Stone Casters

Stone Casters

It was the fruit of their life that made 
me re-examine my beliefs
They were supposed to be the leaders 
of the church
One would come sharing testimonies of 
near-death experiences and losses of all kinds
The other would speak of gloom and doom 
and how her only hope is making heaven
I didn’t find anything attractive in their lives!
Not one thing!
But I know the Holy Spirit and I was a believer
The more they fed me, the more like 
them I became
I taught what they taught me and got 
pats on my back for being a growing Christian!
Their approval was my joy
Then I fell sick
I was preparing for my first medical tourism 
to India
They all have been to India once or twice
for medical tourism
It was a natural path for all of us
But I didn’t have the money and I cannot beg!
So I asked the Holy Spirit
“Is this it, is this the trial and tribulation 
He said no!
He opened my eyes to His gospel!
Live on me
Trust me
Let me work out the details of your life
You cannot trust me and trust in the law 
at the same time
You cannot be sin conscious and be God-conscious 
at the same time
Your reality is determined by what you believe!
I cried that day
The leaders of the church jeopardized my life
They were feeding me an adulterated gospel 
Sin was central to their teaching, not Christ
Self-righteousness has been labeled “Holiness”
I changed!
I read my Bible by myself and prayed in the 
Holy Ghost
It took three months but I was divinely healed
I started preaching the gospel 
The result was outstanding
Barren women in the church started getting 
pregnant and delivering babies
The sick got healed
The dead got raised
They celebrated the results with joy and 
gladness but...
They wouldn’t accept the message I preached
That those who accept Jesus as Lord and 
Saviour and are filled with the Holy Spirit are 
kept by Grace!
They said I am selling sin tickets
Giving people license to sin
They just don’t get it
“He that is born of God cannot sin”


Put 8 monkeys in a room. In the middle of
 the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of 
bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling. 
Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, 
all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, 
which makes them miserable. 
Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts 
to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, 
not wanting to be sprayed on, set upon him 
and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight 
monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.
One of the original monkeys is then removed, 
and a new monkey is put in the room. 
Seeing the bananas and the ladder, 
he wonders why none of the other monkeys 
are doing the obvious. But undaunted, 
he immediately begins to climb the ladder.
All the other monkeys fall upon him and 
beat him silly and he has no idea why. 
However, he no longer attempts to 
climb the ladder.
A second original monkey is removed 
and replaced. 
The newcomer again attempts to climb 
the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer 
the crap out of him. This includes the 
previous new monkey,
who, grateful that he’s not on the receiving 
end this time, participates in the beating 
because all the other monkeys are doing it. 
However, he has no idea why he’s attacking 
the new monkey. One by one, all the original 
monkeys are replaced.
Eight new monkeys are now in the room. 
None of them have ever been sprayed by 
ice water. None of them attempt to climb 
the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically 
beat up any new monkey who tries, without 
having any idea why.
That is how traditions, religion and ethnic 
profiling get established and followed.
Think twice before following a tradition, 
religion or negative ethnic profiling.
 It would make more sense if you get your own 
understanding to it!

-Author Unknown

I'm over it! 

I want to apologize for anyone that came 
searching for Jesus but you were confronted 
for wearing a hat in the building. 
I want to apologize if you are a young lady who
 tried to come to Jesus but the mothers jumped 
on you for your shoulders showing. 
Please accept my apology if you were coming to
 church to get free from addiction but you were 
stopped at the door because of your 
Sorry for the harsh bashing of 
homosexuals from pulpits
Forgive us if you were a prostitute coming for 
deliverance right after a shift but instead of 
being met with Gods love you were not welcome. 
The truth is we pray for revival but don't 
realize that we cant pick and choose the type 
of people the Spirit draws. 
We cant choose the color of skin, the attire, 
or the situation or struggle they are in. 
When Revival comes a great net is 
cast and often people who are demonized 
will come. Let's not forget many sitting in 
church are still demonized. Your demon of 
self righteousness or unforgivness is not 
any better. Many manifest anytime someone 
leaves their church when they curse them or 
form clicks against people. Most are going 
to be offended when revival comes. 
This is also why most believers don't ever 
evangelize. We lost connection to the father's 
The power of God can break addictions and 
destroys yokes. Do we really believe that? 
Have we looked at our cities lately? 
You tell me by the fruit. Are we transforming 
our cities with our current mindset and 
does it actually continue the ministry of Jesus 
toward sinners, unlearned, and the immature? 

Author Unknown

I had a "follow up" convert once 
All i did was tell him about Jesus and then 
follow him up until he started coming to 
He joined the believers class and started growing!
Suddenly I was posted to another parish
I didn't see him for a few months
By the time I saw him again, he had started
attending another church
I asked him why
He said our church was preaching holiness
but they were not practicing what they preached
I asked him how
He said "The ladies wear trousers, perm and/or fix
their hair, nails, use make-up, shake hands with
members of the opposite sex, treat guys like their 
equals, wear short skirts and gowns and so on
He had issues with everything!
He said "If you will teach holiness, then why
accommodate unholy members! 
If you are sincere they should be thrown out! 
They are polluting the temple of God!
So which church do you attend now?
I asked him
"He mentioned the church!
It was one of the churches with a no TV for 
members policy!
He was once of another religion with strict
rules regarding how women dressed and 
found that denomination very appropriate!
The version of Jesus he was comfortable with
worked perfectly with the beliefs and conducts
of the religious sect he used to belong to!
All he swapped was a five times a day
prayer and a hardened religious heart
for a "Jesus" in religious garb and a rocky
One morning in 2009, I went to the Experience 
(A Christian musical concert organized
by House on The Rock Church in Nigeria)
with a sister from my parish
I was single then and so was she!
She was also a Sickle-cell patient
The heavens opened on that particular 
It rained cats and dogs!
My number one concern was how to get 
the lady home without triggering a crisis
Tafawa Balewa Square was flooded
I sat on a deep freezer under a tent
and she sat on my legs all night so that
the floodwater would not touch her legs!
It was torture! 
An all-night torture!
All around me people were fainting and 
being carried
off to the ambulances for treatment
I prayed like never before that God will get 
through the cold night
The lady wore my jacket and she had 
"Chinese balm"
which I used to massage her leg constantly
The sister's siblings and parents kept calling
me and begging me to make sure she was
kept warm!
By 5 AM the next morning, the rain abated 
and we headed home!
The sister was shivering all over!
Somehow after she got home, the cold lifted
Crisis was averted
I had feared that her parents would have
my head but they were gracious!
Later in the evening, the brother came to my
house and read me the riot act!
"I saw you at the experience! I was ashamed to
identify with you! 
You held his sister so and so's
hand and ran into a deserted tent 
with her during the rain!
Our office came to supply some materials
I just sat in the bus and prayed for your soul
all night!
You have missed it and you need to repent!
Didn't i tell you that those girls have seductive
She wore tight jeans and lured you into sin!
I couldn't believe it
While we were suffering, he was actually in a
bus that could accommodate us and take us home
sooner and keep her warm
But he assumed we were committing a sin
and left us to suffer!
What a kind Christian heart he had?
I allowed him to vent and then I told him
what really happened!
I asked him if he would have left her alone
or helped as I did!
He said "My own God
cannot lead me into such a situation! I
would never have gone to Experience with 
a lady, not to talk of the lady being a Sickle cell 
I know the God I serve
He cannot lead me into temptation!
He walked away and from that day considered
me a sinner with a reprobate heart who refused
to acknowledge his sins and make amends!
A year later I got married (Not to the lady) and
moved on with my life!
One evening in 2013 he darkened my door!
My brother, he said, I have impregnated a 
lady in the church
Her father is a pastor and the family is
demanding that I bring my friends as proof
of my character before they will let me marry 
Her Father is a pastor and He is spitting fire!
None of my friends in my church would touch
me with a long pole!
I have sinned and i have been thrown to the 
My wife to be is a lovely lady, I love her with
all my heart
We didn't mean to have sex or misbehave
She was serving in Kaduna
I went to deliver some packages in Kaduna
(Official duty)
She came to see me in the hotel I lodged in
We didn't mean it!
The flesh just took over
Please help me!
I called some Christian brothers I know
We went with him to meet with the lady's
Her father turned out to be a known person
who respects me a great deal
The storm was calmed and he got the blessings
of the bride's parents to marry their daughter!
He couldn't believe the length I went to
help him mend all the broken fences!
We also rallied around him financially and morally
to get the wedding done on time
He looked at me and said "Do you know I never
would have done the same for you?"
I said I know!
"Why then are you helping me?" He asked
"I love you" I replied!
He didn't understand it but he accepted it
After his wedding, he left the church
He said the church members are looking at
him and his wife somehow
"They gave us punishment and we served it
But they were still talking about it
Looking at us somehow
My wife had not been to church for weeks
because of the stigma and shame!"
They left the church a week later!
According to him, his former religion
would have been more forgiving!

PS: I am not encouraging people to get
pregnant out of wedlock in churches!
I am not making excuses for sin
I am making a case for the Spirit of Jesus
to permeate our realities
Don't let us be quick to throw stones
If anyone of us strays, let us restore such
in love and in the Spirit of Christ
Let brotherly love among us be real and
unconditional (Love unfeigned)
If we walk in the Light as He is the light
we have fellowship with one another and
the blood of Jesus "His Son" cleanses us
from all sin 1 John 1:7