The Weaver's Puzzle

The Weaver's Puzzle

He got home from campus about 
an hour before his friend arrived 
at his door
His friend came in looking dejected
He asked his friend what happened
His friend told him there was a babe 
he was crushing on
He had tried to tell her how he felt 
many times but the babe didn't take 
him serious
The babe was a paragon of beauty
His friend said the babe was the one
The one for whom he could fly into 
the sky and drag the moon to cover 
the sun in the name of love
She was the one
The one for whom he could turn day 
to night
The one for whom he could cause 
an eclipse. 
His friend said the babe had many 
Her mother owned a restaurant and 
she helps out at the restaurant every 
His friend asked him if he could follow 
him to the restaurant to give him 
moral support
His friend said he wanted to tell her 
how he felt but he knew he had 
only one shot and if she should say 
no, that would be that. 
So he had taken his time to cultivate 
her friendship by buying her small 
gifts and becoming her friend but 
he didn't want her to put him in the 
category of a friend for too long
He wanted to strike while the iron 
was hot 
He got his friend's point
His friend was one of those 
ambitious guys who always wanted 
the kind of babe that could never 
say yes to them
His friend was 22, but in his opinion, 
his friend looked like a 16-year-old and 
acted like a 16-year-old
Academically, his friend was a brainiac 
but his friend lacked all the social 
skills required to have a relationship
His friend was short and immature
When his friend got nervous, he 
stutters and fumbles
His friend's parents were rich but 
even their money wasn't enough to 
buy him confidence and class
They met when his family moved to 
the estate
His friend came to introduce himself 
to him one sunny afternoon when 
Nigeria was playing a football match
People were looking for where to 
watch the match but because he 
was new in the estate nobody 
bothered to ask him but his friend
That was how they met
When his friend came to watch the 
match in his house, he came with a 
female family friend
His friend introduced him to the 
female family friend
He spoke with the female family 
friend and they started going out 
a few days later
His friend was shocked at how 
easy it was for him to talk to 
the female family friend and get 
a yes
His friend confided in him that he 
had an eye for the babe but he 
didn't know how to tell her, so they 
remained friends until she opted 
for the new guy in the estate
That was why his friend came to 
His friend wanted moral support 
to land the girl of his dreams
After some more persuasion, he 
followed his friend to the restaurant
As soon as he saw the lady, he 
realized his friend was a tad too 
The lady was a paragon of beauty
The kind that would leverage on 
the beauty to get whatever she 
had in mind as the best for herself
But he couldn't tell his friend that
He has to keep his game face and 
urge his friend to try his luck
They bought some drinks and sat 
in the restaurant
They started talking in whispers
After almost an hour of coaxing and 
His friend finally got the confidence 
to act
The lady was seated at the far left 
side of the restaurant, his friend walked 
up to her and started rapping
He watched the lady's body language 
and realized it would definitely be a no
What he didn't expect was his friend's 
The whole thing happened within 
five minutes
The rap and the rejection
His friend fell on his knees and started 
to beg the lady with tears streaming 
down his face
It was crazy
He watched the scene for another 
minute or two and realized the lady 
was being embarrassed by his friend's
He was about to get involved when 
the lady's mother walked in and raised 
hell at what she saw
"What is this?"
"Who is this boy and why is he crying 
like a ninny?"
His friend got on his feet and fled 
the restaurant
The lady tried to explain to her 
mother that he came to ask her to be 
his girlfriend and she said No
Her mother shouted some more
He paid for their drink and left
When he got home he met his friend 
by his gate
His friend was still crying
He told his friend to forget the babe
His friend wouldn't listen
His friend begged him to intervene
"Speak to her on my behalf" 
his friend begged
He told his friend he had no 
relationship with the lady
If you really want to date her, 
you have to befriend one of her 
sisters or a close friend who can
 persuade her on your behalf
I am a total stranger and I cannot
 be of any help after the damage 
you had done! 
He couldn't believe how angry he 
was at his friend
kneeling down and crying after only 
one "No" was a game killer
Who would date a guy who cannot 
take a No with a smile and respond 
with an overwhelming appeal
As far as he was concerned, the girl 
was a lost cause for his friend 
The next day, his friend was back
His friend offered him some money 
to talk to the lady on his behalf
His friend was very desperate
He said No
His friend went to talk to his babe 
(His friend's family friend
His babe begged him to intervene for 
the sake of friendship
It was a lost cause but his babe 
persuaded him to try his best
She said that was the only way he 
could get his friend off his back
He realized she was right
That evening he dressed in his best 
clothes and went to the restaurant
He met the lady there
He asked for her phone number
She gave him 
He ate at the restaurant and left
Later that evening, he began to 
send her messages
He had thought she would ignore him 
or tell him to go to hell
That was the cue he wanted to take 
to his babe and his friend that he had 
tried his best
The babe didn't do either
She chatted with him respectfully and 
he found her to be quite intelligent
They had a lot of things in common
They love the same genre of music, love 
the same kind of movies and they both 
read a lot
She was an undergraduate, just like him 
and they were in the same school
Just like him, she was living off-campus
She said it was primarily so that she 
can help out at her mother's restaurant
He had expected her to be a proud, 
self-conceited, and overbearing peacock 
but he found her to be intelligent, wise, 
and likable
His friend and his babe knew he was 
exchanging messages with her
He told them he had gotten her phone 
number so that they will see that he 
was taking the "beg her for me" thing 
serious but he couldn't tell them the 
truth about what was going on between 
He mentioned his friend to her and 
she told him to forget about it
She said his friend was not her type
He understood and didn't push the 
matter further
He reported the conversation to his 
friend, even showed him the text 
His friend told him to try harder
He didn't object, he really liked talking 
to the lady
As days rolled into weeks, things began 
to change
He found himself not craving the 
company of his babe like before
He found himself drawn away from 
the friendship with his friend
He told the lady how he was feeling
She told him she felt the same way
Love was making a clarion call to 
both of them and they were powerless 
to resist its lure
They began to meet on campus
He would walk from the faculty of Arts 
to Social Sciences and they would both 
take a walk on campus
They had lunch together
Went to see theater arts performances 
together and just couldn't get enough of 
each other's company
They understood each other naturally
assimilated and fitted into each other's
lives seamlessly
They didn't kiss or touch inappropriately
He told her he was in a relationship and 
she respected that but the time they 
spend together chocked the relationship 
and his friendship
The fact that it was done in secret 
bothered him but he didn't know what to 
do anymore
He was in love with her and even though 
he tried to resist it, the truth bore no 
It took three months for his babe to 
work things out
He had been giving her excuses for 
weeks but she knew something had 
gone wrong
She eventually asked him if he was 
cheating on her
He told her the truth
It broke his babe's heart
She told him to delete the lady's 
messages and walk away from the 
He did it in her presence but it was 
a farce
His heart was long gone
His friend found out and took it badly
That was the end of their friendship
His relationship died 
a natural death
By this time, he and the lady had 
been drawing closer and closer for 
one year
He asked her out and she said Yes.
They got married four years later

PS: She said she knew he was the one 
the very first day she laid her eyes on
 him in her mother's restaurant...
(That was the day he went with his 
friend. To him that day was a disaster
but she said she saw what haopened
as fate weaving their coming together
through his friend)
He said he didn't know when or how
It just so happened that she was the 
They are happily married with three 
This event happened in Ibadan
(Bodija Estate Extension)
The couple resides in Ibadan, Nigeria

Announcement: GSW and the PSSBC
ministers will be in Benin from March
5-March 7, 2021
The Gathering, Benin
Date: March 6, 2021
Address: Omoreggy's Event Center. 
Opposite Hifly Filling Station, Iriri, 
along Estate Gate Road. Benin City
Time: 10am
Please invite friends and relatives
We will be bearing divine verities
for the saints and the message of
of salvation for the unsaved
The gospel of the Lord Jesus propers
in our lives. Hallelujah