Working Wonders
There was a wound at her back
It had been there for years
She never knew how she got it
Someone described it as an attack
of the enemy
It got very painful at times
The pain abates at other times
In the first few weeks that she joined GSW
intercessory prayer group on Telegram
A word of prophecy was given that
everyone should lay their hands on the
part of their body that requires healing
She did as instructed and slept after
the prayer
The next morning the wound had
dried up
The wound healed permanently
She never felt the pain again
She had a hormone imbalance since
November 2018
The effect on her was that she bled
between menstrual cycles
She was given a medication to correct
it at the hospital
The bleeding stopped while she used
the medication
And it always resumed when she
completes the dosage
She stopped the medication
The bleeding persisted till around
August 2019 when a word of prophecy
was given on Telegram that hormone
imbalance is corrected
She received it
The issue stopped after the menstrual
period of August 2019!
She could not locate her car key
one evening
She searched everywhere logically
possible that the key could be
She still did not find it
She relaxed and said a simple word
of prayer
"Holy Spirit of God, tell me where
the car key is?"
She was led to check the fridge
It was by the corner inside the fridge door
How did it get there?
Her baby dropped it there when she
opened the fridge.
She did not see the baby when he
dropped it there
She figured it out after she was led
by the Holy Spirit to check there
She lost the key a second time
This happened in the morning when
she was about leaving home for work
She was running late and was already
She left without the car that morning
While at work she prayed she would
find the key by the time she got home
On getting home her teenage son told
her he would check under the bed
He checked and found it there
He must only have been led by the
Holy Spirit to do so
How did it get there?
This time around she did not know
Shortly after joining the Pneuma School of
Supernatural Bible College (PSSBCNigeria)
she made it a point of duty to practice the
daily teaching learned
Her teething baby was running a fever
There was no pain reliever or teething
mixture at home
It was late evening and she was
reluctant to go out to buy
She laid hands on him and declared him
healed of the fever
Gradually the fever went down till his
temperature became normal.
Sometimes at few minutes before the
group Bible reading at 7pm
her baby gets restless and this will disturb
her attention for participation.
She will hold the baby, speak to him
to be calm and pray in the spirit
In a few minutes, baby would be fast asleep
He will sleep all through the Bible reading
time and will only wake up at the end of it
to eat then go back to sleep by 9pm
when it's time for the school prayer and
Telegram intercessory prayer
She went to buy an item from a woman
around her child's school one day
The seller sat weakly on a chair
She told her to pick whatever she needed
and bring the money
This seller usually gets up to attend
to her customers
She knew something must be wrong
with the woman
She asked her if everything was okay
Seller said she was ill and her
medication made her weak
She requested to pray with her
She held her hands and declared
her healed of all infirmity
The following day she saw the seller
walking fast to take a bike
Wow! This was a woman that could
barely talk and walk the previous day
It is not by human power
She got healed by the power of the
Holy Spirit
She has a hair stylist that comes
home to make her hair every forthnight.
For some time the stylist complained
that she had been ill and cannot go around
to make hair for her customers.
She requested to pray with the lady.
The lady got better after they prayed.
The stylist claimed she was strong enough
to go round making hair again.
What we say we are is what we will be.
Positive declaration matters
A year old baby in church was running a
high temperature.
This particular baby falls sick so often
that the mother got worried.
Almost every weekend it is one malady
or the other.
On this Sunday she was led by the Spirit
to pray for the baby.
After church service that day she asked the
baby's mother if she could pray for the baby.
She laid hands on the baby and declared
her healed completely.
From that day till now she had not seen or
heard of the baby falling sick again
Late at night one day, hot water
poured on her leg.
The knee to the ankle was soaked
with this boiling water.
She went to the hospital the following
day for treatment.
She was not given much attention because
the wound did not look bad.
Burns ointment and some medicine '
were recommended.
As the days went by the leg started to swell.
The pain increased too.
A church member who is a nurse specialist
in burns saw the wound.
The nurse offered to treat it for her.
By the time the nursing of the leg
started, the wound had gotten
very bad!
The burnt skin was cut off leaving
the flesh open.
The nurse estimated a month for
the wound to heal.
She felt bad hearing this.
The leg was wrapped in a bandage
and there was a daily dressing of
the wound.
Every night she joined her prayer
group on Telegram and Zoom.
On the fourth day that the dressing
of the wound started she felt some
tingling sensation in the leg during
the night prayer.
She did not see any prophecy on
leg wound.
She was praying in the spirit with others
on zoom at that time.
When the tingling feeling started on the
wound she knew that the leg was healed!
She gave thanks for the healing.
The following morning the wound
was still sore and painful, though
she knew it had been healed.
On the morning of the sixth day
the wound had miraculously dried up!
There was no pain, no sore.
She stood up and could stand on
the leg comfortably.
Her joy knew no bounds!
A one-month "estimation" wound
was healed in a week!
During prayers on Telegram one night,
she prophesied that boil is dried up.
The next day she noticed a boil growing
at a corner of her body.
She laughed.
So she prophesied concerning herself
without knowing it at the time.
She touched the boil and commanded
it to dry up.
She did this for three days.
She didn't see any trace of the boil
again by the third day.
She was driving in a bad traffic under
the sun one day.
Suddenly the car started to malfunction.
It began to move slowly and jerkily.
The indicator on the dashboard was
tending towards overheating.
She didn't know what to do at first.
Suddenly she said a simple word of
prayer that the car should work fine
and not be faulty in Jesus name.
She then started speaking in tongues.
Instantly, the car responded and
functioned well even till now
without any issue.
She had used the car afterward
and it still worked fine
These are just some of the many
experiences during the year 2019
Others include speaking to nature;
rain and sun, speaking to traffic,
calling forth vehicles at bus stops,
changing unfavourable requests,
commanding ministering angel for
a purpose or mission, and so on.
Jesus said whosoever believes in Him
will do what He did and even greater
things than He did
She believes and she performs miracles
like Jesus did
Abike, 2019
PS: When you deliberately change your
reality from self to Christ
You begin to experience the reality
of Christ
Some argue mere words all-day
They know nothing of the kingdom or
the word of God and yet they have a huge
loudspeaker screaming their ignorance!
A puff of smoke, weightless words and carnal
No wonder Jesus said to them,
"Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the
prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God
ahead of you" John 21:31
We are making disciples of all nations
We are fulfilling the mandate of Christ
Pneuma School of Supernatural and
Bible College is starting off 2020
lecture season on January 3
All lectures are online via Zoom mobile App
If you desire to know, please join us!
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