Saving Baby Nath
May 14, 2019, 6:33 PM
Hello, Gbenga, i hope you are fine
I have an issue i would like you
to pray for me about
Oh and my name is J****
I have been married for 9 months
now and blessed with a 3-month-old
baby boy his name is Nathaniel
I have a beautiful wife we are
based in Nairobi Kenya
Now the issue is i have been having
an affair for about a year and I slept
with the lady last Friday and
according to our customs once you
do that the baby dies ...
He is is seriously sick right now and i
need your prayers
Please according to our traditions
the baby dies if that happens i
dont know what I was thinking
i'm not on whatsup and i'm one of
your readers please pray for my son
Brother Gbenga prays for Brother J****
Brother J**** (11/09/2020)
When i got home that evening
she was had gotten home and
the baby fever was gone completely
She said she wanted out
I was so proud i told her she was
free to leave
The marriage was only nine months old
but something changed that night
The Holy Spirit began to work on
my mind and the issue was resolved
I always had something heavy on me
weighing me down, with severe
headaches and they left that day
That child of mine turned one year and
three months on Wednesday and he's
such a joy to watch...
I thank God for taking away that pride
and the headaches
My wife was getting attacked a lot and I
used to struggle so much praying for
her but since that day the attacks
have seized every time i lay hands
on her the demons always scream
of being burned hehehe
It has taken me a year to write this but
forgive me sir it was that pride ooh but
it is gone now
I also have some sense of mercy
(I dont know if its the right word)
like whine someone is in pain I
never used to feel anything but
nowadays i do something was
lifted up from my system
....oooh and my son's name is
God bless you sir
I forgot to add this my son had a stench
that night i guess it was the smell
of death but it was gone by daybreak memory was gone i couldn't
remember anything i had talked about
with anyone even an hour ago but
it's back
God is working on it
I want to thank God for all these
miracles sir
Thank you for praying with me and
giving the Holy Spirit the green light
to save my son's life through your
I don't cheat anymore, not out of
fear but because I am a child of God
God bless you sir
Isaiah 49:25
…24Can the plunder be snatched
from the mighty, or the captives
of a tyrant be delivered?
25Indeed, this is what the
LORD says: “Even the captives
of the mighty will be taken away,
and the plunder of the tyrant
will be retrieved; I will
contend with those who contend
with you, and I will save your
children.26I will make your
oppressors eat their own flesh;
they will be drunk on their own
blood, as with wine.
Then all mankind will know that
I, the LORD, am your Savior and
your Redeemer, the Mighty One
of Jacob.”…
GSW's notes: I found this pleasant
news in my twitter DM
Glory be to God for His wonderful
works all over the world
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