play it subtly
And he did nothing to encourage her
He would just smile, say hello and listen to her jibber jabber
He expected her to give up
She didn't
He found her irritating sometime
But he also understood how fragile she was
Putting herself out there couldn't have been easy
He was trying to let her down softly
She bought him gifts, cards, recharge cards, sent him messages
She really cared
A day to valentines day
She sent him a message
"Please, buy me a very big teddy bear and a gift" for valentine
He knew she wanted to use the gift to brag in the girl's hostel
He told her he didn't have money for such
She credited his account number with more than enough
He took the money
Bought a card and drew a big teddy bear in it
The next day he gave her the card and told her the big teddy bear would be delivered to her hostel soon
When she got to her room and opened the card, she got the gist
She felt very humiliated and kept away from him
Six years later, a week to his wedding, she suddenly came to mind
He called a friend who called a friend
He got her phone number
February 13, he called her
(His fiancee had gone wedding shopping in Dubai)
They talked 
She was in Abeokuta
He was in Lagos
She gave him the address
Valentines day came
He drove to Abeokuta
He got to her house at 10AM
He took her out
They talked and laughed like old friends
He told her all about his wife to be
She told him all about her career and hopes of landing a man
5pm, he drove her home, he had to return to Lagos
She invited him in, said she had a gift for him
They got into her flat
She turned to him with that look
It had been there for so many years
He couldn't turn it down
Not if he was going to keep her self esteem and pride intact
They kissed, they necked, they smooched, they panted
She wanted to stop him
He wanted to stop
But their hands, those fingers, the taste
Buttons popped, zip unzipped, hooks unhooked
His mouth roved, her hand roamed
Soon the the joke became an agenda
He headed, she blowed
They left the shore and swam into the river
Done, not done, they did the undoable! 
He didn't know why he was so comfortable 
So guiltless, so at home with her
His fiance had called and called but he couldn't pick
Yet he wasn't perturbed
He didn't leave the next day, nor the day after
He knew the truth but shook it off
He got to Lagos after three day
Everything was out of place
He didn't want to be in Lagos or in Abeokuta
He just wanted to be where she was
It took him a week but he did it!
He called his fiance and broke up the engagement
He drove to Abeokuta and cuddled the crush all night
The fallout was nasty
His parents said he was bewitched
His ex-fiancee cursed and raved
He couldn't defend himself
He couldn't explain what he knew to be true
He loved his ex-fiancee
But with this lady, life suddenly made sense
Things just fell into place
Its that simple
They got married one year later in Las Vegas
On February 14th 2011
They have three children now and live in Lagos, Nigeria
He insisted he made the right choice
She said she had always known he was her husband  wishes you a happy Valentines day