Author: admin

The Escape

The Escape

The Vulture

The Vulture

There was nothing more empowering for him than to see the crowd flock to their headquarters...

Give Love A Chance

Give Love A Chance

The season of love was in full gear He scanned the crowd Where could she be He saw...



He had never believed in God All his life he had scorned believers Laughed at the...

Wicked Heart

Wicked Heart

She: Please, help me, I know nothing about this He: I know She: Will you help me?...



He told God 'Father, please take these images away from her head, take away the...

Video Assisted Confession

Video Assisted Confession

Babe brings her friend to the house, they were having lunch He: I have the video...

Blood Moon

Blood Moon

He didn’t show up She waited 1 hour, 5 hours!!! She left the rehearsal venue Drove...



She graduated, started working. He reasoned, 'She is making money now' Why do I...



So now you care. Were you not my parents when Aunt so and so was molesting me? Did...



On Saturday, she stormed in, followed by four hefty men. He: Where have you been?...